factory / Basic / Proficient / Distin-
guished / Not Observed / Goal


PERFORMANCE OBSERVATION FORM for Special Education Teachers

Teacher / Subject/Grade
Building/Administrator / Date
Data Collected Through
  • Formal Observation
  • Informal Observations
  • Input from Others
Observation #1 Observation #2 Observation #3
/ Unsatis-factory / Basic / Proficient / Distin-guished / Not Observed / Goal
DOMAIN 1: Planning and Preparation
1A.Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Knowledge of Content and the Structure of the Discipline
  • Teacher displays knowledge of important concepts within the discipline, and their relationships to one another.
  • Teacher’s plans reflect a wide range of pedagogical approaches.

Knowledge of IEP Content and Forms
  • Teacher completes required IEP forms and ensures plans for instructional programming is in compliance with those forms.

Knowledge of Content-Related Pedagogy
  • Teacher provides feedback to students that further learning.
  • Teacher consistently provides clear explanations of content.

1B.Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
Knowledge of Child and Adolescent Development
  • Teacher displays accurate understanding of the typical developmental characteristics of the age group as well the impact of exceptions to the general patterns and their impact on student learning..

Knowledge of the Learning Process
  • Teacher creates learning activities that require active intellectual engagement.
  • Teacher understands how students learn and applies this to their instructional planning.

Knowledge of Students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Language Proficiency
  • Teacher designs learning activities that engage learners’ at a variety of knowledge and skill level, language proficiency, and communication ability within the classroom.

Knowledge of Students’ Interests and Cultural Heritage
  • Teacher is aware of student interests and cultural heritage and this knowledge is used in planning.
  • Teacher designs opportunities for students and families to share their interests and cultural heritage.

Knowledge of Students’ Special Needs
  • Teacher is aware of student’s special learning and medical needs and advocates for students as needed.

1C.Setting Instructional Outcomes
Value, Sequence, and Alignment
  • Teacher provides outcomes that represent high expectations and rigor, and a high reflection of student’s goals and objectives.

  • Teacher provides goals in terms of statements of what the student will learn rather than do.
  • All student goals are clear and measurable and include a viable assessment plan
  • All goals take into account varying learning needs of the student, are attainable, and are based on individual assessments of the student’s needs.

  • Teacher provides outcomes that represent a range of types: factual knowledge, conceptual understanding, reasoning, social interaction, management, and communication.

Suitability for Diverse Students
  • Teacher provides outcomes that are differentiated for students of varied ability.

1D.Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
Resources for Classroom Use
  • Teacher is aware of and utilizes materials provided by the district.
  • Teacher utilizes a range of instructional resources to specifically meet the learning needs of students.

Resources to Extend Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
  • Teacher utilizes technology to access resources
  • Ongoing participation by the teacher in professional education courses or professional groups is evident.

Resources for Students
  • Teacher makes regular use ofschool, district, and community resources to meet the needs of students.

1E.Designing Coherent Instruction
Learning Activities
  • Teacher provides learning activities that are relevant to students instructional/IEP goals and are designed to engage student’s in the learning activity
  • Teacher provides activities that integrate technology into the learning process.

Instructional Materials and Resources
  • Teacher provides materials and resources that are relevant to students instructional/IEP goals and are designed to engage student’s in the learning activity

Instructional Groups
  • Instructional groups are varied as appropriate to the students and the different instructional outcomes

Lesson and Unit Structure
  • Teacher provides a progression of activities that is well structured, includes reasonable time allocations, and reflects sound professional practice.

1F.Designing Student Assessments
Congruence with Instructional Outcomes
  • Teacher provides lesson plans that indicate all instructional outcomes/IEP goals are assessed through a planned approach to assessment.

Criteria and Standards
  • Teacher provides varied assessment types suitable to specific learning outcomes.
  • Expectations are clearly written with descriptors for each level of performance
  • Assessment methodologies have been adapted for individual students as needed

Design of Formative Assessments
  • Teacher provides a variety of performance opportunities for students that include well designed summative and formative assessments

Use for Planning
  • Teacher designs formative assessments to inform minute to minute decision making by the teacher during instruction, as well as assessments that inform for future instruction.

1 of 6August 2014

factory / Basic / Proficient / Distin-
guished / Not Observed / Goal
DOMAIN 2: The Classroom Environment
2A.Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
Teacher Interactions With Students, Including Both Words and Actions
  • Teacher interactions with students are friendly and demonstrate respect and caring for individuals and groups of students.
  • Teacher acknowledges and shows interest in students’ backgrounds and lives beyond the classroom.
  • Students exhibit respect for the teacher.
  • Teacher responds to unacceptable behavior and incorrect answers in a way that respects the dignity of the student.

Student Interactions With Other Students, Including Both Words and Actions
  • Student interactions are generally polite and respectful.

2B.Establishing a Culture For Learning
Importance of the Content and of Learning
  • Teacher shows enthusiasm for content and demonstrates a belief in the value of what is being learned.

Expectations for Learning and Achievement
  • Teacher demonstrates high expectations, supported through both verbal and nonverbal behaviors, for both learning and participation.
  • Teacher conveys an expectation of high levels of student effort.

Student Pride in Work
  • Teacher has expectation of high-quality work on the part of students
  • Teacher expects and recognizes effort and persistence on the part of students.

2C.Managing Classroom Procedures
Management of Instructional Groups
  • Teacher ensures students are productively engaged in during group work time.

Management of Transitions
  • Teacher ensures transitions between activities are smooth with little loss of instructional time.

Management of Materials and Supplies
  • Routines for distribution and collection of materials and supplies work efficiently.

Performance of Classroom Routines
  • Teacher facilitates smooth functioning of all routines to ensure little loss of instructional time
  • Efficient systems for performing non-instructional duties are in place.
  • Teacher ensures that co-teachers, paraprofessionals, and volunteers are productively engaged.
  • Teacher ensures that students assist in classroom routines, know what to do, and where to move.

2D.Managing Student Behavior
  • Teacher provides clear standards of conduct for student behavior

Monitoring of Student Behavior
  • Teacher monitors student behavior at all times and implements proactive interventions to prevent misbehavior.
  • Teacher participates in functional assessment of behavior and implements a behavior intervention plan with integrity.

Response to Student Misbehavior
  • Teacher response to misbehavior is appropriate and successful and respects the student’s dignity
  • Student behavior is generally appropriate and there is an absence of misbehavior in classroom
  • Teacher provides reinforcement of positive behavior

2E.Organizing Physical Space
Safety and Accessibility
  • Teacher provides a pleasant, inviting atmosphere
  • Teacher provides a safe environment
  • Teacher provides accessibility for all students

Arrangement of Furniture and Use of Physical Resources
  • The classroom is safe and accessible to all students
  • Teacher ensures furniture arrangement is suitable for the learning activities
  • Teacher demonstrates effective use of physical resources incorporating technology for both teacher and student use.

DOMAIN 3: Instruction
3A.Communicating With Students
Expectations for Learning
  • Teacher provides clarity of lesson purpose.

Directions For Activities
  • Teacher provides clear directions and procedures specific to the lesson activities.

Explanations of Content
  • Teacher provides clear and accurate explanations of concepts and strategies and connects content with students’ knowledge and experience.

Use of Oral and Written Language
  • Teacher demonstrates correct use of spoken and written language. Vocabulary is appropriate to students’ ages and development.

3B.Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Quality of Questions/Prompts
  • Teacher ensures questions of high cognitive challenge, formulated by both students and teacher.
  • Teacher uses questions with multiple correct answers or multiple approaches, even when there is a single correct response

Discussion Techniques
  • Adequate time is provided for all students to respond.
  • All students are provided communication supports necessary to fully participate.
  • Teacher creates discussion among students, with the teacher stepping out of the central, mediating role.

Student Participation
  • Teacher encourages high levels of student participation in discussion providing supports as needed to ensure all students are able to participate

3C.Engaging Students in Learning
Activities and Assignments
  • All activities and assignments are appropriate to the students’ age/instructional level.
  • Teacher creates learning tasks that require high-level student thinking and invite students to explain their thinking.
  • Teacher ensures students are highly motivated to work on all tasks and persistent even when the tasks are challenging.

Grouping of Students
  • Instructional groups are appropriate to the student, the instructional purposes of the lesson, and/or the student’s IEP goals.

Instructional Materials and Resources
  • Teacher uses materials and resources that support learning goals and stimulate the intellectual engagement of all students.

Structure and Pacing
  • The Lessons adhere to program curriculum and have a clearly defined structure around which the activities are organized.
  • Teacher ensures students are actively engaged in the learning activities.
  • Teacher provides suitable pacing of the lesson: neither dragged out nor rushed, with time for closure and student reflection.

3D.Using Assessment in Instruction
Assessment Criteria
  • Teacher makes sure students are aware of assessment criteria and standards of high-quality work

Monitoring of Student Learning
  • Teacher pays close attention to evidence of student learning through the use of formative and summative assessments.
  • Teacher poses specifically created questions and activities to elicit real time evidence of student understanding.

Feedback to Students
  • Teacher feedback to students is timely and consistently of high quality.
  • Students use feedback to improve future learning.

Student Self-Assessment and Monitoring of Progress
  • Teacher facilitates students assessing their own work against established assessment criteria and performance standards.

3E.Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Lesson Adjustment
  • Teacher incorporates students’ interests and daily events into lessons.

Response to Students
  • Teacher adjusts instruction in response to evidence of student understanding.

  • Teacher persists in seeking approaches for students who have difficulty learning drawing on a variety of strategies.
  • Teacher is able to seize on a teachable moment.

DOMAIN 4: Professional Responsibilities
4A.Reflecting on Teaching
  • Teacher provides an accurate assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it met the instructional outcomes

Use in Future Teaching
  • Teacher offers specific alternative actionsfor future lessons that could be tried.

4B.Maintaining Accurate Records
Student Completion of Assignments
  • Teacher uses effective routines and systems that track students completion of assignments
  • Students can access to information about completed and/or missing assignments.

Student Progress in Learning
  • Teacher has an effective and efficient process for recording student progress/attainment of learning/IEP goals.

Noninstructional Records
  • Files containing current IEP, protocols of standardized tests, and notes are current and complete

4C.Communicating With Families
Information About the Instructional Program
  • Teacher provides frequent and culturally appropriate information to families regarding the instructional program and student progress.

Information About Individual Students
  • Teacher facilitates two-way communication between the teacher and families

Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
  • Teacher provides families with IEP information and notification of meetings in an appropriate timeframe to ensure their opportunity to attend and provide input.
  • Teacher provides frequent opportunities for families to engage in the learning process.

4D.Participating in the Professional Community
Relationships with Colleagues
  • Teacher engages in regular participation with colleagues to share and plan for student success

Involvement in a Culture of Professional Inquiry
  • Teacher engages in regular participation in professional courses or communities that emphasize improving practice

Service to the School
  • Teacher provides regular participation in school initiatives

Participation in School and District Projects
  • Teacher provides regular participation in and support of district and/or community initiatives

4E.Growing and Developing Professionally
Enhancement of Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Skill
  • Teacher frequently attends courses and workshops to enhance content knowledge and pedagogical skill

Receptivity to Feedback From Colleagues
  • Teacher participates in learning networks with colleagues
  • Teacher is receptive to feedback from supervisors and colleagues

Service to the Profession
  • Teacher participates in professional organizations supporting academic inquiry

4F.Showing Professionalism
Integrity and Ethical Conduct
  • Teacher is trustworthy and displays a high level of ethics and professionalism in dealings with both students and colleagues.

Service to Students
  • Teacher ensures students and student learning are the highest priority during committee anddepartment planning work.

  • Teacher supports and advocates for students, even in the face of difficult situations or conflicting policies to make sure all students are adequately served

Decision Making
  • Teacher participates in team or departmental decision making and questions existing practiceswhen those practices no longer support student success.

Compliance With School and District Regulations
  • Teacher consistently fulfills district mandates regarding policies and procedures.

Teacher Strengths:
Areas for Improvement:
Other Comments:
Employee signature indicates that they have read and received a copy of this form. Should the employee want to attach a response, they may do so.
Teacher Signature / Date / Administrator Signature / Date
Completion: / Minimum of three observations for probationary staff and one observation for continuing contract staff on high cycle prior to the end of the school year.
Original: / Attach to completed/signed Summative Evaluation Form and submit to Human Resources for inclusion in personnel file.
Copies: /
  • Teacher
  • Administrator

1 of 6August 2014