Employee Name: / Date:



The Performance/Development (P/D) Review is intended to evaluate all important aspects of an

employee’s performance of the principal accountabilities of their job since the date of their last

evaluation. P/D Reviews are a communication channel between the supervisor and employee and aids in the development and improvement of an employee’s performance, difficulties and goals as well as provide an objective, equitable basis for our pay for performance program.

In completing the form, the supervisor should:

  1. Use the employee’s job description to list the principal performance objectives in their order of importance;
  1. Evaluate the employee’s level of performance for each objective, using the definitions on the back of the form;
  1. List areas where improvement or growth is needed, as well as strengths;
  1. Sign the form
  1. Review the P/D Review with the department head;
  1. Obtain the signature of the Vice President; and
  1. Send the form to Human Resources where it will be reviewed for corporate consistency.

When the form is returned the supervisor should schedule a meeting with the employee to review

the P/D Review. The employee should be given sufficient advance notice to prepare for the meeting.

At the meeting with the employee, the supervisor should review and discuss in detail the P/D Review, identifying key results and objectives. In those areas where improvement or growth is needed, a specific improvement plan should be outlined to the employee.

The employee should sign the form, indicating it has been reviewed and discussed. The employee should be told that the form is confidential and will be placed in his/her performance file, but that he/she is entitled to review it upon request.


If an additional P/D Review is needed due to an employee’s performance not meeting the expectations of the position (either Not Yet Fully Meets or Provisional), or if you desire to conduct another P/D Review, check the box below and indicate the date on which you would like to receive an additional P/D Review form:



From the Position Description evaluate the incumbent on the key responsibilities for this position. Consider job knowledge, quality of work, use of time, the ability to handle assignments, judgment and results obtained in evaluating each responsibility. Enter the level of performance for each responsibility using the definitions on the back page. In addition, for each goal, highlight any successful events as well as areas where improvements may be needed.

(1) Responsibility:
Area of Improvement or Growth:
Performance Evaluation::
(2) Responsibility:
Area of Improvement or Growth:
Performance Evaluation:
(3) Responsibility:
Area of Improvement or Growth:
Performance Evaluation:
(4) Responsibility:
Area of Improvement or Growth:
Performance Evaluation:

For the area(s) where improvement or growth is needed, indicate the development plan for each:

Development Plan:

Evaluate the manager/supervisor’s ability to train and motivate employees, the ability to accurately appraise performance of employees, the ability to utilize employees effectively, operate within budget and staffing limitation:

Management Skills:
Skills Evaluation:

Evaluate the ability to analyze problems, make appropriate decisions, plan and organize workflow, handle change and its impact, and the ability to work with others plus their overall knowledge of their area and the job:

Technical Skills:
Skills Evaluation:


The overall rating for this employee is:

Far Exceeds Position Requirements / Noticeably Exceeds Position Requirements / Fully Meets Position Requirements / Not Yet Fully Meets Position Requirements / Provisional
Performance is highly exceptional. Outstanding producer; actively develops teamwork and cooperation; extremely versatile; an effective communicator. Thoroughly understands the relationships and duties of related jobs. NOTE: Relatively few employees achieve the perfection in performance of all of their duties that demand this rating. / Performance consistently exceeds the requirements of the position in all key areas. Completely utilizes ability and experience to produce results noticeably better than expected. Understands related jobs and stands out as a major contributor in achieving overall department goals. / Performance meets all standards and objectives, and often exceeds the normal requirements of the position. Utilizes ability and experience to produce desired results expected from a qualified employee; requires a minimum of counsel and guidance; exercises good judgment and initiative; completes work on schedule with a minimum of error. / Performance usually meets standards and objectives of the position. Employee often requires counsel and guidance and has not grasped all of the fine points associated with fully meeting the requirements of the job. Improvement is expected or foreseeable. / For inexperienced newcomers and others whose performance is clearly below the level of performance expected for the job. Incumbent should either improve performance, be transferred to a more suitable position or be terminated in a relatively short time. NOTE: Specific improvement plans should be made and another review scheduled.

New to Position: [ ] Progress exceeds[ ] Progress equals [ ] Not meeting

expectations expectations expectations

Supervisor Signature: ______/ Date: ______
Vice President Signature: ______/ Date: ______

TO THE EMPLOYEE: This form reflects your supervisor’s evaluation of your performance of the principal accountabilities of your job. You are requested to sign the form to acknowledge that your supervisor has discussed your evaluation and the form with you. Your signature simply means that you have been advised of your performance status and does not imply that you either agree or disagree with the evaluation. Space is provided for you to insert any comments you care to make about your evaluation. This form will be placed in your performance file and will be shown to you at any time upon your request.




Employee Signature: ______/ Date: ______