Name: Date: Period:
Personal Statement Brainstorm
Introduction: Sometimes, we’re not aware of our most essential attributes, and we need another individual to recognize our unique qualities and gifts. The following exercise is designed to help you connect with other individuals and receive meaningful feedback about your strengths and weaknesses. Keep an open mind and treasure the honest feedback from friends and family!
Directions: Conduct brief interviews from the following individuals. Please take careful, detailed notes. When completed, each box should contain approximately 40 words each.
Family Member: ______Signature: ______1. Describe me as a student. What are my academic strengths and weaknesses?
2. What contributions would I make to a college or university?
3. Finally, what other qualities are unique to me?
4. In your opinion, what are my greatest accomplishments?
Friend: ______Signature: ______
1. Describe me as a student. What are my academic strengths and weaknesses?
2. What contributions would I make to a college or university?
3. Finally, what other qualities are unique to me?
4. In your opinion, what are my greatest accomplishments?
(See reverse)
YOU!: ______1. How would you characterize your academic strengths? Be specific. Identify a talent, skill, or strength, and provide a personal example as evidence. (20 words)
2. What is one of your academic weaknesses? Is there any way that you can discuss that weakness in a more positive manner? In other words, were there any lessons learned? Be specific. (20 words)
3. Identify three events, activities, or trips that have been meaningful to you. (Note: These do NOT need to relate to school.) Why were these significant? What did you learn? (30 words)
4. What contributions would you make to a college or university? In other words, what do you offer a college in terms of your personal character, talent, or interests? (15 words)
5. Finally, what gifts, interests, or qualities are unique to you? (15 words)