Pennsylvania Salt

Dough Map

You will need:

·  2 cups flour

·  2 cups salt

·  1 gallon Ziploc bag

·  1 piece of plywood or other lightweight

wood measuring about 14” x 18”. Very sturdy cardboard will also work if covered in tinfoil.

1.  Write your name on the Ziploc bag and on the back of your piece of wood.

2.  Place the measured amounts of flour and salt in the bag. Be precise with the measuring so that your dough will form correctly.

3.  Seal it tightly.

4.  Bring the bag and the wood to school on or before November 14th.

We will begin making the maps on Thursday, November 20th which falls during American Education Week. Please come in and lend a hand! We will begin making the maps at 9:30 am and would love you to come in and help your child if you are available J