
Persuasive Essay Model

Many people believe that New York is a fantastic place to live. Why else would such a small city have such a large population. Celebrities also love New York. Frank Sinatra sings “New York, New York”. Also, JZ and Alicia Keys sing “Empire State of Mind”. If it can inspire celebrities to write songs about it, then it must be a great place. New York is a fabulous place to live because of its rich culture, its amazing attractions, and its interesting people.

One reason that someone should live in New York City is because of the culture. The culture is very thrilling and exciting. It is exciting because of the many things to do and watch. One of these things are to watch the public entertainment. If a person were to walk around the city, he or she would see many performances. Some people dance, sing, or play an instrument. Other performances are disturbing, yet interesting to watch. Some people might not like the culture of New York City, nonetheless, the culture of this city always seem to grab people’s attention. Another reason that the culture is very thrilling is because of the food. If a person were looking to try new and exciting food, he or she should go to Chinatown. They have many different types of food. One food that they have is cat. Most people have never tasted it, but those who have say that it is surprisingly good. Chinatown also has great ice cream. They have every flavor that you can imagine and more. Finally, another great aspect of the culture is that there is always something to do. If a New Yorker were to take a walk in New York City, he or she would be amazed by all the things there are to do. That person could take a walk in Central Park. It is amazing. There are beautiful lakes and ponds. Someone could have a picnic. There is also a huge playground for the children. And not too far from Central Park is a Mac store if someone loves computers and technology. The roof is made of glass, but the store is underground. If someone went to Chinatown, that person could visit the many shops and restaurants there. There is also Times Square. If a person were to have a good New Year’s Eve, he or she should there. The night is so amazing. All these things contribute to the fascinating culture of New York City.

The second incentive of why someone should live in New York City is because of the attractions. There are so many attractions in New York City. One very fun attraction is the Yankee Stadium. Not everybody loves the Yankees, but the stadium is amazing. A person could just fall in love with the atmosphere. There are so many people and as someone walks in they could smell all the different kinds of food, hear the yells of screaming fans and look at the many souvenirs that are available to them. Another great attraction is Central Park. It is better than going to the beach! A person could jog, host a picnic, get a suntan, look at amazing street performers, buy a snack, take a romantic walk, and so much more. Someone could only find that in New York City. Finally, a very historically significant site would be the Statue of Liberty. It draws the attention of many tourists. It is also next to Ellis Island, another historically significant attraction. Someone would need a boat ride to both, but it is worth it. A person might argue that there are other historically significant sites such as Liberty Bell. Be that as it may, the attractions at New York City are far more well known and rich in history than those other places. The attractions at New York City are very fascinating.

Finally, the last reason that someone should live in New York City is because of the people. Some people think that New Yorkers are very aggressive; however, they are not. They can be very helpful. New York City is a very big place. A person could easily get lost with or without a map. But if that person were to ask someone for directions, he or she would gladly help you out. Or if someone needed something else like change for a phone booth, a kind, bypassing pedestrian would willingly give it to that person (sometimes). Besides from being helpful, the people are very diverse. Not only culturally diverse, but they are different in personalities and classifications as well. For instance, a person could find people that can dance, play an instrument, draw a caricature of someone, or many other talents. These people want attention and will get it in a very positive way. Some people might argue that the people there are strange. That may be true, but the weirdness and uniqueness of the people is what draws people’s attention. Finally, there are many people in New York as well. Perhaps someone was looking for that special person, in a city with a population of billions of people, they are bound to find that someone. Also, they could find a long lost friend from the past (although, Facebook could already do that). New York City is huge and many people want to live there. Perhaps someone that a person already knows lives there. It’s a possibility. If someone were to live in New York, they would find some great people there.

In summary, New York is such an exciting place to live in. It is unique in culture, attractions and, people. Many people just go there to enjoy the fascinating culture of New York. The culture is what inspired many people to do many things such as sing or draw. Also, tourists go there for the historical significance of the attractions of the city such as the African Burial Ground or the famous Statue of Liberty. Finally, the people at New York City are interesting. Some are kind, others live to bring joy and entertainment to the people. Most people look at New York City as violent, sinister, and loaded with crazy people. But if those things are true, then why do so many people love the “Big Apple”?