Before writing your paper, you must determine your personality type by clicking on the link posted on your calendar titled “Personality Type Test.” You will be labeling your personality type based on four dimensions: introversion –extraversion, sensing-intuiting, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving. Scrolling down, you will see 4 separate pages: the E I page, the S N page, the T F page, and the J P page.

Page 1: Does your perception of your own personality type fit better with the characteristics listed for “E” (extroversion) or more for “I” (introversion)?

Page 2: Select whether you believe your personality is more of an “S” (sensing) or “N” (intuiting) type.

Page 3: Select whether you consider yourself to fit better with the “T” (thinking) or the “F” (feeling) characteristics.

Page 4: Select whether you fit better with the characteristics of the “J”(judging) type or “P” (perceiving) type.

To write your paper, follow the instructions below.

Following this selection process, you will have a 4‐letter personality type. Click on the link on your calendar titled “Personality Type Profiles” to attain a specific profile of your type. After reviewing this personality profile, you are to answer the following 3 questions, making sure to number each of your answers. Thus, your paper will consist of a total of three numbered paragraphs.

1. Does the profile "fit" how you perceive your personality? Be specific! Provide examples of instances of behavior that illustrate the particular characteristics

that seem very much like how you view yourself. If the profile includes information

which you believe is inaccurate, please discuss in similar detail.

2. Ask one person who knows you very well to read your profile and offer detailed feedback. Include that person's comments in your paper along with your own reaction to the feedback given to you. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

3. Read the criticism of the Myers‐Briggs Personality Inventory posted on the calendar titled “Myers Briggs Criticism” and conclude your paper with your summary of and response to this criticism.