P.O. BOX 364
January 23, 2016
Dear Neighbor,
It has come to that time of year in which Pequannock Little League gets into full swing. Planning is underway for the 2016 season and we would like to take this opportunity to say “THANK YOU” to all who have previously sponsored us and “WELCOME” to those coming on board for the first time.
This upcoming 2016 season we mark the 65th Anniversary of our Little League, and we would like to reach out to all of the local businesses with some great opportunities to get advisement for your business, while supporting a great program. Pequannock Little League is a non-profit organization, which provides a baseball and softball program for the children of Pequannock Township.
Our primary fields, Washington Park, are located on Washington Street, are owned by the town. Pequannock Little League is entirely dependent on volunteers, support from the town of Pequannock, the parents of players, and local businesses’ like yours. Financial funding from each of these sources is used to operate the league, enhance our fields, buy and or upgrade equipment, purchase uniforms cover insurance costs, and to continue to practice our policy of never turning away anyone because of his or her inability to pay. Through this support PEQLL also strives to maintain constant and affordable registration rates for our families.
Over the years thousands of kids have gone through our program and we hope this will continue for many years to come. We also participate in and host district, section and state tournaments that will allow your advertising dollars to reach many more people. Being a Pequannock Little League Sponsor is a great way to display your leadership position with the local community while gaining advertising exposure.
We at Pequannock Little League sincerely hope that you will “step up to the plate” by signing on as one of our sponsors for the 2016 season. We are offering multiple sponsorship levels this upcoming season, (please see attached Sponsorship Form) which allows you the chance to choose the level of support that you are most comfortable with. Of course, you will receive a thank you letter acknowledging your commitment to the youth of Pequannock suitable for tax purposes. Your completed Sponsorship Agreement and your tax-deductible donation may be sent to the address listed above.
With your help 2016 will be another successful season!!
Thank you,
Alaine Sickles
973/633-8244 or email:
2016 Pequannock Little League Sponsorship
If you would like to be a Sponsor for the 2016 season, please fill out the following information and indicate sponsorship type.
New Sponsorship – Team & Outfield Sign
($225 one-time cost for making of sign) / $625.00
Returning Sponsorship – Team & Outfield Sign / $400.00
New Sponsorship – Sign
($225 one-time cost for making of sign) / $475.00
Returning Sponsorship – Outfield Sign / $250.00
Team Sponsorship - (No Outfield Sign) / $250.00
Make Checks payable to:
Pequannock Little League
Total Amount Enclosed:
In an effort to update our records – Please attach a business card or fill out the following information:
Business Name: ______
Contact Person;______
Mailing Address:______
Phone Number:______Email:______
Business Website:______
Player whose team you would like to Sponsor: ______
Thank you in advance for your support,
Pequannock Little League
**New Sponsors please add $225 for the one-time cost for making the sign. / $625.00
or if you are a
Returning Sponsor who already have a sign made / $400.00
v / Team Sponsor
v / Company Sign/Logo Hung up on one of our outfield fences (metal 3x5)
v / Company name on the back of practice jersey
v / Recognized at opening day ceremories
v / Listed on Little League Website's "Sponsors" page for 1 year
v / Link to your website (if you have one) for 1 year
v / Company name on "thank you" to our sponsor signs at both Snack Stands
v / Highlight on PEQLL facebook at least once during the season
v / Beautiful wooden "thank you" plaque with Company name and photo of team
v / Canvas banner (2x4) with Company Logo hung up outside dugout during games
Sign Sponsorship
**New Sponsors please add $225 for the one-time cost for making the sign. / $475.00
or if you are a
Returning Sponsor who already has a sign made / $250.00
v / Company Sign/Logo Hung up on one of our outfield fences (metal 3x5)
v / Company name on the back of practice jersey
v / Recognized at opening day ceremories
v / Listed on Little League Website's "Sponsors" page for 1 year
v / Company name on "thank you" to our sponsor signs at both Snack Stands
v / Beautiful wooden "thank you" plaque with Company name and photo of team
Team Sponsorship / $250.00
v / Team Sponsor
v / Company name on the back of practice jersey
v / Recognized at opening day ceremories
v / Listed on Little League Website's "Sponsors" page for 1 year
v / Company name on "thank you" to our sponsor signs at both Snack Stands
v / Beautiful wooden "thank you" plaque with Company name and photo of team
v / Canvas banner (2x4) with Company Logo hung up outside dugout during games
If you would like to request that your sponsorship be affiliated with a specific player or coach
or team, we will need your payment by February 25, 2016.
Payment is required by March 15, 2016 to be listed on team practice jerseys and the league
banners to allow sufficient time for ordering and screen printing.
**There might be 2 sponsors for some teams**