Perfect Radiograph Portfolio Rubric - Winter 2014

Category / Well Done (5) / Satisfactory (4-3) / Needs Improvement (2-1) / Incomplete
Contrast (20%) / Area of interest structures are well-defined and distinguishable from each other / Areas of interest are distinguishable but are slightly too dark or light to be considered a well-done radiograph, minimal adjustment in exposure factors is needed to perfect the image / Difficult but possible to distinguish most areas of interest from each other, image is partly but not fully diagnostic / All or most areas of interest not distinguishable due to improper exposure factors, image not diagnostic
Density (20%) / Overall radiograph is of appropriate brightness/darkness, fully diagnostic radiograph / Outside margins of radiograph are slightly too light or dark, minimal adjustment in mAs needed to perfect the image / Some areas of radiograph obscured due to improper mAs setting, outlines of some parts of the body obscured, partially diagnostic / All or most areas of interest not distinguishable due to significant deviations from appropriate mAs settings, image is clearly too dark or light, image not diagnostic
Collimation (15%) / Area of interest is appropriately centered with equal amounts of darkness surrounding it, image size has been adjusted to the smallest amount possible under radiographic conditions in the lab / Area of interest is moderately off-center or beam is not fully centered on radiograph, image is of moderately incorrect collimated size but still diagnostic, cat-o-gram / Area of interest is significantly off-center in the image, missing some areas or detail resulting in an image of low diagnostic quality / All or part of the area of interest is missing, resulting in an image without diagnostic value
Labels/markers (10%) / Image label is correct and appropriately placed, L/R marker is accurate and appropriately located, no body part is obscured in any way by label(s) / One or more labels are slightly out of place for reasons within the control of the student, image is still diagnostic but still correct / Image is missing either the L/R or radiograph label, or one or more labels are incorrect, radiograph is of limited diagnostic quality / No labels or markers appear
Positioning (20%) / Patient is appropriately positioned in image with body parts symmetrically aligned / Minor deviations from perfect positioning exist, but image is still fully diagnostic / Patient is turned or otherwise inappropriately positioned, but much of the area of interest is still visible and the radiograph is of low but still usable diagnostic quality / Inappropriate positioning caused the area of interest to be missing or obscured, making the radiograph unusable
Absence of Artifacts (15%) / Image is unobscured includes no evidence of the restrainer, lead or foam items are not obviously included as part of image / Restrainer body part(s) are present on image, all or part of leaded items outlined in image, artifacts present that are within the control of the radiographer

Feb 2014