PermaLot: Akce v roce 2006

General about events at PermaLot:

Vegetarian, 80% organic meals and basic accommodation are included in fee: at the camp in Bouzov Svojanov we offer tee-pee’s or wooden pyramids. By our farm in Bouzov Podoli we may be able to offer a mattress on the floor, a bed in the guest room, or a warm nest in the straw in the barn.

Optional accommodation in 4 bed dormitories in Bouzov Svojanov is 3 euro person/night or at Hotel for around 10 euro/person night (1,5 km away). During weekend events we cook together, for the bigger events we hire a cook. Some of the events are in Bouzov Podoli, others in Bouzov Svojanov. Make sure you arrive at the right place: It’s a long walk!

We aim to have a good spirit during the courses; part of ensuring this is for you to register in good time with a 50% pre-payment (non-refundable if cancelled less than one week prior to event) and please make sure to be here at the correct time; also in case the bus doesn’t show etc. Look at for travel directions.

Events may be cancelled if less than 3-10 people register: Please sign up Early!


Date/ Start:/ /

Participants / Price

10.3 - 12.3.2006: Start: 19:15
Intro to Natural Building I.
Theory and practical experience through building the „Natural House“ / 3 to 6 Price: 300 Kč
Facilitator / Location
Max / Bouzov Podoli
17.3 - 19.3.2006. Start: 19:15
Intro to Natural Building I.
Theory and practical experience through building the „Natural House“ / 3 to 6 Price: 300 Kč
Max / Bouzov Podoli
24.3 - 26.3.2006. Start: 19:15

Full permaculture design course - 72hour course Part I

Introductory course. Focused on Zone 0 and 1. Homework required. Practical activities will include natural building, health-food, yoga / 6 to 12 / Price: 1000 Kč
Nature, you, us and other instructors to be announced / Bouzov Podoli
7.4 - 10.4.2006. Start: 19:15
Intro to Natural Building II.
Theory and practical experience through building the „Natural House“ / 3 to 6 / Price: 300 Kč
Max / Bouzov Podoli
28.4 - 31.4.2006. Start: 19:30

Singing in Nature –Erect natural camp

Preparation of natural campsite, harmonic and harmonizing singing / 3 to 20 / Price: 150 Kč
Radka V/ Bouzov Svojanov
5.5 - 7.5.2006. Start: 19:15

Synergistic gardening / Intro to biodynamics

Synergická zahrada, partnerství rostlin, jak se vzájemně podporují, elementy v rostlinách, jaké účinky mají na naše zdraví fyzické i psychické. Biodynamické zemědělství a zahradnictví - základní principy a přístupy, vč. výsevního kalendáře, kompostování, rotačního výsevu, biodynamických preparátů a správy skleníku / 5 to 15 / 1500kc?????
Petr Vaněk, Radka Babiánková, Radka V / Bouzov Podoli
12.5 - 14.5.2006. Start: 19:30

Full permaculture design course - 72hour course Part II

Focused on Zone 2. Homework required. Practical activities will include design, preparation and planting a synergestic garden / 6 to 12 / Price: 1000 Kč
Nature, you, us and other instructors to be announced / Bouzov Svojanov
2.6 - 4.6.2006. Start: 16:00

Intro to Forest kindergarten concept

Children can spend all days of week outside in all weather and lean all what they need before they enter basic school. This is the concept of the forest kindergarten originally from Sweden and spreading further in Europe. This event is an experience weekend for parents with kids and it will cover alternatives to education of pre-school and school kids, such as waldorf education. / 5 to 20 / 1000 Kč for adults, 1 child free, others 300 Kč
Radka V, and other lecturers / Bouzov Svojanov
9.6 - 11.6.2006. Start: 19:30

Dynamics in ecovillage living

Community life – sharing experiences from community life, pictures from Ontario, Canada, and from coastal farms. / ?-25 / Write Price: !!!
Petr Vaněk, Radka Babiánková and others / Bouzov Svojanov
23.6 - 25.6.2006. Start: 19:15

Full permaculture design course - 72hour course Part III

Zone 3. Summer solstice – discussion about natural cycles, their influence of plants, animals and human society. Celebration. Practical activities will include building from natural materials. / 6 to 20 / Price: 1000 Kč
Nature, you, us and other instructors to be announced / Bouzov Podoli
23.7 - 30.7.2006. Start: 19:30

Full permaculture design course - 72hour course Part IV

Final of the full permaculture design course. Meant for participants of the 3 previous weekend courses. / 6 to 20 / Price: 2200 Kč
Nature, you, us and other instructors to be announced / Bouzov Svojanov
31.7 - 07.8.2006. Start: 19:30

Gardening with herbs – small herb entrepreneurship

How to start entrepreneurship in growing herbs, how to combine herbs in the garden and in cooking, how do herbs effect our physical and mental health, example from an existing farm in Austria.
- If in doubts about your participation, register please in any case. We will try to find further funding. / If between 10-15 people=
New EU Countries: 7.200 Kč. Old EU: 12.000 Kč.
If between 16-25 people= 4.740 Kč / 7.740 Kč
Marlies Ortner (Austria) and others / Bouzov Svojanov
07.8 - 13.8.2004

Natural Building gathering

Natural builders meet, have fun and share knowledge [For invited people only]
18.8 - 25.8.2006

“Enjoy your sustainable lifestyle!”

Youth from Czech, Hungary, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Poland taking Politics and sustainability [For invited people only] / 25/ 0,-
Green Youth / Bouzov Svojanov
20.8 - 27.8.2006. Start: 19:30

Pottery course

Two experienced ceramic lecturers will lead you into various techniques of ceramic work (including pottery wheel and burning your products). Apart from that you will have a chance to stretch your body during morning yoga, refresh your soul during choir singing, walks and eat tasty vegetarian food predominantly organic. / 5 to 15 / Price to be announced in March.
Markéta Mlejnková, Katarína Nováková, Radka V. / Bouzov Podoli
13.9 - 15.9.2006. Start: 8:00
Support of local sale and processing of final products. Bridge between East and West and agri-environmental interests.
Three-day seminar that can show possibilities to improve local sale and processing of final products in fruit and berry business. It will also outline advantages of including agri-environmental measures. The event will take place in the heart of orchard region. International experts will be invited and the seminar will happen in work groups and through guided orchard tours. All food will be of organic and Czech produce. / 15 to 30
To be announced / Bouzov Kozov
This event depends on external funding.


1st week training as ‘Modern Earth Plasterer” Vocational training: Depending on funding from region/EU / Natur&Lehm, StudioHolman, Max


2nd week training as ‘Modern Earth Plasterer” Vocational training: Depending on funding from region/EU / Natur&Lehm, StudioHolman, Max
September to July: Evening Free-time activities, One „Open Door weekend“ a month and Eco advisory: Depending on funding from region/EU / Radka, Max + ?

More about events at PermaLot:

All events will vary according to theme, participants, season and facilitators. A general rule is that you’ll gain most by coming with an open mind. Please don’t expect to learn all about PermaLot, Waldorf, ecovillages etc. if you come for a natural building course and don’t expect to learn to build when you come for an herb course.

Children are very welcome though we expect parents to keep an eye on them. We do not allow dogs at the land trust in Svojanov and in general advice you to come without, also if the event is in Podoli: It causes our neighboring dogs to go crazy.

Please always bring sleeping bag and practical clothes depending on weather and event. We are very sorry but none of our places are wheel chair accessible. We don’t mind enjoying a glass of wine or beer, but due to bad experiences we ask you to keep the PermaLot camp drug and alcohol free. If you have a major mental health problem that would require specialist help, we do not have the resources to support you and it would put an undue burden on the other participants here. Please be honest about it to yourself and us.

We live according to ‘voluntary simplicity’, which for us includes electricity, mobiles, computers, cars, power tools and soon even running hot water in a comfortable bathroom…with Sauna!

Detailed description of Events:

Intro to Natural Building I:

The aim of the weekends is to give you a hands-on experience with natural building. We can’t teach you how to build a house during this weekend [It takes 2 weeks ;o)], however we believe that you will leave with a feeling that it’s possible for you do to do it.

The evenings will be spent with DVD’s and books + casual talk. The days will be focused around various practical chores depending on which project we’re working on at the time. It’s almost certain to involve earth plastering or building, perhaps also cordwood, carpentry or other techniques. Make sure to bring clothes that can get dirty. Pay attention that all teaching materials are in English language.

Intro to Natural Building II:

Same as # I, but taking it one step further, going more in depth. We will also be able to consult you on your own design during this course. We expect you to have experience if you choose to only sign up for this weekend. Pay attention that all teaching materials are in English language.

Full Permaculture Design course:

This course will follow Bill Mollison’s curriculum for a 72 hour permaculture course and will certify you accordingly. We have re-designed the course format, placing more emphasis on home study as well as breaking the duration up in 3 weekends and one-week course. We hope to attract future teachers of Permaculture in C.R, which is why we have priced the course low. It will be the first course, which we teach and we intend to facilitate the course so it maximizes your input and experience, learning to ‘read’ nature along with practical work and examples alongside many creative learning elements, some inspired by Waldorf pedagogic. We are part of the permaculture development which believes that the principles can be used everywhere in life, and so you can look forward to a course covering everything from gardening to lifestyle, building, partnership, organizing and teaching.

We hope students are able to take part in an online study group, supporting each other’s learning path. The main texts will be from David Holmgrens book “Pathways and Principles beyond sustainability (most chapters available in Czech) and Patrick Whitefields “Earth Care manual”

We offer a 500 kc payback for CZ/SK participants who register and completes the whole 72-hour course.

Some of the teaching as well as part of the home study will be in English.

Synergistic garden and intro to bio dynamics

Please: Can you write something here inspired from the bit in the calendar?

Singing in Nature; build natural camp

This will be fifth time we’re preparing the camp for a new season and it becomes easier every time. So easy that we want to do it while singing! Radka will lead you through the basics of choir singing; singing by listening as a way of developing team spirit. Max will advice on how to raise tee-pee’s and our 2 large tents, along with mounting pyramids!

Intro to Forest kindergarten concept

Children can spend all days of week outside in all weather and lean all what they need before they enter basic school. This is the concept of the forest kindergarten originally from Sweden and spreading further in Europe. This event is an experience weekend for parents with kids and it will cover alternatives to education of pre-school and school kids, such as Waldorf education.

Dynamics in ecovillage life

Please fil in…

Gardening with herbs – small herb entrepreneurship

Guest Teacher; Dr. Med. Marlies Ortner, Austria and others.

In Czech/Slovak and German languages. (Czech Interpretation included )

Many herbalists strive to make a livelihood from their passion of herbs. This course will focus on networking the herbalists in Czech, Slovakia and Austria, and learning different approaches to education and entrepreneurship within herbalism. Please see separate program for details.

About Dr. Marlies Ortner: She left the field of western Medicine and has since then self-published several books about education in nature and herbs. She runs a small herb-farm with countless herbs for sale, tours, courses and production of natural cosmetics etc. In addition she’s the chairwoman of the Permaculture Academy for the Alpine Region. More information on: /

Pottery course

Two experienced ceramic lecturers will lead you into various techniques of ceramic work (including pottery wheel and burning your products). Apart from that you will have a chance to stretch your body during morning yoga, refresh your soul during choir singing, walks and eat tasty vegetarian food predominantly organic. More detailed program will come in March.

Support of local sale and processing of final products. Bridge between East and West agri-environmental interests.

See separate program to be posted online in April…

What’s PermaLot???

A small ecological landtrust, focused on reestablishing local sustainability in the countryside through permaculture principles.

We own 15 hectares of fields, orchard, meadow and forest in a well hidden corner of Moravia, some 3,5 hours East of Prague.

w w w . P e r m a L o t . o r g