14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro Md. 20772
Permit Reviewer: Michelle Hughes 27351-2016-U
Telephone Number: (301) 952-5409 June 8, 2016
Fax Number: (301) 952-4141 Events by Jacqueline
Permit Status:
The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the following comments should be directed to the reviewer. For permit status, please direct your call to the appropriate phone number provided above.
Further review and comments may be generated when the appropriate or additional information has been submitted. Revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section.
1. The proposed use on this permit application is a banquet hall/ballroom. This property is located in the Southern Green Line Station Area SMA within the M-U-T-C Development District Overlay Zone. The Southern Green Line Station Area SMA governs all their own uses. A banquet hall in the Southern Green Line Station Area SMA is defined as an establishment that is used regularly for serving food or beverages to groups that, in advance of the event, have reserved the facility for banquets or meetings, to which the general public is not admitted, and for which no admission charge is imposed at the door unless as an ancillary or accessory use to a restaurant, tavern, hotel, or convention center, or as otherwise provided. Banquet hall, dance hall, “go-go”, any events that require a commercial dance license, or artistic performances that include customer participation are all a recreational establishment of a commercial nature (an establishment which provided entertainment, recreation, or amusement for profit) which are subject to the general Special Exception standards in Section 27-317(a)(1), (4) (5), and (6) and conforms to the recommendations of this preliminary sector plan. Per the written description for the proposed use a recreational establishment of a commercial nature per the table of uses is permitted and subject to the general Special Exception standards in Section 27-317(a)(1), (4) (5), and (6) and conforms to the recommendations of this preliminary sector plan and (i) which states except for a “Banquet hall,” which shall be defined for purposes of the DDOZ as “an establishment that is used regularly for serving food or beverages to groups that, in advance of the event, have reserved the facility for banquets or meetings, to which the general public is not admitted, and for which no admission charge is imposed at the door unless as an ancillary or accessory use to a restaurant, tavern, hotel, or convention center, or as otherwise provided therefore per the Southern Green Line Sector Plan a recreational establishment which consists of a banquet hall is prohibited. A banquet hall is also listed on the DDOZ prohibited use list in the Southern Green Line Sector Plan SMA.
2. An auditorium is a room or building used for the gathering of people seated as an audience; open to the general public, with or without an admission charge, and used primarily for public speaking, theatrical production; excluding any form of patron dancing or adult entertainment. If another individual organizes an event at this facility, which consists of dancing or other entertainment and this individual charges a fee to attend this event, this is not an auditorium. It is a recreational establishment of a commercial nature. The correct use will be determined once the applicant has clearly indicating how this proposed use will operate. Per the written description for the proposed use a recreational establishment of a commercial nature.
The written documentation that must be submitted for this permit application must clearly state how this proposed use will operate. Will the use include any “pay at the door” events, or any performance by which there is any customer participation (lap dancing), a dance hall, “go-go”. These uses are recreation establishments of a commercial nature (an establishment which provides entertainment, recreation, or amusement for profit) which are subject to the general Special Exception standards.
I called and discussed the permit comments with Jacqueline Wiggins. Permit comments emailed to Jacqueline Wiggins at .
6/9/16 – I discussed this with Lauren Oliphant, Supervisor Planning Information Services. She confirmed the use would not be permitted based on Footnote 1 (except for banquet hall).
6/10/16 – Ms. Wiggins inquired about having a catering establishment with banquet facilities. I went over the definition with her and indicated that I would need to check with the Planner, Chidy Umeozulu. I send Chidy an email and he indicated he will get back to me. I discussed this with Debbie and she indicated in the use tables because “with banquet facilities” under catering establishment is not specifically spelled out as a permitted use and Footnote (i) under catering establishment indicates (except Banquet Halls) the use is prohibited.
6/14/16 – I sent an email to Ms. Wiggins indicating I have not heard back from Chidy but indicated the decision that was made by Debbie. She sent an email to Brittany in Zoning Information and I wanted to give her an answer.
6/14/16 - Per email from Chidy; he concurs with Debbie that the proposed catering establishment with banquet facilities is prohibited.
6/17/16 – Mr. Wade came into the office to discuss revising this permit application to an eating & drinking establishment. Zoning Information gave him the Southern Green Line table of use P* and explained that this use would need additional review to meet the general Special Exception standards. I also explained that the parking requirements for the eating and drinking establishment would be based upon the number of seats and the site has joint use parking. I also discussed with Brooke that a “CU” permit would be required to put in a kitchen.