Central DauphinSchool District / Safe Crisis Intervention
· Person initiating Emergency Safety Physical Intervention (ESPI) is responsible to fill out Page 1 and 2 of report.
· All adults involved or witnessing the crisis event must complete page 2 of this form.
· This form must be completed and faxed to your Supervisor and Administrator by the end of the work day in which the incident took place.
· These forms must be attached to the incident report of any Special Education student.
Student: DOB: Age:______Date:
PA Secure ID:______Grade:______
Building: Case Manager (if applicable):
Regular Education Special Education Disability Category______
Staff involved:______Leader Assist Witness Monitor
Staff involved:______Leader Assist Witness Monitor
Staff involved:______Leader Assist Witness Monitor
Staff involved:______Leader Assist Witness Monitor
Safe Crisis Management was necessary because the student displayed:
A danger to self
A danger to others
Date of Incident: Location of Incident:
Start Time of Incident: End Time of Incident:
Was an Emergency Safety Physical Intervention (ESPI) used? Check the approved Safe Crisis Management Emergency Safety Physical Intervention (ESPI) that was used during the Crisis Cycle:
Extended-arm Assist Upper Torso Assist
Multiple-person Extended- arm Assist Multiple-person Upper Torso Assist Crossed Arm Assist Upper Torso Assist to the Floor
Multiple-person Bicep Assist Kneeling/seated Upper Torso Assist Multiple-person Kneeling/seated Bicep Assist Multiple-person Kneeling/seated Upper Torso Assist
Cradle Assist
Cradle Assist to Floor
Kneeling/seated Cradle Assist
Duration of Emergency Safety Physical Intervention(ESPI) in minutes:______
Did any of the following systems appear to experience distress during the intervention?
Respiratory system Musculoskeletal system Circulatory system
Neurological system Gastrointestinal system
If any systems were checked, please describe:______
Central DauphinSchool District / Safe Crisis Intervention
Were there any injuries to the individual reported or assessed? Yes (fill out questions below) No
Name of staff who performed injury assessment: ______
If injured, please describe: ______
If injured, what follow-up occurred:______
Were there any injuries to the staff reported or assessed? Yes (fill out questions below) No
Name of person who performed injury assessment:______
If injured, please describe:______
If injured, what follow-up occurred?:______
Describe the setting events that occurred prior to this incident: ______
Describe in detail the antecedent event (trigger/stimulus) that occurred immediately before the individual’s behavior
of concern. ______
Describe in detail the incident that occurred including non-physical interventions that were attempted to de-escalate
the situation, and indicate the individual’s response to each (Chronological narrative of the event):______
Describe in detail the reason for the use of physical intervention. Include all techniques that were utilized, staff’s position,
and reasons for any transitions that occurred:______
Indicate the reasons that the intervention was ended (what indicated that the individual was no longer a danger to self/or others): ______
What was the outcome of the incident? (Check all that apply)
Assessment by nurse Increased supervision Need for assessment Therapeutic follow up
Medical treatment Monitored time alone Psych. hospitalization
Increased supervision Need for assessment Law enforcement involved
Disciplinary Outcome______Other______
Signature of Reporter:______Date:____/____/______
Signature of Supervisor:______Date:____/____/______
Signature Incident Review:______Date:____/____/______
/ Central DauphinSchool District / Safe Crisis Intervention
Action Plan:
1. Notify Parent: Date:
2. Schedule IEP meeting to review Crisis Plan: Date:
Signature of Staff Date
Note: Each person who is involved with or observes the incident must complete a separate form.
Please attach all intervention forms and a copy of the Crisis Plan. Send to your Supervisor by the end of the work day.
Number of Attachments
Review Team Use Only:
Date Received by Safe Crisis Management Review Committee
cc: Director of Special Education
Building Principal
Revised 2/9/2012