Perfect Love Casts Out Fear—Overcoming Fear and Doubt Part 2

Jesus Says “Fear Not—Take No Thought for Tomorrow

"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom (the consciousness of God)." Luke 12:3

Jesus gave a beautiful teaching about a little grey sparrow through Mark Prophet: “Take no thought, then, for your life. Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow will take thought for itself. The love of the Father, even for the sparrow who falls, was taught to me that day.” [i]

Fear the Cancer of the Soul

Mother Mary said: “Fear not, then, that which does kill the body, but that which does devour the soul in hell. Fear the cancer of the soul, far more deadly than the cancer of the body, which itself is a sign that the soul must rise and throw off its own affliction. [ii]

There are Fourteen Ascended Masters who guide the destiny of America. These masters have told us:“You have seen many changes in the world in past lives. You have seen upheavals and cataclysms and even nuclear holocaust in ancient days. Yes, you have seen much, beloved, for you are old and tested and ripened souls. Now is not the hour to slouch. Now is not the hour to say, "I have done my part. I will retire. I will go golfing. I will not be where I must be in that moment when the fire of the fallen ones is unleashed. Yet from right within this nation there are those who would destroy and kill. ….And therefore some have said, in discussing the situation of bombs [and terrorism], that once this has been opened it can never be stopped.

Prove them wrong! Prove them wrong, that it is not necessary to have bombs blowing up here and there and anywhere, leaving people wondering, "When shall it fall upon me? When shall it fall upon my country? When shall it be the next time? And will I survive?...“Therefore take advantage of opportunity while you are in the prime of life, while you can anchor more good karma for yourself and your nation, while you can perpetually invoke the violet flame, for it is the most important flame that you can invoke.”[iii]

The transmutation of fear is the assignment of the hour. [iv]

How Fear Functions at the Cellular Level

Fear can be a part of the process of forming cancer cells within the body. The messenger explains how fear functions at a cellular level:

“[Every cell has a sun center within it.] Fear sets up a counter-sun within the cell. It's like an anti-sun. And around this fear begins to revolve other fear and other momentums of the human consciousness.” [v]

Lord Lanto the wisdom master of illumination says that the fact that you can inject fear into a crowd of people is due to the fact that the announcement of a calamity causes the polarization of fear through the misqualified energies in the cells of the body.” [vi]

Children of God Absorb the Fear of the Fallen Angels

Lord Lanto has spoken of how the children of God absorb the fear of the fallen angels into their bodies. He describes this in his chapter in the Lords of the Seven Rays.

Some children of God who have heard the false gospel for such a long time have absorbed the fear of these fallen angels. These are the wolves in sheep’s clothing in the churches who tremble before the altar of the Almighty, who fear the final judgment, who fear then to stand before the brilliant light of the Avatar Christ Jesus. They do not know the true presence of the living Master or of His Love!

The false priesthood has succeeded in transmitting to the followers of God their own fear. That fear paralyzes, and produces spiritual pride that closes any window to the fresh winds of the Holy Spirit. The children of the Light ignorantly follow the false pastors. And they carry the weight of karma of these fallen angels who have placed themselves in positions of leadership in the world’s religions. [vii]

Lanto says that this cannot bind you unless you give it the power to bind you. He urges us to “Walk away from the old habits, the old patterns, the old man, the old associations. Stand in the center of the white fire core of your Being. Command that that circumstance that surrounds you now submit to the Great God Flame within your heart. Command by the authority of Almighty God and be free…Secure, then, your soul's opportunity to live in eternity in this very moment….For I tell you, many are the sudden transitions, and they come in every walk of life among all types of people. And once the transition is made, the soul, then, must reap the consequences of this life on earth. And many spend hundreds of years in the astral plane because they fail to take the opportunity on earth to secure that identity in God.[viii]

Lanto’s Prayer is in your handout “Decrees to Consume Fear.”

Fear on the Four Quadrants

The messenger taught about fear on the four quadrants which are the etheric, mental, emotional and physical. The four types of fear are:

  1. Fear of our higher calling in God in the etheric quadrant
  2. Fear of the future in the mental body.
  3. Fear of change in the emotional body
  4. Fear of what the Nephilim might do to us in the physical quadrant

Fear of Our Higher Calling in God

The first fear in the etheric body is the fear of your higher calling in God. We are almost called daily to a higher calling and there is a fear of this. What will happen to me? Will I be persecuted? Will I be crucified? Will I give up my old life-style? Will I miss it? Will I want it back? So this indecision, fear and anxiety comes upon us.

We overcome this fear with profound love. We know that God has loved us so much that he has prepared us the place to which he has called us –the new garden, the new place, the next step up the mountain of God. But he has not made it easy.

It is never easy to take the next step. We must let go of or shed many things to fulfill our destiny. Work with the violet flame daily and visualize the fire infolding itself in a counterclockwise direction, drawing up from you all substance and consuming it. See yourself releasing that fear into the flame.

Fear of the Future

This fear in the mental body is very simple. We wonder “what's going to happen tomorrow?” Fear of the future has always been around. Horrendous things have happened on this planet since time began, since the fallen ones came. We've all been in situations of tremendous jeopardy in the past.

You've got to say to yourself, "I am here. I am alive. I am well. I survived. I am on the Path." None of the earth changes and the wars and all of the conditions by which you may have passed on in previous lifetimes has ever been able to stop you so why should you fear the future now?

Put things in perspective. You must know that you live in the Eternal Now. Now is the day you are perfected in God. Now is the day of your healing. This is the day the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Fear of Change

Fear of change is in the emotional body. People take their security in sameness. They don't want anything to change. But change is the order of the universe.

Fear of change crystallizes and rigor mortis sets into the astral body. But we have Saint Germain and the violet flame. Every time you give it there is total change in your four lower bodies.Wherever you are on this road of life, if you take all that comes to you as a lesson and an opportunity then you won't have any fear of change.

Fear of What the Nephilim Might Do to Me

The Nephilim seem to run this planet. They run the government. Are you going to speak out or aren't you going to speak out? Are you going to be afraid of what the Nephilim are going to do to you or are you going to rise up and go into that higher calling in God and, and call a spade a spade?

Be wise as serpents, harmless in, as doves. Don't speak until the Holy Spirit moves you to speak but speak when you're supposed to speak and be silent when you're supposed to be silent.

Fear of what the Nephilim will do to you is instilled by authority figures, parents, teachers, anyone who's been over you who has been a Nephilim and who has threatened you, that great threatening of the angry authority figure, whoever it might have been.

Fear of the Nephilim is ingrained on the planet because they have committed tremendous atrocities against the Lightbearers. That is a fear that has to be overcome because you know that God is your protection and nothing can come upon you as long as you do your calls, as long as you're right with God, obey his will, have mercy in your heart, hold no ill feelings or grudges or resentments or age-old non-resolution with various individuals, especially with God.

Fear of what the Nephilim will do to you can completely detract you from your mission and it can also make you sick.

We have fears because we need them. They're crutches. We have anxieties and agitations and we communicate them to others. We control others through our fears. We have fear radiating from our auras and everybody around us then gets under a state of anxiety. Soon this fear can become hatred, idolatry or anger.

Every one of these four types of fears can make you sick. Far better to throw yourself upon the rock of Christ—fearlessly embrace your calling, lock into your divine blueprint and displace the fears by love. Cast them out with the call to bind and cast out the dweller on the threshold of your fears and replace it by the violet flame.

Think of all the prophets that went before us—all the Christed ones. They walked out of the fiery furnace. They walked out of the lions' den. They walked out of all of these conditions and you will too. You've just got to know that that's God's will for you. You're worthy of it. You deserve it. Claim it every day. Just make up your mind and do it. The only way to go is up. [ix]

Prayer to Ray-O-Light for the Binding of the Four Types of Fear

Beloved Ray-O-Light and your legions, blaze your fearlessness flame around us and heal us of all fear that is beneath the anger—fear of our higher calling in God in the etheric quadrant, fear of the future in the mental body, fear of change in the emotional body, and fear of what the Nephilim might do to us in the physical quadrant.

O God O Fearlessness Flame, Legions of Ray O Light Come Forth!

According to the will of God, let it be done, Amen.

Divine Love to Replace Fear and Doubt

Archangel Chamuel: “You must call fearlessly for the purging fires of Divine Love and know that we of the Third Ray come as exorcists on the path of the Buddhas of the Ruby Ray. And we are ready, if you are ready, to take from you your fear and doubt–but not until you have the courage to replace these with unending, unmitigated love.” [x]

Fearlessness Flame is the Antidote to Fear and Hysteria

Fear is almost like a virus infecting the planet. There is a condition called “imperil.”

Gautama Buddha asks us to daily sweep clean our forcefields of imperil. He warns that “Without fearlessness, even a grain of doubt or fear in your own self or your own set of beliefs will be the open door to a mass hysteria that even now is gripping certain quarters.… in the course of history, it is mass hysteria that has led people to surrender their freedoms to a fascist state, to a tyrant, to a Caesar. They can in a moment be led by the Pied Pipers, who are the false gurus, to give up all that they have gained in the name of peace, in the name of protection that is then guaranteed by the new leader.

“Mass hysteria is the enemy of righteousness. It is indeed the hysteria of the Serpent and their seed—their hysteria that all the ground that they have gained and their very control of the planetary body is about to be seized from them.

“Recognize the consequence of this. Study the law of the jungle. Study the beasts who are cornered. Study the backlash of the dragon's tail. Have a sense of co measurement of the desperation of the enemy. When you understand this desperation, you will fail not.” [xi]

Soul Fragmentation

Soul fragmentation from all kinds of causes whether an ancient nuclear holocaust or trauma as a child causes a surface consciousness that makes the people unwilling to delve deeply—There is a tendency to live on the surface.

Call to Kuthumi, Morya, Djwal Kul, the Three Wise Men, to assist in the clearing of these records. We can also attend the ritual of soul retrieval.

Mother Mary said,“All who are in this octave, save a very few adepts, have fragmented parts, whether in the etheric, mental, physical, material body, the desire body….

“Think of these fragments as your children, as lost sheep, and you the shepherd going after them. You will have to have a shepherd's crook. You will have to be able to use the stars as a pathway as you search here and there across the galaxies to find portions of yourself which you entrusted to others….

“Use the magnetic quality of your threefold flame that you might have increased power through your connection to your I AM Presence to draw back the elements of self until one day you find that you have achieved the impossible--you have put Humpty-Dumpty back together again.” [xii]

Soul Fragmentation and Soul Retrieval

If you have walled off your soul from the rest of yourself and disconnected your soul from your personality and the Personality of God, you are at a standstill in your spiritual evolution. And if you don't know it, you're even worse off: you're in a minus position.

Our souls are wise. Our souls know the past and its application to the present and the future. And they see the immediacy of the moment. The soul is highly sensitive and at the same time she is innocent and defenseless. She is vulnerable to astral forces. She is impressionable and easily led astray. She is often colored by her surroundings. She suffers when subjected to violence of any kind. She is wounded by mental and emotional toxins and by physical or verbal abuse.

Our souls urgently need our comfort and consolation, our soothing words. They need to know that we will protect them from all harm.The soul can be fragmented. This occurs through traumas of many kinds over many lifetimes on earth. We have a ritual in our church called soul retrieval and it is conducted four times a year at our quarterly conferences. [xiii]

Four Quarterly Conferences: An Opportunity for the Soul to Step Up Her Spiritual Evolution

The soul evolves through the cycles of the seasons, each cycle a turn in an ascending spiral. That's why the Ascended Masters directed Mark Prophet to hold four quarterly conferences annually, one at the turn of each season. We continue to hold these conferences to this day.

The conferences are an opportunity for the soul to step up her spiritual evolution through direct contact with the Ascended Masters and her I AM Presence. This step-up is facilitated by the soul's Holy Christ Self and the Messenger's pivotal contact with the students as well as with the hierarchy of light. The release of light through the Ascended Masters' dictations and the students' dynamic decrees gives the world a spiritual spin and accelerates the evolution of every soul on earth.

If you make contact not only with the Mind of God and the Spirit of God but also with your own point of soul awareness and you maintain that contact between conferences, your soul may one day, when she has gained a certain God-mastery, enjoy an unbroken communion with God.

Once she has accomplished this, her Holy Christ Self will extend to her his right hand and assist her in rising over a spiritual coil of light from the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the solar plexus to the heart chakra, thence to her original and lawful abode in the secret chamber of the heart. Ultimately this coil will become the ascension coil over which your soul rises to enter into her permanent union with God.

Don’t forget to use your “Decrees to Consume Fear” handout.