PYP Action Plan

What do we want to learn/achieve? / Evidence of achievement of, or progress towards, goal
How will we know what we have learned/achieved? /

Strategies to meet goal

How best will we learn/achieve our goal? / Date to be achieved / People and resources needed
Examine the current ICT documentation and
re-write to include the essential elements of the PYP. / Updated ICT documentation
Review date for ICT documentation
Feedback from interested parties (i.e Teaching and Learning Committee) / Using the current ICT documentation initially identify key areas that are addressing the essential elements.
Use the transkills draft document linked on wiki page (under skills) as a starting point for the new document.

Essential Elements - Knowledge

Essential Elements - Concepts
Essential Elements - Skills
Essential Elements - Attitudes
Essential Elements - Action
/ Term 4 2010 / TL/ICT Co-ordinator
PYP Co-ordinator

What do we want to learn/achieve? / Evidence of achievement of, or progress towards, goal
How will we know what we have learned/achieved? /

Strategies to meet goal

How best will we learn/achieve our goal? / Date to be achieved / People and resources needed
Identify how we are currently developing International Mindedness with regards to the ICTs
And consider other possible ICT resources to support this / Create a hotlist of resources that can support ‘Action in the PYP’.
Post to the wiki, PYP moodle page, edmodo / Consider the list posted to the wiki page (see below).
Students using the internet (self-initiated) to find more relevant websites (at home) and sharing what they've found on the VLE for the benefit of their peers.
- A child who was doing a charity event used technology to spread their message to a wider audience and gain sponsorship.
- A child choosing to find an alternative way of solving a problem using ICT
- Children choosing to start a school newspaper and they are using technology to get this going
- Students choosing to show their parents how to use a particular aspect of technology that they may have used in school
Brainstorm what we are currently doing/ seeing students doing for Action.
Create a hotlist of possible resources to support this area / End of 2010/
Term 1 2011 / TL/ICT Co-ordinator
What do we want to learn/achieve? / Evidence of achievement of, or progress towards, goal
How will we know what we have learned/achieved? /

Strategies to meet goal

How best will we learn/achieve our goal? / Date to be achieved / People and resources needed
Present to JS Staff ideas behind the professional learning documentand from the workshop.
/ Wiki page of the page with ideas/summary for staff to view

Staff feedback / Staff Development Session
Create a prezi or similar
Gather anecdotal feedback via email, edmodo or verbal…about the implications of data presented. / Next week! / T/ICT Co-ordinator

PYP Action Plan

Research Skills
The student can implement sophisticated search strategies to identify and retrieve relevant information. The student can make informed decisions about the quality and bias of information and interpret, organise and analyse information to communicate ideas effectively using appropriate media. The student makes informed choices about strategic tools to use at all stages of the research process.
PYP Transdisciplinary Skills
Taken from ‘Making the PYP Happen 2007’
Formulating questions
Identifying something one wants or needs to know and asking compelling and relevant questions that can be researched.
Using all the senses to notice relevant details.
Developing a course of action; writing an outline; devising ways of finding out necessary information.
Collecting data
Gathering information from a variety of first- and second-hand sources such as maps, surveys, direct observation, books, films, people, museums and learning technologies.
Recording data
Describing and recording observations by drawing, note taking, making charts, tallying, writing statements.
Organizing data
Sorting and categorizing information; arranging into understandable forms such as narrative descriptions, tables, timelines, graphs and diagrams.
Interpreting data
Drawing conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from organized data.
Presenting research findings
Effectively communicating what has been learned; choosing appropriate media.
Novice / Apprentice / Practitioner / Expert
The student asks questions and uses digital sources to find information.
e.g. Questions are posed during UOI and students are directed to specific websites to find information
/ The student can use simple search strategies to identify and retrieve information.
e.g. Using key word searches in or searching textease resources / The student can implement a range of search strategies to identify and retrieve relevant information.
e.g. Students use online resources such as Wikipedia to find relevant information using specific criteria / The student can implement sophisticated search strategies to identify and retrieve relevant information.
e.g. Students use more than one search engine, use phrase searching and Boolean logic.
The student uses tools to assist at some stages of the research process.
e.g.: Following pre-directed links
/ The student can make decisions about the relevance of information and interpret and organise information to communicate ideas.
e.g. Make a choice from a list on a search website
/ The student can make decisions about the quality of information and interpret and organise information to communicate ideas effectively.
e.g. Create and organize bookmarks.
/ The student can make informed decisions about the quality and bias of information and interpret, organise and analyse information to communicate ideas effectively using appropriate media.
e.g. Using specific criteria to evaluate the validity and value of various websites.
The student chooses familiar tools to use at some stages of the research process.
e.g. use links to relevant websites from the CLC, use class wikis
/ The student makes choices about tools to use at most stages of the research process.
/ The student makes informed and independent choices about strategic tools to use at all stages of the research process.
e.g. uses information sources including online community tools like blogs and wikis, RSS and news feeds, and real-time data sources. Online databases as an alternative to search engines
Social skills
Students use a variety of learning technologies to work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others, adopting different roles within a group. They create and implement essential agreements for digital citizenship. Students demonstrate understanding and awareness of wider social issues in regard to learning technologies. They make informed decisions to protect their own and others' safety.
PYP Transdisciplinary Skills
Taken from ‘Making the PYP Happen 2007’
Accepting responsibility
Taking on and completing tasks in an appropriate manner; being willing to assume a share of the responsibility.
Respecting others
Listening sensitively to others; making decisions based on fairness and equality; recognizing that others’ beliefs, viewpoints, religions and ideas may differ from one’s own; stating one’s opinion without hurting others.
Working cooperatively in a group; being courteous to others; sharing materials; taking turns.
Resolving confllearning technologies
Listening carefully to others; compromising; reacting reasonably to the situation; accepting responsibility appropriately; being fair.
Group decision making
Listening to others; discussing ideas; asking questions; working towards and obtaining consensus.
Adopting a variety of group roles
Understanding what behaviour is appropriate in a given situation and acting accordingly; being a leader in some circumstances, a follower in others.
Novice / Apprentice / Practitioner / Expert
Students understand the use of learning technologies in school.
e.g. use TuxPaint to draw a picture / Students understand the role and impact of learning technologies in society and apply safe and responsible actions when working with learning technologies. / Students understand the role of, and consider the impact of some learning technologies in society, developing and applying ethical, safe and responsible practices when working with learning technologies in online and stand-alone environments.
e.g. identifies and uses search engines which are "kid safe" / Students understand the role and impact of learning technologies in society, developing and applying ethical, safe and responsible practices when working with learning technologies in online and stand-alone environments.
e.g. Students keep personal details to themselves and uses appropriate language when working in online environments.
Student applies basic protocols and practices for safe, secure and responsible use of learning technologies by following instructions from teachers and parents. e.g. inputs the username and password correctly / Students develop and apply basic protocols and practices for safe, secure and responsible use of learning technologies by following school rules and procedures. / Students develop and apply codes of practice that promotes safety, security, responsibility and respect by having good manners and caring for others they communicate with, and only communicating with people the teachers or parents know.
e.g. Adding to, agreeing and disagreeing appropriately with others whilst using a CLC forum. / Students take responsibility for personal behaviours when working with remote learning teams and using shared school, home and community facilities by explicitly discussing ideas and publishing a personal code of practice on personal spaces.
e.g. appropriate use of wikis including creation of management of wiki and collaborate effectively with other members of the wiki.
Student examines values and identifies issues and practices for using learning technologies in a safe and responsible manner by talking with teachers and parents about responsibly using the web, virtual environments, and simulated games. / Student examines practices in a variety of learning technologies environments and identifies underlying values
e.g. explores and talks through the story lines in games and other new online texts. / Student creates and applies values and codes of practice in the learning technologies environment that respect individual rights and cultural differences when accessing and delivering information online.
e.g. create a policy document for students in school to follow.
Student identifies and acknowledges the owner/creator of digital information
e.g. uses hyperlinks to indicate source of information / Student identifies owner(s)/creator(s) of digital information sources and applies sound practices to acknowledge them
e.g. routinely references; using digital signatures on their own creations and communication. / Student applies protocols to acknowledge the owner(s)/creators(s) of digital information sources.
e.g. develops an awareness of legislation relating to digital theft and plagiarism by developing copyright and intellectual property statements.
Student applies basic preventative strategies to address health and safety issues when using learning technologies.
e.g. plugs devices safely into computer and uses effectively. / Student applies a range of preventative strategies to address issues relating to health and safety when using learning technologies
e.g. positions computer monitor to reduce glare and prevent eye fatigue. / Student applies a range of preventative strategies to address issues relating to health and safety when using learning technologies.
e.g. applies simple ergonomic principles to layout of computer work area.
Student reflects on their personal safety and information security practices when using learning technologies.
e.g. recognises importance of not sharing password information with others / Student develops and applies strategies for the security of personal information when using learning technologies
e.g. is careful to show their online profiles or subscriptions to online services only to appropriate adults / Student develops and applies strategies for securing and protecting digital information and files especially when accessing personal resources which travel between home, school and community sites or reside on networks.
e.g. Apply strategies that ensure privacy and security are maintained when using Web 2.0 sites.
Students can identify some examples of how they and their parents use learning technologies.
e.g. uses Yahooligan search / Student reflects on how learning technologies are used in the community and identifies how they impact on people.
e.g. builds a concept map about home uses of computers by asking – Who, When, What, Where, Why and How / Student reflects on and analyses the use of learning technologies in the workplace and identify their impact in society
e.g. asks ‘What learning technologies devices are used in the workplace to make it operate more efficiently?’. / Student reflects on, analyses and evaluates the use of learning technologies and its broad impact on lifestyles, commerce, environmental and human progress.
e.g. debates the responsibilities and rights of people and groups to publish online and form online communities.
Students take on a collaborative task using learning technology in an appropriate manner, being willing to assume a share of the responsibility for that task.
e.g. complete a webquest taking on specific roles / Students use a variety of learning technologies to work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others, adopting different roles within a group. e.g. create Wiki with pupils at a different school
Thinking Skills
Students use creative and critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
PYP Transdisciplinary Skills
Taken from ‘Making the PYP Happen 2007’
Thinking skills
Acquisition of knowledge
Gaining specific facts, ideas, vocabulary; remembering in a similar form.
Grasping meaning from material learned; communicating and interpreting learning.
Making use of previously acquired knowledge in practical or new ways.
Taking knowledge or ideas apart; separating into component parts; seeing relationships; finding unique characteristics.
Combining parts to create wholes; creating, designing, developing and innovating.
Making judgments or decisions based on chosen criteria; standards and conditions.
Dialectical thought
Thinking about two or more different points of view at the same time; understanding those points of view; being able to construct an argument for each point of view based on knowledge of the other(s); realizing that other people can also take one’s own point of view.
Analysing one’s own and others’ thought processes; thinking about how one thinks and how one learns.
Novice / Apprentice / Practitioner / Expert
Students identify and understand the functions of basic parts of a computer and making use of them. Students know and use basic technology vocabulary.
e.g. mouse, keyboard, monitor etc / Students identify and understand how the different parts of a computer, including peripherals are connected and make use of them. Students uses a broader range of learning technology vocabulary
e.g. scanner, camera / Students identify and understand the structure and components of a local (school) network and understand how to use it. Students understand and use an extensive range of learning technology vocabulary.
e.g. Local network, server, terminals / Students understand and use global (www) networks. Students understand and use social networking. Students understand and use knowledge creation applications.
Students understand and use an extensive range of learning technology vocabulary.
e.g. www, forums, wikis, open source, blogging
Students use simple simulations and models. Students make decisions in relation to a teacher directed task and apply related problem-solving strategies.
e.g. complete a pictograph with given data and create a variety of ways, use a simulation to dress teddy for winter / Students use complex simulations. Students develop independence through problem solving and testing strategies by using given digital tools. / Students seek solutions to problems that are difficult or impossible to replicate in real life. Students independently problem solve through selecting from familiar digital tools and evaluate effectiveness.
e.g. zoo tycoon, Colin’s coffee, build food chains and webs / Students independently identify and / or pose problems and seek solutions to problems that are difficult or impossible to replicate in real life.
e.g. zoo tycoon, lemonade stand
Students use knowledge and skills in specific programs to complete a task with set restrictions.
e.g. create different houses using a paint program, make a house using only shapes / Students use knowledge and skills in specific programs independently. Students explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and use what is learned to support and enhance learning in different contexts / Students apply and transfer knowledge and skills across a range of similar programs and platforms. / Students creatively apply and transfer knowledge and skills of learning technologies across a range of different programs and platforms.
Students develop problem solving strategies, navigation and co-ordination skills by using electronic games, simulations and programmable toys with support and guidance. Students use knowledge and skills in specific programs as part of structured play, gain confidence whilst using computer technology and use skills in new and different situations. / Students extend and enhance knowledge of features of various types of software, including those which help find, organise, manage and access information, applying skills learned in different situations. / Students use and apply learning technologies in different contexts across the curriculum. / Students use digital tools; evaluating and validating choices, making improvements. Students approach uncertainty with confidence when selecting and using appropriate software to solve increasingly complex problems or issues in new or familiar situations.
e.g. in preparation for the PYP exhibition
Communication skills
The student views, interprets, manipulates and communicates using a range of texts and media critically. The student uses a wide range of learning technologies to assist in the planning and construction of a range of text types and presents information using a wide range of media to convey an idea or message choosing the media and content to directly influence the audience.