YouthFunding Update: 26th June 2013

This Funding Update provides an overview of grant funding sources available for Youth projects that have approaching deadlines

External Funding Team

Halton Borough Council

0151 511 7960


The closing date for applications is midday on Monday 15 July 2013.

Hundreds of villages, towns and cities across England and Scotland are set to receive a significant funding boost by September this year. People’s Health Trust is opening Active Communities, a funding programme which calls for local groups to submit their ideas for making their local communities better places to grow live, work and age. Active Communities is for community groups and not-for-profit organisations with an income of less than £350,000 a year that are seeking investment of between £5,000 and £25,000 a year, for projects lasting up to two years. The projects should take place within a small area for a small group of people such as 20 or 30 streets or a couple of villages. Using money raised by society lotteries through the Health Lottery, the Trust is looking to invest in projects that support people living in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods.


Causeway, the British – Irish Youth Exchange programme has announced that the next application deadline for its Youth Exchanges and Advance Planning Grants is the 1st October 2013.

Through the programme, grants of up to £450 are available for British groups of young people aged 13-25 years and their youth workers/leaders to participate in exchanges with their Irish counterparts. The grants are available for both sending and hosting young people.

In addition youth workers / leaders have the opportunity to apply for Advanced Planning Visit grants which allows youth workers/ leaders to visit the partner group where the exchange will take place.


Grants are normally awarded for one year only. The next closing date for applications for the large grants programme is the 31 July 2013.

Schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations wishing to encourage young people's interest either in the countryside and the environment, the arts or aiming to raise levels of literacy and numeracy can apply for funding to the Ernest Cook Trust (ECT).

The Trust operates two grant making programmes. The small grants programme (under £4,000) supports state schools and small registered charities which would like to undertake projects which meet the Trust's objectives and require a small amount of pump-priming in order for such projects to take place. Meetings to consider applications for the small grants programme take place bi-monthly throughout the year. The full board of Trustees meets twice a year, in April and September, to consider grants in excess of £4,000.


The Hilden Charitable Fund has announced that the next deadline for submitting applications is the 13th September 2013. Within the UK, the Hilden Charitable Fund makes grants to projects that address disadvantages, notably by supporting causes which are less popular. In particular, the Fund wants to support projects that address

  • Homelessness;
  • Asylum seekers and refugees;
  • Community based initiatives for disadvantaged young people 16 – 25;
  • Penal Affairs.

Preference is given to supporting small community organisations with an income of less than £500,000 per year. The Trust will consider funding project as well as core running costs of organisations. During 2010 -11 the average grant given was £5,300.


The European Commission has announced a new call for proposals under its Youth in Action Programme. This call for proposals is under sub-action 4.6 (Partnerships) and aims to support partnerships with regions, municipalities, civil society actors; etc, in order to develop over the long-term projects that support their capacity building as bodies active in the youth field providing non-formal education opportunities to young people and youth workers. In particular, this call seeks to promote the development of sustainable networks, the exchange of best practices as well as the recognition of non-formal education.

The types of actions that can be funded include;

  • trans-national youth exchanges;
  • European voluntary service;
  • training and networking.

The total budget allocated to the co-financing of projects under this call for proposals is estimated at €2.5 million. The maximum grant allocated to each project will not exceed €100,000. Financial assistance will not be granted for more than 50% of a project’s total eligible expenses. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on the 5th September 2013….


The Tesco Charity Community Awards for grants for children’s welfare and/or children’s educations (including special needs schools) has re-opened with an application deadline of the 30th June 2013. Through the Awards, one-off donations of between £500 and £4,000 are available to local projects that support children and their education and welfare.

Previous projects supported have included sensory garden or room projects; outdoor classrooms; breakfast and after school clubs; holiday play-schemes; and part funding to purchase minibuses.

The Tesco Charity Trust has been in existence since 1987 and aims to provide approximately £600,000 in grants each year. In addition the Trust also provides grants to groups working with and supporting elderly people and/or adults and children with disabilities.

The Tesco Charity Trust Trustees also consider grant applications at their tri-annual meetings. These grants range between £4,000 and £25,000 and are to support local, national or international projects in areas where Tesco operat.


The BBC Children in Need Small Grants Programme is currently open for applications.The next closing date for applications is the 1st September 2013.

Through the grants programme, grants of up to £10,000 are available for projects that combat disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives. In particular, grants are available for projects that help children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing:

  • Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
  • Any kind of disability; behavioural or psychological difficulties
  • Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.

Applications for funding are accepted from not for profit organisations such as:

  • Registered charities
  • Voluntary organizations
  • Schools
  • Churches
  • Community interest groups.


The next closing date for applications is the 30th July 2013.

Organisations that work with young people have the opportunity to apply for grants through the Hilton Foundation. Organisations such as charities and other not for profit organisations can apply for grants ranging from a few hundred pounds up to £30,000 per year for up to 2 years that meet one of the Foundation's chosen areas of focus. These are:

  • Disabled children
  • Children in hospital
  • Homelessness
  • Life-limited children in hospices.


During 2013 there are four funding rounds and the closing date for the current funding round is the 23rd August 2013.

Seafarers UK, the leading charity for the maritime sector, has announced that it is currently seeking applications under its Small Grants Programme. Through the programme grants of up to £5,000 are available to organisations seeking funding for projects involving seafarers, ex-seafarers, their spouses or dependants or maritime youth organisations.

Examples of the type of projects that can be supported include:

  • A crèche for a maritime community; training activities that involve young people in maritime activities which may lead to a career at sea
  • Sheltered accommodation for older seafarers and / or their dependents
  • Support and / or accommodation for working age seafarers and their families or dependents e.g. a telephone helpline either specifically for seafarers or where you can demonstrate a considerable percentage of users come from a UK or commonwealth maritime background.


The next deadline for applications is the 1st November 2013.

The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust which awards grants to charitable organisations in the United Kingdom and overseas has announced that due to the current economic climate and the increase in the number of applications they have been receiving, the decision has been made to make no further grants to overseas projects after 2012. During 2013, the Trust is seeking to fund projects that work with Children and young people. Grants are usually between £1,000 and £3,000.


The Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Foundation has announced that its grants making programme will re-open for applications in October 2013.

The Foundation supports projects in children’s hospitals and hospices throughout the UK to enrich and enhance the lives of patients. Projects that could be considered by the Foundation include amongst others:

  • Arts, music, play and leisure programmes
  • Facilities to support families of children treated in hospitals or hospices
  • Care and facilities in hospices
  • Supporting children with physical and emotional difficulties
  • Medical equipment.

In the past, the average grant awarded was just over £9,000.


The European Commission has launched a new call for proposals under Action 4.3 of the Youth in Action Programme.The maximum grant available per project is €25,000 and the closing date for applications is the 12 noon on the 3rd September 2013.

Under this call for proposals a total of €755,000 is available to support projects that give youth workers the opportunity to experience youth work in a different country and to learn new skills and competences. Preference will be given to those projects which best reflect the permanent priorities of the ‘Youth in Action’ programme. These are participation of young people, cultural diversity, European citizenship, and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Preference will also be given to projects reflecting the following annual priorities. Awareness-raising of the rights linked to the EU citizenship, inclusive growth, creativity, entrepreneurship and employability and healthy behaviours. To be eligible, projects must be based on a solid partnership between two partners from two different countries.


Funded by the Big Lottery Fund as part of the Spirit of 2012 campaign, Get Set to Make a Change aims to use the legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games to motivate young people, aged 14-19, across the UK to work in partnership within their communities to deliver projects which create positive change by living the Olympic and Parlaympic Values.

The project builds on the existing Get Set programme, but will offer the chance for schools to take their great work out into communities as well as engaging with youth clubs and other youth settings for the first time. It all gets started with a 12 stop UK-wide-road show in October and November 2013.

The project, which will run for two years, will finish with a series of community events which will celebrate young people’s work.Keep an eye on your Get Set newsletters and the website below for more information. You will be able to register a team of students from your school to attend the road show from early June.


The People's Postcode Trust has announced that its small grants programme is due to re-open for applications on the 8th July. The closing date for applications will be the 23rd August 2013.

Through its small grants programme, the People's Postcode Trust offers grants of between £500 and £10,000 to small organisations and community groups for projects lasting up to 6 months in the areas of Poverty Prevention; Advancement of Health; Community Development; Public Sports; Human Rights; andEnvironmental Protection.


The next closing date for applications is the 1st November. Applicants may apply at any time and the application will be held until the next decision round.

The Field Studies Council is an independent educational charity committed to raising awareness about the natural world. The Council works through a network of 17 residential and day Centres in the UK providing courses for schools and colleges at all levels in addition to adult Individuals & Families courses, outreach education, training and consultancy. The Kids Fund aims to bring environmental understanding to disadvantaged young people by attending a course at a Field Studies Council centre. It helps disadvantaged young people to attend a course who may otherwise be excluded due to some form of disadvantage - health, mobility, deprivation or financial. Funding will normally be up to 80% of the cost of your group’s course to an FSC Field Centre to a maximum of £3000.