


19th June 2014

Minutes of the meeting of the held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, on Thursday 19th June 2014 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:- Cllr D Watt (Chairman)

Cllr D Annis

Cllr R Grantham

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr R Speight

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr M Winfield

431. Apologies

There were none

432. Declarations of Interest

There were none

433. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Grantham, seconded by Cllr Parsons and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 5th June 2014 be accepted as true records of the proceedings.

434. Matters of Report from the minutes

a. The Clerk advised that she was in the process of collating S106 allocations and hoped to be able to bring this to the next meeting of the committee.

b. The Clerk advised that she had contacted the Managing Director as the District Council about the best way of ensuring that the necessary corridor was left within the Station Road developments to ensure that it would be possible for a road to be built from Station Road to the Drakes Broughton side of Allesborough Hill. She had been advised that the Town Council needed to first get the agreement of the County Council that this was a possibility and then negotiate directly with the developers. Members felt this was too time consuming and it was agreed Cllr Rowley would raise the issue at the forthcoming liaison meeting.

435. Planning Applications


Land at Hurst Meadows, Wyre Road, Pershore

Outline planning application for the construction of 124 dwellings, green infrastructure, associated drainage, roads, footpaths and cycling.

Amended application:-

Reduction in number of residential units proposed from 130 to 124

Amended application site boundary and revised indicative layout

Amended visual impact assessment

Pershore Town Council notes that this application is for outline planning for 130 dwellings and relates to land identified in the recently submitted SWDP for potential future residential development.

However, in view of the number of applications for residential development and employment use

already submitted or about to be submitted, the Town Council takes the view that all such applications and proposals should be viewed together. The cumulative impact of all the developments affecting the northern part of Pershore Town particularly on Station Road and Wyre Road should be assessed at the same time. The overall assessment of the cumulative impact should principally centre upon:-

1. Highways and transportation – the affect on Station Road and the junctions with High

Street/Worcester Road, the Pinvin Crossroads and the Wyre Road itself.

2. The urgent needs for the Northern Link Road to be constructed and financial contributions from each developer

3. Flood risk assessment and drainage strategy – surface water and drainage issues including a comprehensive view of surface water management and discharge arrangements of all the developments and their respective impacts on localized flooding.

Pershore Town Council will continue to object to the major individual proposals in this northern part of

the town until such time as a comprehensive view is taken in relation to the cumulative affect of the

development proposals.

However members felt the proposed changes to the layout of the development were a vast improvement on the original plans.


Car park rear of former Health Centre, Priest Lane, Pershore

Erection of 8 car park lights to existing car park. Retrospective

Decision:- No objection


51 Farleigh Road, Pershore

Prior approval for proposed larger home extension – extension to rear

Decision:- No objection

436. Planning application for larger developments

Cllr Annis whether the Clerk’s planning development map could be made more widely available. Following discussion it was agreed that the map be available at the Town Hall for residents to inspect as it was constantly being updated as planning applications and amended applications were submitted.

437. Refusals and Approvals

There were none

438. Items for information

The Clerk advised that a copy of the written ministerial statement on housebuilding issued on 13th June would be available in the members room for information.

439. Items for future agenda

There were none

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.21pm.

Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..
