NAMEHafez Qadri Shaheen

BIRTHDAY23rd, Feb. 1959


PERSONAL ADDRESSP. O. Box 445, Nablus, West Bank, via Israel

Tel. (972) 9 2329351

Mobile: 059 9241096

Fax. (972) 9 2383280


BUSINESS ADDRESSCivil Engineering Department


P.O. Box 7, Nablus, West Bank, via Israel


PRESENTPOSITIONAssociate Professor, Civil Engineering Department

An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine


ENGINEEREngineers Association – JerusalemCenter No. 03580, 1982


INTERESTSHydrology, Water Resources Planning and Management; Hydraulic Design, Sedimentation Engineering, Sanitary and Water Quality Problems; Environmental Systems.

LANGUAGES- ArabicMother Language

- EnglishVery Good

- GermanyVery Good


SOCITEY MEMBERSHIP- International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR)

-International Water Resources Association (IWRA)

-Engineers Association – JerusalemCenter

-Arab Association for Environmental Management

-Board of Directors, Universal Group for Engineering and Consulting, Nablus

-An-NajahNationalUniversity Friends Association

-Board of Directors, Water and Environmental Studies Institute (WESI)

-Board of Directors, Patients Friends Association


  • July - August 2004, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Visiting Scholar, Braunschweig and Freiburg, Germany.
  • August 2002 - June 2003, Fulbright, Visiting Scholar, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
  • December 2001, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Visiting Scholar, Braunschweig, Germany.
  • June-August 2001, PalestinianAmericanResearchCenter (PARC), Visiting Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
  • July - August 2000, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Visiting Scholar, Braunschweig, Germany.
  • Nov. 1994, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Short course, UIMP, Valencia, Spain.
  • April 1994, British Council, Short course, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
  • Oct. 1987 - March 1992, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), PhD. Scholarship, TechnicalUniversityBraunschweig, Germany.
  • Aug. 1983 - Jan. 1985, AMIDEAST, MSc. Scholarship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
  • Sep. 1977 - June 1982, Jordanian Ministry of Education, BSc. Scholarship, JordanUniversity, Amman, Jordan


  • Nov. 1994, Short course in Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems, UIMP, Valencia, Spain.
  • April 1994, Short course in Groundwater Resources Management in Arid Environments, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
  • March 1988 – Feb. 1992, Dr.-Ing. (PhD.) Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Institute of Water Engineering, TechnicalUniversity Braunschweig, Braunshweig, Germany.
  • Feb. 1992, Dr.-Ing. Exams (PhD.) Thesis Titel: “Predicting Suspended Sediment Hydrographs in Rural Greeks”.
  • Sep. 1987 – Feb. 1988, German Language Course, Goethe Institute, Goettingen, FederalRepublic of Germany.
  • March 1988, German Language Certificate Exams (PNDS).
  • Aug. 1983 – Jan. 1985, MSc., Hydrosystems Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA
  • Jan. 1985, MSc. in Civil Engineering GPA (4.937/5.00).
  • Sep. 1977 – June 1982, BSc., Civil Engineering Department, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
  • June 1982, BSc. in Civil Engineering GPA (84.3%)
  • 1974 – 1977, Secondary School, Nablus, Palestine
  • June l977, General Secondary Certificate Exams (Tawjihi), GPA (96.1%).
  • 1971 – 1974, Primary School, Nablus, Palestine.
  • 1965 – 1971, Elementary School, Nablus, Palestine.


  • October 2006 to present, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.
  • March 1992 to September 2006, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  • 2004 to 2006, Coordinator of the MSc programs in Environmental Sciences and Water and Environmental Engineering, Water and Environmental Studies Institute, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.
  • Sep. 2002 - June 2003, Visiting Scholar, Hydrosystems, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
  • June-August 2001, Visiting Scholar, Hydrosystems Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
  • Oct. 1994 - Sep. 1996, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  • Jan. 1985 - Sep. 1987, Instructor, Civil Engineering Department, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  • Sep. 1982 - Aug. 1983, Teaching Assistant, Civil Engineering Department, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  • 1992 - present, Supervising Several MSc. thesis in the field of Water and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Graduate Studies, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus Palestine.
  • 1985 - 1987 and 1992 to present, Supervising Several B Sc. Graduation projects in the Field of Water and Wastewater; Water Distribution Systems; Drainage Systems; Water Harvesting; Watershed Modeling; etc.
  • Aug. - Sep. 1981, Practical Training, Hydraulic Laboratory, Agricultural University, Wagenigen, theNetherlands.


  • BSc. Level: Elementary Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Irrigation and Drainage, Static, Dynamics, Engineering Economy, Environmental Engineering I, Environmental Engineering II, Environment in Palestine, Introduction to Engineering.
  • MSc. Level: Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Hydrological Processes and Systems, Advanced Hydraulics, Water Resources Engineering, Groundwater Hydrology, Planning of Engineering Systems, Environmental Impact Assessment.


  1. Panos Diplas and Hafez Shaheen (2008): Bed Load Transport and Streambed Structure in Gravel Streams. Gravel-Bed Rivers VI: Form Process Understanding to River Restoration by It H. Habersack, H. Piegay, M. Rinaldi, Editors, Elsevier, PP. 291-312.
  2. Al-Kharouf, S., Al-Khatib, I.A. and Shaheen, H.Q. (2008): Appraisal of Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Wastewater Reuse in the West Bank, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp.3-14.
  3. Sameer Shadeed, Anan Jayyousi and Hafez Shaheen (2007):GIS-Based KW-GIUH Hydrological Model of Semiarid Catchments: The Case of Faria Catchment. the Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 32, Number IC. pp 3-16.
  4. Hafez Shaheen and Riyad Abdel Karim (2007): Management of Olive-Mills Wastewater in Palestine, An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, Vol. 21, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine. pp 63-83
  5. Hamees Tubeileh, Hafez Shaheen, and Amjad Aliewi (2005): Modeling of the Eocene Aquifer in Northern West Bank, accepted for publication, An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  6. Samer Al- Kharouf and Hafez Shaheen (2005): Appraisal of Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Wastewater Reuse in the West Bank. First International Conference on Sustainable Urban Wastewater Tretment and Reuse, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  7. Hafez Q. Shaheen and P. Diplas (2005): Bedload transport in gravel streams - Surface versus subsurface based transport analysis. Accepted for publication, An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  8. Hafez Shaheen, Anan Jayyousi and Sameer Shadeed (2005): Hydrograph Estimation in Semiarid Regions Using GIS supported GIUH, Model West Bank as a Case Study. Submitted for publication, JASC journal, Saudi Arabia.
  9. Hafez Shaheen, Anan Jayyousi, Sameer Shadeed, and Ammar Jarrar (2005): Hydrograph Estimation Using GIS supported GIUH Model. Proceedings of the 9th International Water Technology Conference (IWTC) 2005, Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, March, 2005.
  10. Sameer Shadeed, Anan Jayyousi and Hafez Shaheen (2005): Probability Distribution of Faria Catchment Rainfall. Water: Values and Rights International Conference, PALAST, Palestine.
  11. Sameer Shadeed, Anan Jayyousi and Hafez Shaheen (2005): Probability Distribution of Faria-Catchment Rainfall. Proceedings of the International Conference Water: Rights and Values, PalestinianAcademy and PWA, Ramallah, Palestine.
  12. Hafez Q. Shaheen (2004): Management of Olive Mills Wastes in the PalestinianTerritories.Proceedings of the third Arab Conference for Environmental Management: Recent Attitudes for Managing the Wastes that Pollute the Environment. Sharm Al-Sheikh, Arab Adminstration Development Organization, Egypt, Nov. 2004.
  13. H.Q. Shaheen (2003): Wastewater Reuse as means to optimize the use of Water Resources in the West Bank. Water International, Vol 28, No 2, IWRA, USA.
  14. H. Q. Shaheen and P. Diplas (2003): A Combined, surface-Subsurface, Approch to Bedload Transport Calculations in Gravel Bed Streams. Proceedings of the XXXIAHR Congress, August 2003, Greece. Volume 3, pp 647-654.
  15. H.Q. Shaheen (2002): “Storm Water Drainage in Arid and Semiarid Regions, West Bank as a case study.” An-Najah Journal for Research, Natural Science, Vol 16 (2), An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  16. H.Q. Shaheen (2000): “Municipal wastewater characteristics at Irtah pumping station in Tulkarem City.”, Water Science and Technology, No. 42 (1-2).
  17. M.A. Sulaibi and H.Q. Shaheen (1996): Environment Management from Islamic Perspective. Working paper presented to Hisham Hijjawi Price for Applied Sciences, Hisham Adib Hijjawi Scientific Establishment, Amman, Jordan.
  18. S. Sleibi and H.Q. Shaheen (1996): Wastewater as a Mean to Optimize the Use of Water Resources in the West Bank. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Water Resources Management, Water and Environmental StudiesCenter, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  19. S. Sleibi and H. Q. Shaheen (1995): Effect of Roof Storage Tanks on Water Distribution System. Symposium on: A Strategy for WaterSectorCapacityBuilding in Palestine.BirzeitUniversity and IHE, Birzeit, Palestine.
  20. H.Q. Shaheen and S.A. Abu-Eisheh (1995): Water Problem in Palestine Part I: Palestinian Water Resources. Proceedings of the Seminar: Water Problem in the Middle East. Middle East Studies Centre, Amman, Jordan.
  21. H.Q. Shaheen and S.A. Abu-Eisheh (1995):Water Problem in Palestine Part II: Water Problem, its Features, Dimensions and Solutions. Proceedings ofthe Seminar: Water Problem in the Middle East. Middle East Studies Centre, Amman, Jordan.
  22. H.Q. Shaheen (1994): A Watershed Model for Estimating Suspended Sediment Hydrographs. Hydraulic Engineering 1994, Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the ASCE, ASCE, USA.
  23. A.H. Helou and H. Q. Shaheen (1993): Rain Water Roof Catchment Systems as means to partially alleviate water in the West Bank. 1st Palestinian Conference in Civil Engineering, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  24. H.Q. Shaheen (1993): A Watershed Model for Estimating Suspended Sediment Hydrographs. 1st Palestinian Conference in Civil Engineering, An-NajahNationalUniversity, Nablus, Palestine.
  25. H.Q. Shaheen (1993): Water, Management and Planning - Training Needs in the Field of Water in the Occupied PalestinianTerritories. National Foundation for Divestment and Development, Jerusalem, Palestine.
  26. H.Q. Shaheen (1992). Modeling of Suspended Sediment Hydrographs in Rural Catchments (in Germany), TU BraunschweigJournal, Heft 116/1992, Braunschweig,Germany
  27. H.Q. Shaheen (1984): Water Resources in Jordan, Term Paper for CE/352 Water Resources Design.University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.


  • Nov. 1993 – Present: Shareholder, Member of board of directors and consultant, water and environmental division, Universal Group for Engineering and Consulting, Nablus, Palestine

-Local Team Leader for the Project: Technical Assistance for Augmentation of Water Sector Regulatory Framework; Legal and Institutional Framework of the Water Sector. Client PWA; Funded by Norad.

-Backstopping and management of the supervision activities of the Lot 1: WaterOperationCenter and Lot 4: Wastewater ponds of the Tulkarem water Supply and Sewage Project, ClientTulkaremMunicipality; funded by KfW.

-Participating the studies and designs of the Environmental Health Project, West Bank. Client: PWA; USAID

-Project Manger; Evaluation of the flooding problem and redesign of Jericho highway bridge, Jericho, West Bank. Client: JerichoMunicipality; UNDP.

-Deputy Project Manger; Preparation of the Tender Document for Tulkarem water supply and sewage project. Client: TulkaremMunicipality; KfW.

-Deputy Project Manger, Feasibility study for sewerage project - Tulkarem Region. Client: PWA; KfW.

-Environmental officer, Jenin – Nablus Highway Project, Palestine. Client: Ministry of Public Works funded: USAID.

-Participating the design and preparation of Tender Documents for West Bank and Gaza Strip Water Infrastructure Improvement Project. Client: PWA; AFD.

-Participating in the design and preparation of Tender Documents for Shuweikeh area-Tulkarem. Client: PECDAR. Project No.: PMO/EW/067-WB.

-Participating in the design and preparation of Tender Documents for “Bethlehem District Sewage Collection System” Project No.: PMO/EW/082-WB. Client: WSSA.

-Participating the design and preparation of the detailed Tender Documents for the "Taffouh Sewage Collection, Treatment and Reuse Scheme", Hebron District.

-Deputy Project Manager; Design and preparation of the Tender Documents for the "Sawahreh and Zaiem Sewage Collection System", Jerusalem District. Project No.: PAL/96/J31. Client: UNDP.

-Participating in the design and preparation of Tender Documents for “Emergency Rehabilitation Project Doha Area Sewage Collection System”, Bethlehem. Client: PECDAR.

-Environmental Assistant of Assessment of “the Sensitivity of Aquifers and Identification of Requirements for the Disposal of Wastewater” for "The Sewerage Master Plan and Pre-Feasibility Study for the Sewerage Project", Nablus. Project No. PMO/40-EWIWB. Client PECDAR.

-Participating the design and preparation of Tender Documents for “Ezarieh and Abu-Dees Sewerage Collection System, Centralized Treatment Plant and Effluent Reuse”, Jerusalem. Client: PECDAR; World Bank.

-Supervising the construction of "Rehabilitation and Internal Water Network for BurqaVillage, Burqa. Project No. PMO/EW/020-NM Client PECDAR.

-Participating in the preparation of Al-Auja feasibility and preliminary study "Al-Auja Irrigation Project". Client Burqa Council.

-Participating the design and preparation of "Tender Documents for Water and Road Project" for Beit Hanoun village, Gaza strip. Client PECDAR.

-Participating in the design of three water reservoirs in Abasan, Bani Suhaila and Deir Al-Balah villages, Gaza strip. Project No. PMO/EW/002-G2. Client PECDAR


  • Nov. 1993 - Present: Preparing Several Environmental Impact Assessment studies for:

-Rotus Company Asphalt Factory, Bethlehrm Palestine.

-KhadouryTechnologyCenter, Tulkarem, Palestine Client: PIEFZA, funded: USAID.

-Jenin – Nablus Highway Project, Palestine. Client: Ministry of Public Works funded: USAID.

-Nablus Industrial Estate Project, Nablus, Palestine. Client: Ministry of Industry.

-Ein Sultan Irrigation Project, Jericho, Palestine (under preparation). Client: JerichoMunicipality

-The construction of a building material quarry and crusher in the area of Zeta village, Nablus District (under preparation). Client: privet

-The construction of the Cement Factor in the area of Jaba’, Jenin District. Client: Palestinian Cement Company.

-The construction of a movable building material and stone crusher in the area of sirriss, Nablus District. Client: Privet

-The construction of a building material quarry in the area of Ajja, Jenin District. Client: privet

-The Sensitivity of Aquifers and Identification of the Requirements for the Disposal of Wastewater for the project “The Sewerage Master Plan and Pre-Feasibility Study for the Sewerage Project of Nablus”. Client: NablusMunicipality (KfW funded).

  • 1995: Participating in the training program "CapacityBuilding in Water Sector in the West Bank and Gaza Strip", held and organized by IHE, the Netherlands, Birzeit University, Birzeit, West Bank.
  • 1994: Participating in the International Seminar on Water Management in Palestine", held and organized by Water and Environmental Studies Center, An-Najah National University, Nablus,West Bank. Funded by German Technical Cooperation, GTZ.
  • Sep. 1993Participation in the training program "Water Distribution Systems - Maintenance and Operation" held by Jordan Engineers Association, Ramallah, West Bank.
  • July1993Participation in the Evaluation of the Rainwater Harvesting Projects for Domestic and Agricultural Use, Save the Children Federation, Jerusalem, West Bank.
  • April -Dec. 1992 Participation in the Preparation of the Report “Training Needs in theField of water and Wastewater in the OccupiedPalestinianTerritories”, National Foundation for Investment and Development, Jerusalem, West Bank.
  • 1988-1992 Participation in the evaluation and design of several water projects worked by the department of Hydrology and Water Management, TechnicalUniversity Braunschweig, FRG. This includes:Reservoir Operation, River Measurements, Sediment Transport and WatershedModeling.