My Goal:

Perform in musical theatre productions

What I enjoy:

·  Singing

·  Dancing

·  Acting

Future Outlook

Musicals are really popular right now, but that hasn’t always been the case. This is a tough business. You need to always have a plan B, as you will not always be in a show. Most actors usually have a day job that allows them some flexibility to still go out to auditions and go to rehearsals and dance classes to keep in shape.

Lifestyle Factors

You need to budget your money when you are in a show, because you never know how long the show will last and when you will get your next role. You will also need to have another job in something like retail, hospitality or teaching so that you can pay the rent when you aren’t in a show.

Advancement Opportunities

Being in musical theatre productions as a dancer is very hard work. I don’t think I will be able to do it forever. However as you get older there are different roles that become available and with more training and experience you might be able to go into choreography, directing, producing or teaching.

Education needed to pursue my plan

Bachelor of Musical Theatre Performance – Sheridan College Oakville, Ontario

Opportunity to audition for larger scale productions in Vancouver or Toronto

Benefits of being in the Gateway Conservatory

I would like to be introduced to as many areas of theatre as I can. I would like to have a wide range of knowledge to make myself the most employable.

My Back up Plan

What you enjoy

Working with ivivva athletic clothing company

I enjoy the positive culture of the Lululemon / ivivva Athletic company. I like the quality of the clothes and how they are designed for active young women and girls.

Career info that I discovered:

Upside/down sides:

Fun atmosphere to work in –

-  high expectation to reach the daily/monthly sales goals

Working with a company that supports athletes and dancers /

-  hopefully they would be ok for me taking time off to audition and perform in shows

Job duties / responsibilities

-  Educate guests on the fabrics, features, fit and function of the ivivva products

-  Unpack stock from the warehouse, count, tag, fold and put items out on the showroom floor

-  Ensure items from change room are returned to appropriate area

-  Process payments

Salary Rage

$13 per hour plus bonuses for meeting sales goals

Future Outlook

There is talk that Lululemon will be bought out by one of the big American clothing companies. But the brand is strong and I think it will last, even though it might be under a different owner.

Lifestyle factors

I like the culture of the Lululemon/ivivva company. They treat their employees well and they have a great deal of community involvement.

Advancement Opportunities

Lots of room for advancement in the Lululemon Company for those with experience and post secondary degrees

Three employable skills that will support my plan”

Skills required: attitude of fun, knowledge of the product and ability to educate

Personal attributes: passion for the product, experience with the company, love to tell people about the clothing.

Education needed to pursue my plan

High school graduation needed to start. Post secondary degree needed to advance.