NAMEHafez Qadri Shaheen
BIRTHDAY23rd, Feb. 1959
PERSONAL ADDRESSP. O. Box 445, Nablus, West Bank, via Israel
Tel. (972) 9 2329351
Mobile: 059 9241096
Fax. (972) 9 2383280
BUSINESS ADDRESSCivil Engineering Department
P.O. Box 7, Nablus, West Bank, via Israel
PRESENTPOSITIONAssociate Professor, Civil Engineering Department
An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine
ENGINEEREngineers Association – JerusalemCenter No. 03580, 1982
INTERESTSHydrology, Water Resources Planning and Management; Hydraulic Design, Sedimentation Engineering, Sanitary and Water Quality Problems; Environmental Systems.
LANGUAGES- ArabicMother Language
- EnglishVery Good
- GermanyVery Good
SOCITEY MEMBERSHIP- International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR)
-International Water Resources Association (IWRA)
-Engineers Association – JerusalemCenter
-Arab Association for Environmental Management
-Board of Directors, Universal Group for Engineering and Consulting, Nablus
-An-NajahNationalUniversity Friends Association
-Board of Directors, Water and Environmental Studies Institute (WESI)
-Board of Directors, Patients Friends Association
- July - August 2004, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Visiting Scholar, Braunschweig and Freiburg, Germany.
- August 2002 - June 2003, Fulbright, Visiting Scholar, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
- December 2001, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Visiting Scholar, Braunschweig, Germany.
- June-August 2001, PalestinianAmericanResearchCenter (PARC), Visiting Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
- July - August 2000, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Visiting Scholar, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Nov. 1994, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Short course, UIMP, Valencia, Spain.
- April 1994, British Council, Short course, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
- Oct. 1987 - March 1992, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), PhD. Scholarship, TechnicalUniversityBraunschweig, Germany.
- Aug. 1983 - Jan. 1985, AMIDEAST, MSc. Scholarship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
- Sep. 1977 - June 1982, Jordanian Ministry of Education, BSc. Scholarship, JordanUniversity, Amman, Jordan
- Nov. 1994, Short course in Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems, UIMP, Valencia, Spain.
- April 1994, Short course in Groundwater Resources Management in Arid Environments, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
- March 1988 – Feb. 1992, Dr.-Ing. (PhD.) Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Institute of Water Engineering, TechnicalUniversity Braunschweig, Braunshweig, Germany.
- Feb. 1992, Dr.-Ing. Exams (PhD.) Thesis Titel: “Predicting Suspended Sediment Hydrographs in Rural Greeks”.
- Sep. 1987 – Feb. 1988, German Language Course, Goethe Institute, Goettingen, FederalRepublic of Germany.
- March 1988, German Language Certificate Exams (PNDS).
- Aug. 1983 – Jan. 1985, MSc., Hydrosystems Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA
- Jan. 1985, MSc. in Civil Engineering GPA (4.937/5.00).
- Sep. 1977 – June 1982, BSc., Civil Engineering Department, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
- June 1982, BSc. in Civil Engineering GPA (84.3%)
- 1974 – 1977, Secondary School, Nablus, Palestine
- June l977, General Secondary Certificate Exams (Tawjihi), GPA (96.1%).
- 1971 – 1974, Primary School, Nablus, Palestine.
- 1965 – 1971, Elementary School, Nablus, Palestine.
- October 2006 to present, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.
- March 1992 to September 2006, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- 2004 to 2006, Coordinator of the MSc programs in Environmental Sciences and Water and Environmental Engineering, Water and Environmental Studies Institute, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.
- Sep. 2002 - June 2003, Visiting Scholar, Hydrosystems, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
- June-August 2001, Visiting Scholar, Hydrosystems Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
- Oct. 1994 - Sep. 1996, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- Jan. 1985 - Sep. 1987, Instructor, Civil Engineering Department, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- Sep. 1982 - Aug. 1983, Teaching Assistant, Civil Engineering Department, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- 1992 - present, Supervising Several MSc. thesis in the field of Water and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Graduate Studies, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus Palestine.
- 1985 - 1987 and 1992 to present, Supervising Several B Sc. Graduation projects in the Field of Water and Wastewater; Water Distribution Systems; Drainage Systems; Water Harvesting; Watershed Modeling; etc.
- Aug. - Sep. 1981, Practical Training, Hydraulic Laboratory, Agricultural University, Wagenigen, theNetherlands.
- BSc. Level: Elementary Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Irrigation and Drainage, Static, Dynamics, Engineering Economy, Environmental Engineering I, Environmental Engineering II, Environment in Palestine, Introduction to Engineering.
- MSc. Level: Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Hydrological Processes and Systems, Advanced Hydraulics, Water Resources Engineering, Groundwater Hydrology, Planning of Engineering Systems, Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Panos Diplas and Hafez Shaheen (2008): Bed Load Transport and Streambed Structure in Gravel Streams. Gravel-Bed Rivers VI: Form Process Understanding to River Restoration by It H. Habersack, H. Piegay, M. Rinaldi, Editors, Elsevier, PP. 291-312.
- Al-Kharouf, S., Al-Khatib, I.A. and Shaheen, H.Q. (2008): Appraisal of Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Wastewater Reuse in the West Bank, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp.3-14.
- Sameer Shadeed, Anan Jayyousi and Hafez Shaheen (2007):GIS-Based KW-GIUH Hydrological Model of Semiarid Catchments: The Case of Faria Catchment. the Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 32, Number IC. pp 3-16.
- Hafez Shaheen and Riyad Abdel Karim (2007): Management of Olive-Mills Wastewater in Palestine, An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, Vol. 21, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. pp 63-83
- Hamees Tubeileh, Hafez Shaheen, and Amjad Aliewi (2005): Modeling of the Eocene Aquifer in Northern West Bank, accepted for publication, An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- Samer Al- Kharouf and Hafez Shaheen (2005): Appraisal of Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Wastewater Reuse in the West Bank. First International Conference on Sustainable Urban Wastewater Tretment and Reuse, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Hafez Q. Shaheen and P. Diplas (2005): Bedload transport in gravel streams - Surface versus subsurface based transport analysis. Accepted for publication, An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- Hafez Shaheen, Anan Jayyousi and Sameer Shadeed (2005): Hydrograph Estimation in Semiarid Regions Using GIS supported GIUH, Model West Bank as a Case Study. Submitted for publication, JASC journal, Saudi Arabia.
- Hafez Shaheen, Anan Jayyousi, Sameer Shadeed, and Ammar Jarrar (2005): Hydrograph Estimation Using GIS supported GIUH Model. Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC) 2005, Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, March, 2005.
- Sameer Shadeed, Anan Jayyousi and Hafez Shaheen (2005): Probability Distribution of Faria Catchment Rainfall. Water: Values and Rights International Conference, PALAST, Palestine.
- Sameer Shadeed, Anan Jayyousi and Hafez Shaheen (2005): Probability Distribution of Faria-Catchment Rainfall. Proceedings of the International Conference Water: Rights and Values, PalestinianAcademy and PWA, Ramallah, Palestine.
- Hafez Q. Shaheen (2004): Management of Olive Mills Wastes in the PalestinianTerritories.Proceedings of the third Arab Conference for Environmental Management: Recent Attitudes for Managing the Wastes that Pollute the Environment. Sharm Al-Sheikh, Arab Adminstration Development Organization, Egypt, Nov. 2004.
- H.Q. Shaheen (2003): Wastewater Reuse as means to optimize the use of Water Resources in the West Bank. Water International, Vol 28, No 2, IWRA, USA.
- H. Q. Shaheen and P. Diplas (2003): A Combined, surface-Subsurface, Approch to Bedload Transport Calculations in Gravel Bed Streams. Proceedings of the XXXIAHR Congress, August 2003, Greece. Volume 3, pp 647-654.
- H.Q. Shaheen (2002): “Storm Water Drainage in Arid and Semiarid Regions, West Bank as a case study.” An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, Vol 16 (2), An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- H.Q. Shaheen (2000): “Municipal wastewater characteristics at Irtah pumping station in Tulkarem City.”, Water Science and Technology, No. 42 (1-2).
- M.A. Sulaibi and H.Q. Shaheen (1996): Environment Management from Islamic Perspective. Working paper presented to Hisham Hijjawi Price for Applied Sciences, Hisham Adib Hijjawi Scientific Establishment, Amman, Jordan.
- S. Sleibi and H.Q. Shaheen (1996): Wastewater as a Mean to Optimize the Use of Water Resources in the West Bank. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Water Resources Management, Water and Environmental StudiesCenter, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- S. Sleibi and H. Q. Shaheen (1995): Effect of Roof Storage Tanks on Water Distribution System. Symposium on: A Strategy for WaterSectorCapacityBuilding in Palestine.BirzeitUniversity and IHE, Birzeit, Palestine.
- H.Q. Shaheen and S.A. Abu-Eisheh (1995): Water Problem in Palestine Part I: Palestinian Water Resources. Proceedings of the Seminar: Water Problem in the Middle East. Middle East Studies Centre, Amman, Jordan.
- H.Q. Shaheen and S.A. Abu-Eisheh (1995):Water Problem in Palestine Part II: Water Problem, its Features, Dimensions and Solutions. Proceedings ofthe Seminar: Water Problem in the Middle East. Middle East Studies Centre, Amman, Jordan.
- H.Q. Shaheen (1994): A Watershed Model for Estimating Suspended Sediment Hydrographs. Hydraulic Engineering 1994, Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the ASCE, ASCE, USA.
- A.H. Helou and H. Q. Shaheen (1993): Rain Water Roof Catchment Systems as means to partially alleviate water in the West Bank. 1st Palestinian Conference in Civil Engineering, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- H.Q. Shaheen (1993): A Watershed Model for Estimating Suspended Sediment Hydrographs. 1st Palestinian Conference in Civil Engineering, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
- H.Q. Shaheen (1993): Water, Management and Planning - Training Needs in the Field of Water in the Occupied PalestinianTerritories. National Foundation for Divestment and Development, Jerusalem, Palestine.
- H.Q. Shaheen (1992). Modeling of Suspended Sediment Hydrographs in Rural Catchments (in Germany), TU BraunschweigJournal, Heft 116/1992, Braunschweig,Germany
- H.Q. Shaheen (1984): Water Resources in Jordan, Term Paper for CE/352 Water Resources Design.University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
- Nov. 1993 – Present: Shareholder, Member of board of directors and consultant, water and environmental division, Universal Group for Engineering and Consulting, Nablus, Palestine
-Local Team Leader for the Project: Technical Assistance for Augmentation of Water Sector Regulatory Framework; Legal and Institutional Framework of the Water Sector. Client PWA; Funded by Norad.
-Backstopping and management of the supervision activities of the Lot 1: WaterOperationCenter and Lot 4: Wastewater ponds of the Tulkarem water Supply and Sewage Project, ClientTulkaremMunicipality; funded by KfW.
-Participating the studies and designs of the Environmental Health Project, West Bank. Client: PWA; USAID
-Project Manger; Evaluation of the flooding problem and redesign of Jericho highway bridge, Jericho, West Bank. Client: JerichoMunicipality; UNDP.
-Deputy Project Manger; Preparation of the Tender Document for Tulkarem water supply and sewage project. Client: TulkaremMunicipality; KfW.
-Deputy Project Manger, Feasibility study for sewerage project - Tulkarem Region. Client: PWA; KfW.
-Environmental officer, Jenin – Nablus Highway Project, Palestine. Client: Ministry of Public Works funded: USAID.
-Participating the design and preparation of Tender Documents for West Bank and Gaza Strip Water Infrastructure Improvement Project. Client: PWA; AFD.
-Participating in the design and preparation of Tender Documents for Shuweikeh area-Tulkarem. Client: PECDAR. Project No.: PMO/EW/067-WB.
-Participating in the design and preparation of Tender Documents for “Bethlehem District Sewage Collection System” Project No.: PMO/EW/082-WB. Client: WSSA.
-Participating the design and preparation of the detailed Tender Documents for the "Taffouh Sewage Collection, Treatment and Reuse Scheme", Hebron District.
-Deputy Project Manager; Design and preparation of the Tender Documents for the "Sawahreh and Zaiem Sewage Collection System", Jerusalem District. Project No.: PAL/96/J31. Client: UNDP.
-Participating in the design and preparation of Tender Documents for “Emergency Rehabilitation Project Doha Area Sewage Collection System”, Bethlehem. Client: PECDAR.
-Environmental Assistant of Assessment of “the Sensitivity of Aquifers and Identification of Requirements for the Disposal of Wastewater” for "The Sewerage Master Plan and Pre-Feasibility Study for the Sewerage Project", Nablus. Project No. PMO/40-EWIWB. Client PECDAR.
-Participating the design and preparation of Tender Documents for “Ezarieh and Abu-Dees Sewerage Collection System, Centralized Treatment Plant and Effluent Reuse”, Jerusalem. Client: PECDAR; World Bank.
-Supervising the construction of "Rehabilitation and Internal Water Network for BurqaVillage, Burqa. Project No. PMO/EW/020-NM Client PECDAR.
-Participating in the preparation of Al-Auja feasibility and preliminary study "Al-Auja Irrigation Project". Client Burqa Council.
-Participating the design and preparation of "Tender Documents for Water and Road Project" for Beit Hanoun village, Gaza strip. Client PECDAR.
-Participating in the design of three water reservoirs in Abasan, Bani Suhaila and Deir Al-Balah villages, Gaza strip. Project No. PMO/EW/002-G2. Client PECDAR
- Nov. 1993 - Present: Preparing Several Environmental Impact Assessment studies for:
-Rotus Company Asphalt Factory, Bethlehrm Palestine.
-KhadouryTechnologyCenter, Tulkarem, Palestine Client: PIEFZA, funded: USAID.
-Jenin – Nablus Highway Project, Palestine. Client: Ministry of Public Works funded: USAID.
-Nablus Industrial Estate Project, Nablus, Palestine. Client: Ministry of Industry.
-Ein Sultan Irrigation Project, Jericho, Palestine (under preparation). Client: JerichoMunicipality
-The construction of a building material quarry and crusher in the area of Zeta village, Nablus District (under preparation). Client: privet
-The construction of the Cement Factor in the area of Jaba’, Jenin District. Client: Palestinian Cement Company.
-The construction of a movable building material and stone crusher in the area of sirriss, Nablus District. Client: Privet
-The construction of a building material quarry in the area of Ajja, Jenin District. Client: privet
-The Sensitivity of Aquifers and Identification of the Requirements for the Disposal of Wastewater for the project “The Sewerage Master Plan and Pre-Feasibility Study for the Sewerage Project of Nablus”. Client: NablusMunicipality (KfW funded).
- 1995: Participating in the training program "CapacityBuilding in Water Sector in the West Bank and Gaza Strip", held and organized by IHE, the Netherlands, Birzeit University, Birzeit, West Bank.
- 1994: Participating in the International Seminar on Water Management in Palestine", held and organized by Water and Environmental Studies Center, An-Najah National University, Nablus,West Bank. Funded by German Technical Cooperation, GTZ.
- Sep. 1993Participation in the training program "Water Distribution Systems - Maintenance and Operation" held by Jordan Engineers Association, Ramallah, West Bank.
- July1993Participation in the Evaluation of the Rainwater Harvesting Projects for Domestic and Agricultural Use, Save the Children Federation, Jerusalem, West Bank.
- April -Dec. 1992 Participation in the Preparation of the Report “Training Needs in theField of water and Wastewater in the OccupiedPalestinianTerritories”, National Foundation for Investment and Development, Jerusalem, West Bank.
- 1988-1992 Participation in the evaluation and design of several water projects worked by the department of Hydrology and Water Management, TechnicalUniversity Braunschweig, FRG. This includes:Reservoir Operation, River Measurements, Sediment Transport and WatershedModeling.