Pensacola High School 2013-2014 School year

Spanish 1 Syllabus

Teacher: Senora B. Haley

Phone number: 850-595-1500 IB Office ext.244


Room 519

Course Objectives:

In this course the students will be introduced to the Spanish language and culture; they will be able to use and apply their prior knowledge of the Spanish language; they will use vocabulary and grammatical expressions in oral and written activities. The students will engage in different class activities (oral /written) which will enable them to practice the language and develop better written and oral skills. They will also learn different cultural aspects of the diverse Spanish-speaking countries and cultures.

Text:Holt Spanish 1 Expresate! 2007


1. Holt Spanish 1 Expresate! textbook and workbooks.

2. One 3-ring binder for daily notes with pockets ( 3 sections: gramatica, vocabulario y apuntes diarios) and paper.

3. 1 folder with prongs and pockets for written activities (journal).

4. Spanish-English dictionary.

5. Writing utensils: black / blue pen, pencil, red in pen and highlighter (s).

*** Students are required and expected to bring all materials ( textbook, workbook, binder, paper and writing utensils to class on a daily basis.

Grading: Grades are based on tests, quizzes, class work and projects. Each week there will be a short quiz to cover specific material / skills learned in class during that week; there will be also tests to cover chapter material; quizzes and tests will be announced (it is the student’s responsibility to check the board daily; assignments, tests, quizzes….information and due dates / deadlines are posted on the front of the class white board).

***If you miss a test or a quiz, it is your responsibility to come to me to make arrangements as to when you’ll be able to make it up. Any test or quiz not made up within 3 school days will become a zero grade, no exceptions!!!!!!!

Grading Scale:

100-90 A 79-70 C 59-0 F Tests/Quizzes 50%

89-80 B 69-60 D Daily work—50%

Daily class work: There will be daily activities; you will be mostly in a cooperative learning environment, so you will be able to work together with other students in class (pair or group activities) most of the time unless individual performance is required by the teacher or specific activities. Working together with other students will help you practice the four language skills required for success when learning a foreign: speaking, writing, listening and reading. There is always a grade attached to daily class activities; the teacher will determine the activities to be completed for a grade.

Homework: will be announced. When given homework you are responsible to complete and bring it to class the next day; it’ll be check in class and a grade may be given for completion or accuracy. Completion grades are counted as one test grade at the end of the nine weeks.

Attendance: PHS attendance and tardy rule policies will be followed. Daily attendance is directly related to the student’s achievement, learning gains and success, therefore students should not be absent from class unless is absolutely necessary or an emergency. If the student is absent, he or she must follow the make-up work policy addressed by the teacher the first day of class. Tardiness:Students are expected to arrive on time to class. In accordance with school policy, a student will receive ISS for every tardy in excess of 3 in a nine week period.

***School Policy: Please refer to Student Handbook.

Classroom Policy: Respect yourself, your teacher and other peers.

Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. There will be a warning

first time offense; second offense, their will be a parent contact;

third offense a written referral will be issued /written and turned

in to the deans’ office.

Class Rules:

  1. NO food or drinks in the classroom.
  2. No cell phones or electronic devices.
  3. Respect yourself, your teacher and your peers.
  4. Do not speak while the teacher or other students are speaking.
  5. Ask permission to leave your seat or the classroom.
  6. Treat others the way you wish to be treated; be courteous.
  7. Demonstrate that you are capable and able to succeed in the class by demonstrating high quality work. Complete all assigned work to the best of your ability. Give a 100% to whatever you do in / for the class.
  8. Come to class with a positive attitude.
  9. Come to class with required materials everyday.
  10. Be ready to work as soon as the bell rings.
  11. Participate and stay engaged during class activities / entire class.
  12. Be an active and cooperative learner everyday.
  13. Be attentive to your peers and your teacher when they speak.
  14. Communicate with your teacher; never hesitate to ask questions, and discuss any concern or comments that you may have. I am here to help you in any way possible.

Please share this document with your parents or guardian and have them sign it and return it to class as soon as possible.

______Parents / students: read and sign.


Student’s signature Date


Parent / Guadian’s signature Parent’s E-mail


Student’s name Class Period