Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies


Ms. Indovina

Phone: 837-8300


Biology Assessment Guide

Personnel Supplies: Classroom Supplies:

·  3 Ring Binder 1” 1st period A Day – baby wipes

·  Sharpened Pencils 1st period B Day – Clorox wipes

·  Loose Leaf Paper 2nd period – quart size ziplock bags

·  Agenda 3rd period – makrkers

·  Dry erase marker

·  Red or green pen

·  Clorox wipes


Participation grades may include but not limited to:

·  Bell ringer / opening assignment (grade may be affected by being tardy to class)

·  Verbal participation in class – answering questions, asking questions, and contributing to class discussions. Students are expected to contribute several times per class period.

·  Homework Assignments: written assignments may be given 2 -3 times per week. Homework is graded for accuracy, not completion.

Late homework will not be accepted. In the event of an extenuating circumstance please email or speak with me individually during lunch (12:20).

Nightly homework includes, reviewing the notes for the unit and studying the new information.

·  Homework quizzes: homework may be graded by giving a quiz in place of checking the completed assignment.

Tests: Assessments will be based on the Biolog GLEs determined by the Louisiana Department of Education’s Comprehensive Curriculum. The assessments will consists of multiple choice questions, free response questions, and EOC prototype questions.

Please check parent portal for grades and missing assignments. If you feel there is an error, please contact me.

ATTENDANCE: There is no substitution for being in class. However, in the event you need to be absent, it is the student’s responsibility to make up the missed work. You can check the wiki or phone a friend. Missed work will not be issued nor made up during class time.

If you are absent 1-2 days, make up work must be made up prior to the next class period. If you are absent more than 3 days, please see me during lunch (12:20) the day you return.


All work is expected to be turned in on the due date. Late work will not be accepted. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please see me prior to school or at lunch.

EXTRA HELP: If you need extra help, DO NOT WAIT until the day of or the day before an assignment is due to seek help. Reminder: tutoring is available.

Take advantage of peer tutoring.


·  Arrive on time in proper uniform and have all supplies necessary. (only supplies science should be out during the class time)

·  Complete your homework before class and be prepared for assessments.

·  In order to keep Haynes’ campus clean, students will not be allowed to drink, eat, or chew gum during this class.

·  Students may not use a cell phone in any capacity during my class. Cell phones must by off and in the school bag.

·  Students are expected to follow rules set forth by JPPSS and HAAS.

·  Do your own work; copying another student’s work will result in a zero.

I am looking forward to working with you this school year. If you have any questions please email me or call to schedule an appointment.

*Please note that this syllabus may be altered at any time during the year as the need arises.

Syllabus and Course Requirements Acknowledgment Page


Please fill out and return the form below for my records.


I have carefully read and understand these course requirements for Ms. Indovina’s Biology class.


Student Name (please print) Student Signature


Period Date


I have carefully read and discussed these course requirements with my child.


Parent/Guardian Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature
