Personal Transformation(Supernatural - Lesson 1 of 4)
Students will learn key attributes of the Holy Spirit and how these bring great benefit to their lives.
Key Thought:
The Spirit is in you to change you.
Note to Parents/Guardians:
In this lesson, your teen started learning from a new series about the Holy Spirit. It was a more in-depth lesson, where the teens learned words like Sovereign (exercising supreme authority) and Day of Pentecost (The day the Holy Spirit came to indwell believers, giving birth to the church).
The key point of the message was two-fold. First, it was to teach the students that the Holy Spirit is Deity (meaning He is God). Secondly, was to explain that the Holy Spirit is a person. Not like you and me (flesh and blood), but very much like us in that He has intellect, emotion and will.
The following is a paragraph from a doctrinal statement about the Personhood and Deity of the Holy Spirit. Take a few minutes to meditate on the meaning of the phrases in it, looking up the Scripture and asking God to increase your knowledge of who He is. When you know God better and understand His attributes, you will begin to connect everyday life teaching with your son or daughter back to who God is and what He desires from us. It is easy to gloss over theology (truth about God) and consider it not important, but the reality is that we love God better when we know Him better.
The Holy Spirit, in rank, is the third person of the triune God, and He is:
- Coequal to God the Father and Jesus (Mt. 28:19).
- Coexistent, and coeternal with both the Father and the Son (Acts 5:3-4; 2 Cor. 13:14).
- Third Agent in the economic order of the Godhead. The Father is the Head or the First source, the Son is the second channel, and the third agent is the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 8:6; Eph. 2:18).
- Fully a person, not a force or mass of energy (Acts 5:3-4; Jn. 16:7-14), and as a person, He is self- determinate (He thinks about actions in light of consequences) and self-conscious (He thinks abstractly about Himself).
Discussion Questions:
Following are the questions the students discussed during their small group time:
1.In what ways have you noticed a personality trait hindering someone in their service to God?
2When you consider that the Spirit has intellect and knows all things, how does this impact your sense of finding answers when you need wisdom?
3.How does the fact that the Holy Spirit is a person help you understand God better?