


TUESDAY 3rd March 2015

Minutes of a meeting of the Amenities and Environment Committee held on Tuesday 3rd March 2015, at Pershore Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore commencing at 7.30pm.

Present:- Cllr R Gillmor (Chairman)

Cllr D Annis

Cllr R Grantham

Cllr J Palfrey

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr R Speight

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr M Winfield

Cllr V Wood

Items referred by members of the public

There were none.

708. Apologies

There were none

709. Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Gillmor, Tucker and Wood declared disclosable interests in agenda item 5, Avon Meadows.

710. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Speight, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 6th January 2015 be signed as true records of the proceedings.

711. Matters of report from the minutes

a. The Clerk advised that she was still waiting for Shopwatch radio to install their booster unit.

b. The Clerk advised that the picnic benches for the Holloway land had been purchased and their installation would be undertaken when the weather improved.

c. The Clerk advised that application to designate the Holloway Land as Centenary Fields would be submitted shortly.

712. Avon Meadows

Cllr Wood advised members that work had now started on the scrape and it was

hoped to purchase a recycled plastic willow bird hide for the area. The water levels

had been lowered and it was intended to hold a number of events on the meadows

during the summer, particularly over the weekend of the River Festival.

713. Allotments

Cllr Wood advised that there was now a waiting list for allotments and in response to a question from Cllr Wood the Clerk confirmed that the purchase of a plaque for the allotment orchard was in hand.

714. Labyrinth and King George’s Field

The Clerk advised that the college had now contacted her and were interested but she had been unable to speak to the person concerned directly. It was anticipated a report would be available in time for the next meeting.

715. Public Transport

a. It was agreed to leave the meeting with Stagecoach for now as the Clerk had been unable to get a response for such a meeting.

b. Following the recommendation from full Council members considered the formation of a group to campaign for better public transport in the area and its possible aims. Cllr Tucker had some concerns that the Town Council’s priorities may be lost if this group was autonomous and it was agreed that the Council’s priorities should remain part of the Town Council’s aim and objectives.

Concerns were also expressed about the possible number of members of the group and following debate it was agreed the group be formed with a similar format to the Northern Link working group. It would report to the Town Council through the Amenities and Environment Committee and the Clerk would attend the first meeting to ensure the remit and reporting was understood. Cllr Palfrey will liaise with possible members and arrange the initial meeting.

Cllr Tucker suggested the group could undertake a public transport audit as outlined in the document from the County Council and this was agreed.

The Clerk also handed out a recent publication from the CPRE giving a public transport toolkit for consideration by the group.

c. It was agreed the Clerk chase the recent letters from the Youth and Town Councils to First Great Western regarding timetables as no response had been received.

d. It was noted that a meeting of the Railway Station car park group had been called for the following week.

716. Street Naming

Members considered the current list of possible names for future streets in Pershore and agreed to add Rossiter to this list.

Members decided that future names should avoid, if possible, using the names of residents of the town in view of the amount of work this involved for the office in obtaining permission from the next of kin and also the subjective nature of such suggestions.

It was felt that themes for development would be more appropriate for example, flora and fauna as well as plums.

The Clerk asked for a suggested name for the new Tempwood development to be recommended to Council. Following debate it was proposed by Cllr Rowley, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that the recommendation be that the street be called Bredon View Close.

717. Dog Fouling

Members agreed this was an ongoing problem and it was agreed an initiative to raise the profile of the problem be considered by the new Council following the elections in May. The Clerk advised members of a request from a local resident for one of the waste bins in Fulbert Road to be moved to an area near Birlingham Close which was particularly bad. Members were uncertain whether there was a spare bin in that vicinity and also suggested that, if there were, it should be moved to the entrance to the public right of way near to the pumping station rather than Birlingham Close. It was agreed this be deferred to the next meeting of the committee once more information is available.

718. Transition Pershore

Cllr Winfield reported that discussions were taking place with Evesham Vale Transition Group to consider whether the Evesham and Pershore groups should merge. He would update members when a decision had been made.

719. Avon Navigation Trust

Cllr Grantham advised that work to Pershore lock had been concluded and a great deal of work had been undertaken. One area had been particularly bad and once the piling had been completed this section had actually collapsed. The next phase would be to pile the island and replace the lock hut with work starting on other locks on the river over the coming months and years, starting with Nafford in the autumn.

720. Parish Pride

It was noted that the next litter pick would be Saturday 3rd October 2015 and the Clerk will arrange for the Town Hall to be available for refreshments to be provided.

The recent litter pick had been most successful and the addition of 4 Eckington youths with a PCSO had also been successful. Members agreed this type of community work for local miscreants could be used again if the police wished.

It was noted that hoops for the bags would be helpful as would additional bags as the group ran out of bags during the morning and the Clerk will make this request to the District Council who put the packs together.

Cllr Wood commented that the Football Club was looking particularly messy and the Clerk was asked to request that they undertake their own litter pick.

The Clerk advised that following the erection of Heras fencing around the Tempwood site the installation of hanging baskets at that entrance to the town may be difficult. Cllr Wood agreed to investigate.

Cllr Wood asked that consideration be given to painting the Town Council’s planters prior to the summer planting. The Clerk will discuss this with the groundsmen.

721. Items for Information

a. It was noted that the pollarding of the trees in Broad Street had been completed.

b. It was noted that the toilets as the Bridges picnic site had been locked at the weekend and the Clerk will endeavor to find out why

c. It was noted that the sill and some rendering had fallen off the Fawcett shop and the Clerk will advise them accordingly.

722. Items for future agenda

Multi Agency Flood Plan (review).

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:43pm

Signed……………………………………………. Date……………………….
