Update: 14 Jan2014

Positions:Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering


Queen's University,

369 Union Street, Kingston, Ontario,

Canada, K7L 2R4

Tel: (613) 5427787;



J.W. Kamphuis Associates Limited,

369 Union St., Kingston, Ontario,

Canada, K7L 2R4

Nationality:Canadian and European Union (Dutch)

Education:B.Sc.(Queen's) 1961

M.Sc.(Queen's) 1963

D.H.E.(Delft) 1964

Ph.D.(Queen's) 1966

History:2001-presentEmeritus Professor, Queen’s University, Kingston

19742001Professor, Queen's University, Kingston.

19682001Director, Coastal Eng. Research Lab., Queen's University.

1970'74Associate Professor, Queen's University.

1968'70Assistant. Professor, Queen's University.

1966'68Lecturer. Carleton University, Ottawa.

1965'68Research Officer, Nat. Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.


2001-presentVisiting Lecturer on contemporary engineering topics at manyuniversities, organizations and technical conferences.

1983-presentConsultant on coastal projects through J.W. Kamphuis Associates Limited, Kingston,ON

1999-2000Visiting Research Professor, Delft Hydraulics, Delft, Netherlands

1996-'97Visiting Professor of Coastal Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.

1993IAHR Lecturer, National University, Singapore.

1993 Invited Lecturer, AWACS Short Course on Coastal Management, Townsville, Australia.

1992Visiting Professor of Coastal Engineering, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada.

1985 Visiting Professor of Coastal Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.

1984 United Nations Development Program Lecturer to Pune, India

1983- Founder and president of J.W Kamphuis Associates Limited

1980'84 Associate Dean of Engineering (Research), Queen's University.

1973Nuffield Visiting Professor of Coastal Eng. to Australia


Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management”, (2000), World Scientific, Singapore, 437 pp. Rewritten 2nd Edition (2010)- more than 5000 legal copies in circulation + many pirated copies.

Over 140 research publications, covering, for example: wave mechanics and long waves, coastal sediment transport and morphology, coastal protection, marinas, hydraulic modelling, numerical modelling, environment, coastal management, water quality and fish habitat.

More than 50 published invited lectures on coastal sediment transport, shore processes and shore protection, physical and numerical modelling of coastal areas.

Seven book chapters on physical modeling of coasts, coastal engineering practice, education and history.

More than 150 engineering reports prepared for clients of J.W. Kamphuis Associates Limited. These cover, for example, numerical and hydraulic modelling of coasts, coastal systems, shore protection and coastal sediment transport, tidal inlet improvements, design of marinas, design of artificial islands for oil exploration, erosion of cohesive soils, ice forces. Many reports are in connection with litigation. The reports were produced for clients in Canada, and the United States, as well as, for example, in Norway, UK, Netherlands, Israel, Kuwait, Sharjah, Dubai, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore.



Last Update: 15July, 2015


ACOSAssociate Committee on Shorelines (National Research Council of Canada)

ASCEAmerican Society of Civil Engineers

BOSSConference on Behaviour of Offshore Structures

CANCAMCanadian Congress on Applied Mechanics

CCSEACanadian Coastal Science and Engineering Association

COPEDECInternational Conf. on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries

CSCECanadian Society for Civil Engineering

ICCEInternational Conference on Coastal Engineering

IAHRInternational Association for Hydraulic Research

POACConference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions

EC (P&Pres)Electronic Copy (Paper and Presentation)

ETElectronic (text only)

PPrinted version


SCScanned copy available


Personal Data on J.William Kamphuis


Kamphuis, J.W. (2006), “Coastal Engineering – Quo Vadis?”, Coastal Eng., Vol 53, pp 133-140. (EC,(P)

Rakha, K.A. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1997), "WaveInduced Currents in the Vicinity of a Seawall", Coastal Eng.,Vol 30, pp 23-52.(P)

Rakha, K.A. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1997a), "A Morphology Model for an Eroding Beach Backed by a Seawall", Coastal Eng., Vol 30, pp 53-75.(P)

Rakha, K.A. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1995), "Numerical and Hydraulic Model Study of Wave Decay on a Shelf Beach", Coastal Eng., Vol 24, pp 275-296.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1995), "Comparison of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Beach Profiles", J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), Vol 121, pp 155-161.(ET, P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1994), "Wave Height from Deep Water Through Breaking Zone", J Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), Vol 120, pp347-367.(ET, P)

Briand, M.H. and Kamphuis, J.W., (1993), "Waves and Currents on Natural Beaches; a Quasi 3D Numerical Model", Coastal Eng., Vol 20, pp 101-134. (ET, P)

Briand, M.H. and Kamphuis, J.W., (1993a), "Sediment Transport in the Surf Zone; a Quasi 3D Numerical Model", Coastal Eng., Vol 20, pp 135-156. (ET,P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1992), "On the Validity of Two-Dimensional Beach Profile Tests", J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), Vol 117,. (SC) (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1991), "Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate", J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), Vol 117, pp 624-640. (SC,P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1991a), "Wave Transformation", Coastal Eng., Vol 15, pp 173184. (ET,(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1991b), "Incipient Wave Breaking", Coastal Eng., Vol 15, pp 185203.(ET,(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1991c), "Engineering Concerns for the Canadian Arctic Continental Shelf", J. Continental Shelf Res., Vol 11, p 885-896.(ET)

Kamphuis, J.W., Gaskin, P.N. and Hoogendoorn, E. (1990), "Erosion Tests on Four Intact Ontario Clays", Can. Geotech. J., Vol 27, pp 692-696.

Kamphuis, J.W. (1990), "The Influence of Sand on the Erosion of Cohesive Material", J. of Hydraulic Res. (IAHR), Vol 28, pp 4353. (ET,SC)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1990a), "Improving Shore Protection Design", Can. J. of Civil Eng. (CSCE), Vol 17, pp 142147.(ET) (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1987), "Recession Rate of Glacial Till Bluffs", J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), Vol 113, pp 60-73. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W., Davies, M. H., Nairn, R. W. and Sayao, O. J. (1986), "Calculation of Littoral Sand Transport Rate", Coastal Eng., Vol 10, pp 1-21. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1983), "On the Erosion of Consolidated Clay Material by a Fluid Containing Sand", Can. J. of Civil Eng. (CSCE), Vol 10, pp 213231. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Hall, K.R. (1983), "Cohesive MaterialEroosion by Unidirectional Current", J. of Hydraulics (ASCE), Vol 109, pp 4961. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Moir, J.R. (1983), "Ice Breakup and Jamming Observations along the Mackenzie River", Can. J. of Civil Eng. (CSCE), Vol 10, pp 7891. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1982), "Hydraulic Modelling Phenomena A Glossary of Terms", J. of Hydraulics (ASCE), Vol 108, pp 845852. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1978), "Attenuation of Gravity Waves by Bottom Friction", Coastal Eng., Vol 2, pp 111118. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Mohamed, N. (1978), "Runup of Irregular Waves on a Plane Smooth Slope", J. Waterways, Harbours and Coastal Eng. (ASCE), Vol 104, pp 135146. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1975), "Performance of Light Coastal Structures Under Normal and High Water Conditions", Can. J. of Civil Eng. (CSCE), Vol 2, pp 381391.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1975), "Friction Factor Under Oscillatory Waves", J. Waterways, Harbours and Coastal Engineering (ASCE), Vol 101, pp 135-144. (SC)(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1974), "Determination of Sand Roughness for Fixed Beds", J. of Hydraulic Res. (IAHR), Vol 12, pp. 193207.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1973), "Short Wave Models with Fixed Bed", J. Waterways, Harbours and Coastal Eng. (ASCE), Vol 99, pp 471483(P).

Riedel, P.H. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1973), "A Shear Plate for Use in Oscillatory Flow", J. of Hydraulic Res. (IAHR), Vol 11, pp 137-155.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Kennedy, R.J. (1972), "Residual Currents Resulting from Towing Cylindrical Models", J. of Hydraulic Res. (IAHR), Vol 10, pp 137-151.(P)

Yalin, M.S. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1971), "Theory of Dimensions and Spurious Correlation", J. of Hydraulic Res. (IAHR), Vol 9, pp 249-266.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1970), "Mathematical Tidal Study of the St. Lawrence River", J. of Hydraulics (ASCE), Vol 96, pp 643664. (P)


In Coastal Engineering, such refereed conference publications are considered as important as journal publications.

Kamphuis, J.W. (2015a), “Dealing with Climate Impact”, Proc. 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, Netherlands (EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2015), “What do we do now?”, Proc. Coastal Sediments 2015, San Diego, USA, (EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2013), “Uncertainty, Research, Science and Engineering in Coastal Dynamics”, Proc. 7th Int. Con. on Coastal Dynamics, Arcachon, France, pp 927-936 (EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2012), “Coastal Engineering and Coastal Models”, Proc. 33rd ICCE, Santander, Spain, (EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2011), “Coastal Engineering – Theory and Practice’, Keynote Address, Proc. Co Sed ‘11 , Miami, World Scientific, pp1-15 (EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2010), “Coastal Modeling – Indispensable design tool, but how?”, Keynote Address, Proc Coastlab-10 Conf. Barcelona, pp 1-10 (EC, PPres)

Kamphuis,J.W. (2009a),“Moving forward with CoastalDesign and Management”, Keynote address, Triennial Meeting of ASCE, CSCE and ICE, St John’s, Canada, 135 pp (EC)

Kamphuis,J.W. (2009), “Moving forward with Coastal Engineering Practice and Education”, Keynote address, Annual meeting of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), St John’s, Canada, 35 pp (EC)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2008), “The Marriage of Coastal Engineering and Practice”, Proc. Can. Coastal Zone Conf. ‘08 (CZC), Vancouver, Canada, 6 pp(EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2008a), “Coastal System Resilience”, Proc. 31st ICCE, Hamburg , pp 4302-4315 (EC, PPres)

Kularatne,S., J.W. Kamphuis and M. Dabees (2008), “Study of Coastal Morphology Resulting from Low Crested Breakwaters, Proc. 31th ICCE, Hamburg , pp 1940-1951.

Montreuil S, B. Long and J.W. Kamphuis (2008), “Surface Density Variations along a Sand Ripple under Stationary Flow Measured by CT-Scanning, Proc. 31th ICCE, Hamburg , pp 2659-2671

Dabees, M.A, J. W. Kamphuis and K. K. Humiston (2006) “Contour Line Change Model For Beaches With NearshoreHardbottom”, Proc. 30th ICCE, San Diego , pp 3465-3477. (EC)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2006), “Beyond the Limits of Coastal Engineering”, Proc. 30th ICCE, San Diego, pp1938-1950. (EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2005c), “Coastal Laboratories”, Proc. Workshop on Challenges in Coastal and Port Engineering for the Third Millenium, Motril, Spain.(EC)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2005b), “Pushing the Limits of Coastal Engineering”, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Arabian Coasts, Dubai, pp 11-26.(EC, P & Pres)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2005a), “Groins and Coastal Zone Management”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '05, (CCSEA), Halifax, Canada.(EC)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2005), “Coastal Science, Engineering and Management”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '05, (CCSEA), Halifax, Canada.(EC)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2004), “Swash from Long Waves”, Proc. 29th ICCE, Lisbon , pp1604-1615(EC, P&Pres)

Kuroiwa, M, J.W. Kamphuis, T.Kuchiishi, Y Matsubara, H. Noda (2004), “Medium Term 3-D Coastal Area Model with Shoreline Change Based around Coastal Structures”, Proc. 29th ICCE, Lisbon , pp2194-2206

Kamphuis, J.W., (2003b), “Development of Coastal Science and Engineering: Part 2 – From Order to Chaos”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '03, (CCSEA), Kingston, Canada.(EC)

Kamphuis, J.W., (2003a), “Development of Coastal Science and Engineering: Part 1 – From Chaos to Order”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '03, (CCSEA), Kingston, Canada.(EC)

Kamphuis, J.W., (2003b), “Development of Coastal Science and Engineering: Part 2 – From Order to Chaos”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '03, (CCSEA), Kingston, Canada.(EC)

Kuroiwa, M, J. W. Kamphuis, T. Kuchiishiand Y. Matsubara (2003), “A 3D Morphodynamic Model with Shoreline Change Based on Quasi-3d Nearshore Current Model”, Proc. Asian and Pacific Coasts Conf., 2003.

Kamphuis, J.W. (2003), “On Long Waves Generated by Short Waves”, Proc. Int. Symp. on Long Waves, IAHR, Thessaloniki, Aug 15-17, 2003.(EC)

Dabees, M.A., Moore, B.D. and Kamphuis, J.W. (2002), “Combining Numerical Modeling and Monitoring Data for AnalysingCoastal Processes in Southwest Florida”,Proc. 28th ICCE, Cardiff, pp 3308-3320 (EC)

Kamphuis, J.W. (2002), “Alongshore Transport Rate of Sand”, Proc. 28th ICCE, Cardiff, pp2478-2490(EC,P)

Kamphuis, J.W., (2001), “Wave Setup and Long Waves in Shallow Water”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '01, (CCSEA), Quebec, pp 1-12.(EC,P)

Dabees, M. A. and J.W. Kamphuis (2001), “Practical Modelling of 3-D Beach Dynamics near Breakwaters”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '01, (CCSEA), Quebec, pp 73-87.(EC)

Dabees, M. A. and J.W. Kamphuis (2000), “N_LINE: Efficient Modelling of 3-D Beach Change”, Proc. 27th ICCE, Sydney, pp 2700-2713.(EC)

Janssen, T.T and J.W. Kamphuis (2000), “Three-Dimensional Experiments on Long Waves at a Breakwater”, Proc. 27th ICCE, Sydney, pp 2192-2205.

Kamphuis, J.W. (2000), “Designing for Low Frequency Waves”, Proc. 27th ICCE, Sydney, pp 1434-1447.(EC,P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1999), "Coastal Modelling for the Next Millenium", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '99, (CCSEA), Victoria, pp 13-28.(EC, P)

Dabees, M.A. and J.W. Kamphuis (1999), "Beach Evolution Modelling", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '99, (CCSEA), Victoria, pp 29-42.(EC,P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1999), “Marketing Uncertainty”, Proc. COPEDEC '99, Capetown, pp 2088-2099.(EC, P)

Schiereck, G.J., N. Booij, H. Fontein, L.H. Holthuijsen and J.W. Kamphuis (1999), "Hurricane Threat and Coastal Zonation on Oceanic Islands", Proc. COPEDEC '99, Capetown, pp 660-671.(EC,P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1998), “Long Waves in Flume Experiments”, Proc. 26th ICCE, Copenhagen, pp 1154-1167.(EC,P)

Dabees, M.A. and J.W. Kamphuis (1998), “ONELINE, a Numerical Model for Shoreline Change”, Proc. 26th ICCE, Copenhagen, pp 2668-2681.

Barker, C.A and J.W. Kamphuis (1997), “Improvement of Aquatic Habitat for Fish: Marinas and Breakwaters as Habitat” Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '97, (CC-SEA), Guelph, pp 198-210.

Dabees, M.A. and J.W. Kamphuis (1997), “Numerical Modelling of Coastal Processes: Overview of a Modelling System for Simulating Shoreline Change”, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '97, (CC-SEA), Guelph, pp 161-175.

Kamphuis, J.W. (1996), "Depth-Limited Design Wave", Proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, pp 221-232. (ET,P)

Hughes, S.A. and J.W. Kamphuis J.W. (1996), "Scour at Inlet Structures", Proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, pp 2258-2271.

Shah, A.M. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1996), "The Swash Zone - a Focus on Low frequency Motion", Proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, pp 1431-1442.(ET)(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1996), "Experiments on Design Wave Height in Shallow Water", Proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, pp 1431-1442. (ET) (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1996), "History of Coastal Engineering in Canada", Special Volume as Proc. 25th ICCE, Orlando, pp ??. (ET) (P)

Barker, C.A. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1996), "Improvement of Aquatic Habitat for Fish", Proc. 2nd Canadian Coastal Zone Conference, Rimouski.

Badiei, P, and Kamphuis, J.W. (1995), "A 2DH model for the Effects of Currents on a Refractive, Diffractive, Dissipative Wave Field", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '95, (CC-SEA), Halifax, pp 1-16. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Yavary, M. (1995), "Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Model Tests of a Wave Pump ", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '95, (CCSEA), Halifax, pp 479-494. (SC, P)

Badiei, P, and Kamphuis, J.W. (1995), "Physical and Numerical Study of Wave-Induced Currents in Wave Basins of Various Sizes", Proc. Coastal Dynamics '95, (ASCE), Gdansk, pp 377-400.(P)

Rakha, K.A. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1995), "A Morphology Model to Predict Beach Erosion near a Seawall", Proc. Coastal Dynamics '95, (ASCE), Gdansk, pp 879-890.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1995), "Composite Modeling an Old Tool in a New Context", Proc. 26th IAHR Congress, London, Vol 2, pp 230-235. (EC)

Badiei, P., Kamphuis, J.W. and Hamilton, D. (1994), "Physical Experiments on the Effects of Groins on Shore Morphology", Proc. 24th ICCE, Kobe, pp 1782-1796. (P)

Rakha, K. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1994), "Wave Transformation in the Vicinity of a Seawall", Proc. Int. Symp. Waves - Physical and Numerical Modelling (IAHR), Vancouver, pp 1011-1020

Rakha, K. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1993), "Wave Setup near a Seawall Experiments and Numerical Model", Proc. 2nd IntSymp on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, (ASCE), New Orleans, pp 835-848. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W., Rakha, K. and Badiei, P. (1993), "Sediment Transport Near Groins and Seawalls: Preliminary Results", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '93 (CC-SEA), Vancouver, pp 793806.(ET, (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1993a), "Shore Protection Design a Necessary Evil", Proc. Coastal Zone '93 (ASCE), New Orleans, Coastlines of Canada Volume, pp 101-112.(ET, P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1993b), "Effective Modelling of Coastal Morphology", Proc. 11th Australasian Conf. on Coastal and Ocean Eng., Institution of Engineers of Australia, Townsville, pp 173179.(ET, SC, P)

Kamphuis, J.W., Rakha, K. and Jui, J. (1992), "Hydraulic Model Experiments on Seawalls", Proc. 23rd ICCE, Venice, pp 12721284.(ET, P)

Kamphuis, J.W., (1992), "Shore Morphology Modelling Practice", Proc. Coastal Eng. in Canada '92, Kingston, Ch 11.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1992a), "Wave Propagation in a Small Harbour", Marina Technology, Southhampton, Thomas Telford, London,pp 233254.(EC, P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1992b), "Engineering Approach to Modelling Shore Morphology", Proc. 1992 Annual CSCE Conf. (CSCE), Quebec, Vol 2, pp 431440. (ET, P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1991), "Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate Distribution", Proc. Coastal Sediments '91, (ASCE), Seattle, pp 170183. (SC)(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1991a), "Peaks in the Cross-Shore Distribution of Littoral Drift Rate", Proc. 24th IAHR Cong. Madrid, pp B477488. (SC)(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1991b), "The Greening of Coastal Engineering in Canada", Proc. Symp. Canadian Environmental Regulations and Issues in the Shore Zone, (CCSEA), Ottawa, pp 203214.(P)

Briand M.H.G. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1990), "A Micro Computer Based Quasi 3D Sediment Transport Model", Proc. 22nd ICCE, Delft, pp 21592172(P)

Drapeau,G., Long,B. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1990), "Evaluation of Radioactive Tracers to Measure Longshore Sediment Transport Rates during the Canadian Coastal Sediment Study", Proc. 22nd ICCE, Delft, pp 27102725.(P)

Johnson H.K. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1990), "A Simple Model for Wave-Current Interaction", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '90, Kingston, pp 257-274.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W., Kooistra, J and Larson, M.R. (1990), "Observations on the Influence of Wave Groupiness on Sediment Processes", Proc. Symp. Groupiness, (ACOS), Ottawa. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1990), "Littoral Transport Rate", Proc. 22nd ICCE, Delft, pp 24022415 (P).

Kamphuis, J.W. and Kooistra, J. (1990), "ThreeDimensional Mobile Bed Hydraulic Model Studies of Wave Breaking, Circulation and Sediment Transport Processes", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '90, (ACOS), Kingston, pp 363386 (EC)(P)

Willis, D.H. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1990), "The National Research Council Committee on Shorelines", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '90, (ACOS), Kingston, pp 1-12.

Kamphuis, J.W. (1989) " Hydraulic Modelling of Coastal Phenomena", Proc. 12th CANCAM, Ottawa, pp 154155.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W., (1989a) "Introducing the Micro into Coastal Engineering", Proc. 23rd IAHR Cong., Ottawa, Vol S2, pp 612.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W., (1989b) "Sediment Transport Modelling: Sensitivity to Incident Wave Direction", Proc. 23rd IAHR Cong., Ottawa, Vol C, pp 285-292. (P)

Johnson, H.K. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1988), "NLine Model for a Large Initially Conical Sand Island", Proc. Symp. Math. Modelling of Sediment Transport in the Coastal Zone", (IAHR), Horsholm, Denmark, pp 275289.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1987), "On Bedform Geometry and Friction", Proc. Workshop on Roughness and Friction, (ACOS), Toronto, pp 1935. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Johnson, H.K., (1987), "Microcomputer Based Numerical Morphology Model for a Large Initially Conical Sand Island", Proc. 2nd COPEDEC Conf., Beijing, pp 20592073.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Kooistra J. (1987), "Protection of Sacrificial Beach Islands by Structures", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf.'87, (ACOS), Quebec, pp 193-210.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Warner, P. (1987), "Comparison of Wave Refraction and Breaking in Numerical and Hydraulic Models of Initially Conical Sand Islands, Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '87, (ACOS), Quebec, pp 257276.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Larson, M.R. (1987), "A Mobile Bed Scale Model Series under Attack by Constant, Regular and Irregular Waves", Proc. Coastal Sediments '87, (ASCE), New Orleans, pp 154174. (SC)(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Kooistra, J. (1986), "On Volume Erosion and Scale Effects for Hydraulic Models of Large Conical Islands" Proc. Symp. on Scale Effects in Modelling Sediment Transport Phenomena, (IAHR), Toronto, pp 1023. (P)

Kamphuis, J. W., (1986), "On the Changing Coastal Engineering Curriculum", Proc. Coastal Eng. in Canada, '86, Kingston, Ontario, pp 2192(P)

Kamphuis, J.W.(1986), Erosion of Cohesive Bluffs: A Model and a Formula", Proc. Symp. on Cohesive Shores (ACOS), Burlington, Ontario, pp 226-245.(P)

Sayao, O.J., Nairn, R.B. and Kamphuis J.W. (l985),"Dimensional Analysis of Littoral Transport", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '85, (ACOS), St John's, pp 241-256. (P)

Davies, M.H. and Kamphuis, J.W. (l985), "Littoral Transport Rate Prediction," Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '85 (ACOS), St. John's, pp 223240. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Nairn, R.B., (1984),"Scale Effects in Large Coastal Mobile Bed Models", Proc. 19th ICCE, Houston, pp 23222338.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1983), "Preliminary Discussion of Scale Effects on Large Coastal Mobile Bed Models", Proc. Can. Coastal Conf. '83, (ACOS), Vancouver, pp 237252.(P)

Sayao, O.S.F.J. and Kamphuis, J.W. (1983), "Breaking Waves on a Movable Bed Model". Proc. 1st COPEDEC Conf., Colombo, pp 135155 (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Sayao, O.F.S.J. (1982), "Model Tests on Littoral Transport Rate", Proc. 18th ICCE, Capetown, pp 13051325 (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Moir, J.R. (1982), "On Ice Breakup and Jamming along the Mackenzie River", Proc. 12th Annual CSCE Conf., Edmonton. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W., and Smith, D.A.Y. (1980), "NonResonant Wave Agitation in Small Craft Harbours". Proc. 17th ICCE, Sydney, pp 241259.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1979), "Hydraulic Design of Small Craft Harbours". Proc. Coastal Engineering Design and Construction, (CSCE), Kingston, pp 133-152. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Readshaw, J.S. (1978), "A Model Study of Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate", Proc. 16th ICCE, Hamburg, pp 16561674. (P)

Kamphuis, J.W., and Moir, J.R. (1977), "Mean Diameter Distribution of Sediment Sizes before and after Artificial Beach Nourishment", Proc. Coastal Sediments '77, (ASCE), Charleston, S.C., pp 197210.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1976), "Seabed Mobility under Vertical Pressure Gradients", Proc. BOSS '76, Trondheim, pp 875890.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Myers, R.M. (1976), "Three Dimensional Tests on Dynamic Equilibrium and Artificial Nourishment", Proc. 15th ICCE, Honolulu, pp 532-551.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. and Bridgeman, S.G. (1975), "Placing Artificial Beach Nourishment", Proc. Oceans III Conference, (ASCE), Newark, Delaware, pp 197-216.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1975), "The Coastal Mobile Bed Model Does It Work?" Proceedings, Modelling '75, (ASCE), San Francisco, pp 9931009.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1974), "Practical Scaling of Coastal Models". Proc. 14th ICCE, Copenhagen, pp 20862101.(P)

Kamphuis, J.W. (1973), "Sediment Transport by Waves over a Flat Bed", Conf. on Eng. Dynamics of the Coastal Zone, The Inst. of Eng. of Australia, Sydney, pp 228233.(P)

Paul, M.J., Kamphuis, J.W. and Brebner, A. (1972), "Similarity of Equilibrium Beach Profiles", Proc. 13th ICCE, Vancouver, pp 12171236.(P)