14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.

Permit Reviewer: Tempi Chaney 25310-25311-2009-S

Telephone Number: (301) 952-4707 Laundromat

Fax Number: (301) 952-4141 Beltway Plaza

Permit Status: September 4, 2009


Permit Approved 9/24/09

The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the following should be directed to the reviewer at the phone number provided above. Further comments may be generated when the appropriate information has been submitted. Revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section. To expedite subsequent review, all revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section in one package.

1.  Submit 2 copies of the site plan for Beltway Plaza indicating which building and which unit the Laundromat is occupying. September 24, 2009 – OK, received site plans on 9/15/09 for Beltway Plaza. Tempi

2.  Demonstrate on the site plan the location of the two (2) proposed signs. September 24, 2009 – OK per revised plans received 9/15/09. Tempi

3.  There were two (2) sign applications submitted for the Laundromat. Park and Planning only received copies for the front sign elevation. Submit 3 copies of the sign elevations for the second proposed sign. September 24, 2009 – OK per sign elevations received. Tempi

4.  Per Section 27-613 (c)(3)(C) – In all Commercial Zones, if all of the permissible sign area is to be used on any building that is located within an integrated shopping center, the following applies: (i) – The area of all of the signs on a building shall be not more than two (2) square feet for each one (1) lineal foot of the width along the front of the building measured along the wall containing the principal entrance of each individual place of business to a maximum of four hundred (400) square feet. September 24, 2009 – per a letter received from David Sullivan, this is a freestanding building with no entrance into the mall area. This building is not included in DSDS-403. Tempi

Provide the total lineal footage along the entire front of the building. September 24, 2009 – The front of the Laundromat is approximately 52 linear feet. 104 square foot of sign area is permitted on this building. The two proposed signs are 45 square feet per sign with a total of 90 square feet which is under the allowed 104 square feet. Tempi

5.  Provide a list of all tenants and building signs with the square footage for each sign located within the same building as the Laundromat is located. September 24, 2009 – Not required for this building. Tempi

6.  Once the above comments have been addressed, review will continue and additional comments may be generated.

September 4, 2009 – Comments faxed to Wan Y Lee at 703-244-2290. Tempi