937-2038 ext. 134

INFORMATION: / Course Title: Algebra 1
Text (app): HMH Fuse Algebra 1
An iPad and TI84 Graphing Calculator are required for this course
DESCRIPTION: / This is a one year course in Algebra. Algebraic topics such as expressions, linear equations, polynomials, quadratic equations, radicals, and rational expressions will be studied. This course is designed to take students from Algebra to Geometry or Algebra II.
OBJECTIVES: / Students should be able to:
  1. Perform operations with positive and negative numbers;
  2. Simplify and solve expressions, linear equations, quadratic equations, absolute values, and inequalities;
  3. Simplify and solve problems involving, polynomials, exponents, radicals, and factoring;
  4. Graphing linear, quadratic, and inequality equations in a coordinate system.

EVALUATION: / Grades are determined by the number of points accumulated during the course of the semester.
Points are earned through the following:
-Homework: 5 points each
-Chapter Tests: 100 points each
-Mid-term: 50 points
-Final Exam: 150 points
Algebra 1 students must receive a semester grade of 70% or above to pass the class.
Grading scale: 98.5 - 100 A+
91.5 - 98.4 A
89.5 - 91.4 A-
87.5 - 89.4 B+
81.5 - 87.4 B
79.5 - 81.4 B-
77.5 - 79.4 C+
71.5 - 77.4 C
69.5 - 71.4 C-
67.5 - 69.4 D+
61.5 - 67.4 D
59.5 - 61.4 D-
59.4- Below F
TESTS: / -Tests will be given at the end of each chapter.
-Students are expected to complete test questions with support work shown and in a structure as demonstrated by the teacher.
-After a student receives their corrected test, it is their responsibility to print a progress report from power school and obtain a parent signature to turn into the teacher the following day. Failure to return the signed progress report will result in detention after school.
-Please save all tests to help prepare for the mid-term and final exam.
HOMEWORK: / -Expect an assignment daily.
-All homework must be completed in pencil with uniform manuscript heading.
-All homework is due at the beginning of the class period.
-No late homework will be acceptedunless absent from school (early outs for sports or school activities please note policy below).
-Homework is graded on effort and completeness. All problems must be attempted, with support work shown, and in a structure as demonstrated by the teacher in order to receive full credit.
-It is the responsibility of the student to make up any homework assignments missed due to an absence by checking the website.
NOTEBOOK: / -Students are required to have a composition notebook to take notes during class.
-Notes should be used to help with homework problems and to prepare for a test.
GUIDELINES: / -Please bring the following to class daily: iPad with current chapter downloaded,composition notebook, calculator, pencil, and paper. Failure to come prepared may resultin detention after school.
-Any student tardy to class will receive a 15 minute detention after school to be served that day.
-Students are to be in dress code. Any student not in dress code will be sent to the Dean and will not be allowed to come back to class until properly dressed. The time spent out of class rectifying the issue will be unexcused as per The Shield.
-Students are not allowed to use their cell phones during class.
-No food or drinks during class, except bottled water.
EARLY OUT POLICY: / If a student has an early out due to a sporting event or school activity,
please do the following:
  1. Turn in your homework that is due that day to my classroom before you leave campus.
  2. Complete the homework assignment that is due the next day—even though you are absent from class, you are expected to complete the homework assignment and turn it in the day it is due.
  3. If you are missing a test, you must make arrangements the previous dayas to when to make up the test.

Student’s name:

Parent’s name:

Parent’s email:

Please sign below that you understand the rules and policies for this class.


Student’s signature Parent’s signature

*A copy of the syllabus can be found on the website.

Thank you!!