Helen Korzec


Address: 630 Cobb Street, Groton NY

Phone: 607-280-8405



Bachelors of Animal Science 2011-2014

SUNY Cobleskill

Bachelors’ of animal science with a focus in dairy production and agri-business, deans list honorable mention. Additional focus areas were animal husbandry, farm economics, and marketing.


Herdsman 2014-2016

Sunnyside Farm, Scipio Center, NY

Maintained many aspects of herd health, development of mastitis program with a strong focus on prevention. Improved herd health protocols, in order to ensure easy and concise understanding of tasks. Managed an intern program for college students to learn about farming and herd health.

Research Technician 2016-Present

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Conducted large clinical trials with dairy cows and calves, kept data records, worked with animals daily. Worked as head researcher on a 900 cow clinical trial, performing essential tasks including sample collection, data analyzing, hiring interns, teaching students and performed all necessary lab testing.

Co-owner 2016-Present

Free Acre Farm, Groton, NY

Facilitate all aspects of herd health and management, with a focus on protocol design, and financial management. Develop new markets and business ventures to keep the farm viable. Perform tasks of running a dairy, crop, pork, and poultry business.

Farm hand 2016-Present

Scheffler Farm, Groton, NY

Help manage 40 cow organic dairy, calf rearing, and pasture management.


Software Word




Dairy Comp 305

PC Dart

Cornell Eshop



Anaerobic Chamber/ fastidious anaerobe growth and culture

Data Analysis/ Data entry

Protein and molecular biology

Western blot technique

Histology examination


Milk and Tissue Culture

Microbiome and DNA/RNA extraction, and PCR

Animal Health

Diagnosis and treatment of disease

IV, Catheters, injection, oral gavage

Mastitis and intramammary treatments

Metritis and edometritis examinations

Cow cleanliness, parlor routines, and milking

Proper restraint, and movement

LDA, prolapse repair

Calf care


Prophylactic use of SB-300 for the prevention of naturally occurring diarrhea on newborn Holstein calves, Journal of Dairy Science, October 2016

Randomized clinical trial of two calcium supplements in early lactation health and production in multiparous Holstein cows, March 2017