Name ______Period______Date______
Perch Online Dissection
Introduction: In this online lab, you will work with a partner, in order to learn from the online dissected pictures of a Perch. This online dissection will give you the opportunity to observe the placement of organs and their relationships to one another. Pictures and diagrams will aid in the completion of this lab dissection. Be thorough and do not rush through the lab. Read all directions and make all drawings as accurate and neat as possible. ALL DIAGRAMS MUST BE COLORED! EACH ORGAN/PART SHOULD BE A DIFFERENT COLOR TO DISTINGUISH THEM!
Materials: Computer with Internet access
1) Go to and click on “Biology Honors”.
2) Click on the various website linksunder “Online Perch dissection”. Answer the following questions using the websites and powerpoint provided.
A. Perch External Anatomy:
1. Examine the eyes of the fish.Are there any eyelids present? ______. Label the eye on the external view (figure 1) of the fish.
3. Examine the flap that is located on either side of the head, posterior of the eye.
4.What is the name of this flap? ______What is the function? ______
5. Label the flaps on the external view (figure 1) of the fish.
6. Examine the 5 major types of fins. In each box below, draw each type of fins.
Dorsal/ Caudal
/ Anal
/ Pectoral
7. Label each fin on the external view (figure 1) of the fish.
8. How many fins? Caudal ____ Dorsal _____ Anal _____ Pelvic _____ Pectoral _____
9. Each fin has a purpose or job, what is the purpose of the following fins?
a). caudal fin______d). anal ______
b). dorsal fins______e). pelvic ______
c). pectoral fin ______
10. Label the lateral line on the external view (figure 1) of the fish..
Figure 1
B. Internal Anatomy:
11. Underneath the operculum, you expose the gills. The gills are layered one on top of another.
12. How many layers do you find? ______Draw the gills structure in the space below.
13. The fish contains a 2 chambered heart. Locate this organ found just behind and below the gills.
Label the heart on figure 3.
14. Label each of the following on figure 3- mouth, pharynx, andesophagus
15. The esophagus leads into the stomach. Label the stomach on figure 3.
16. Locate the rather large liver located just in front of the stomach. Label the liveron figure 3. Draw the liver in the space below.
17. Follow the intestine to the anus. Label the intestine and anus on figure 3.
18. Locate the kidneys, found just below the spinal column. Their main function is to rid the body of
nitrogenous waste. Label the kidneys on figure 3.
19. The swim bladder is the last remaining organ to be identified. It is located between the kidneys and
gonads. What is the function of the swim bladder? ______
20. Label the swim bladder on figure 3.
Figure 3
21. Draw a sketch and label the 6 major parts of the perch brain.
22. Look at the difference between a male and female perch. Explain where the female egg sacs are located.