Oceans 11 Name:______


Perch Dissection

**Note: Each student must hand in a completed lab to receive credit. Do not ask your teacher(s) what to do next, follow the instructions in your lab booklet. Do not take any lab booklets, manuals or guides from the lab.


Preserved Perch

Dissection Instruments

Hand Lens

Dissections Trays

Plastic Bag

Rubber Gloves (bring your own)

Part 1 Perch External Anatomy

Label the following external parts of the Perch:

1.  The eye, nostrils, spiny back fin, teeth, mouth, gill cover, shoulder fin, hip fin, scales, anus, urogenital opening, lateral line, anal fin, tail fin, soft back fin and the lateral line. Label also the head region, trunk region and tail region.

Questions – complete the following questions from your lab:

2.  Answer all questions in the external anatomy section including 1- 5

Diagrams – In the space provided on your lab sheet, draw the following structures:

3.  Draw and label each of the 6 types of fish fins.

Fish Measurements: In the table on your lab sheet fill in the following measurements:

4.  All 6 measurements in your measurement chart.

Part 2 Perch Internal Anatomy

Label the following internal parts of the Perch:

5.  The gills, heart, pharynx, esophagus, liver, intestine, anus, and kidneys.

Questions – complete the following questions from your lab:

6.  Answer all questions in the internal anatomy section including 7-12.

Diagrams – In the space provided on your lab sheet, draw the following structures:

7.  Draw and label the gills and the two chambered heart.

Rubric for assessment of the Perch Dissection Lab

Item(s) / Value / Points Earned
Part 1 – External Anatomy
Diagrams with the label
Measurements / 1 point each /18
1 point each /9
2 points each /12
1 point each /10 / /49
Part 2 – Internal Anatomy
Diagrams with the label / 1 point each /8
1 points each /9
1 points each /3 / /20
Participation– participation level during the lab:
Full participation - student is on task 100% the time
Partial participation - student is on task 50% of the time
Little to no participation – student shows a lack of participation and interest during the lab
Self sufficiency – self sufficiency during the lab
o  Students reads all instructions and attempts questions before asking the teacher for help
o  Students discuss questions with classmates before asking the teacher for help
o  Student refers to additional textbooks and lab sheets before asking the teacher for help / 0 1 2 3 4 5
3 points if always
2 points- sometimes
1 points occasionally / /8
Presentation – Lab has a title page including the:
o  students name,
o  teachers name,
o  date, and
o  class.
The lab is:
o  Neat, writing is legible.
Pages are:
o  in good condition and stapled together properly. / 3 points if 100% complete
2 points- partially complete, only missing 1-2 pieces of info
1 points if missing 2+ things
0 points not done / /3
Total / /80

Authenticity Statement: I certify that this lab report is my own work ______.

Please note: If you miss a lab, you have to do a make-up lab within two days upon your return, after which time no credit will be awarded. For more information, see your teacher. Please wash your hands after using the equipment.