Provided below is the list of options available to students as part of the RTP units GSC6300 (5 credits) and GSC6310 (10 credits). Students are advised to discuss the selection of activities with their supervisor. It is also expected that student and supervisor will wish to periodically discuss progress toward achievement of the appropriate credits.
For each activity the student should obtain an authorised departmental signature to indicate that the activity has been satisfactorily completed. Once the appropriate credits have been achieved the form should be signed and dated by the student and supervisor/Postgraduate Tutor. The Department may wish to retain a copy of the form. A copy should also be sent to Dainton Graduate Research Centre, RTP Administration, Room D17k, Dainton Building, Sheffield, S3 7HF to confirm the student’s satisfactory completion of the appropriate unit.
Student NameStudent Registration Number
Academic Department
Option / Credit Value / Date commenced / Date completed / Supervisor/Postgraduate Tutor Signature
Present a poster at a conference / 1
Present a paper at a national/international conference / 2
Attend at a national/international conference and/or show evidence of active participation in a relevant online discussion group / 1
Present a paper at a departmental seminar / 2
Regularly attend a series of departmental seminars / 1
Attend and present at a departmental journal club / 1
Lead a group discussion or brainstorming session / 0.5
Write an abstract and/or journal paper / 2
Write a research proposal, bid for funding, travel grant etc. / 1
Set up and manage a website describing research activities / 1
Participate in outreach activities which promote the public understanding of research / 1
Attend a seminar on media skills / 0.5
Undertake regular laboratory demonstrating duties / 1
Undertake regular undergraduate tutorial duties / 1
Undertake a period of work experience in an environment related to your PhD / 1
Carry out some consultancy work (e.g. for industry) / 1
Represent the student body, e.g. act as postgraduate research student representative at Faculty level / 0.5
Participate in planning and organisation of annual departmental pgr research conference / 1
Prepare submission for and successfully complete application for ethics review procedure / 0.5
Prepare and present upgrade seminar to the satisfaction of the upgrade panel / 2
Draw up and maintain an updated CV / 0.5
Draw up and maintain an up-to-date Personal Development Plan / 0.5
Prepare for and participate in a viva planning seminar / 1
Attend and be able to demonstrate satisfactory progress in language classes, if appropriate / 1
Any other development activity as approved by the Postgraduate Tutor / 0.5, 1 or 2
Student Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Supervisor/Postgraduate Tutor Name: …………………………………………………….
Supervisor/Postgraduate Tutor Signature: ………………………………………………
Date: ……………………………………