of the
Chartered by the Pennsylvania Optometric Association, Inc.
We, the paraoptometrics of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establish this Constitution for the Pennsylvania Paraoptometric Association.
The name of this organization shall be the Pennsylvania Paraoptometric Association, hereinafter referred to as this Association.
The Purpose of this Association shall be to:
(a)safeguard the interests of the optometric profession by elevating the standard of paraoptometric education and directing public opinion in regard to the importance and value of optometric care;
(b)foster the communication and interchange of ideas among paraoptometrics and
others of allied skills in the vision care field;
(c)affiliate into one organization all eligible local paraoptometric societies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The members of this Association shall consist of paraoptometrics and other persons whose classifications, qualifications, privileges and obligations shall be established by the by-laws of this Association.
Section 1General Membership
(a)The legislative and policy-making body of this Association shall be the General Membership which shall be established and function as provided in the by-laws.
(b)The General Membership shall meet at each of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association Annual Meetings and at such other times as provided for in the by-laws.
Section 2 Officers
This Association shall have the following elected officers: President, President-Elect, Vice-President of Continuing Education, Vice-President of Communications, Secretary/Treasurer and the Immediate Past President who shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as provided in the by-laws.
Section 3 Board of Directors and Committees
(a)The administrative body of this Association shall be the Board of Directors, as defined in the by-laws, which shall implement the policies established by the General Membership and perform such duties as are prescribed in the by-laws.
(b)There shall be such committees as may be provided for in the by-laws.
Section 1 Dues
The Dues for membership of this Association shall be established by the General Membership and shall be collected and disbursed as provided in the by-laws.
Section 2 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of this Association shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.
This constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the General Membership present in each session, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment is sent to each member of the Association at least sixty (60) days prior to the General Membership session at which time the vote is taken, and subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association.
Revised May 2011
Of the
Section 1 Eligibility
(a)Paraoptometric Societies may be eligible for affiliation in this Association when they:
(1)are named and organized under a Constitution and By-laws;
(2)are headed by a President, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as may be provided in the society's by-laws;
(3)have filed an application for affiliation with the Secretary/Treasurer of this
Section 2 Procedures
(a) Application for affiliation by a paraoptometric society shall be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer of this Association and shall be referred to the Board of Directors for action.
(b) Affiliation may be granted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 3 Previous Affiliation
The paraoptometric societies, which are affiliated with this Association at the time of the adoption of these by-laws, shall continue in their affiliation without reference to the requirements of this Article.
Section 4 Charter Issuance
(a)The president of this Association shall issue a charter to an affiliated society admitted by the Board of Directors, authorizing the society to conduct its affairs as an affiliated society.
(b)Any charters shall be issued in the name of the Pennsylvania Paraoptometric Association, signed by the President and the Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 5 Charter Revocation
Upon revocation of a charter by the Board of Directors, the Secretary/Treasurer shall notify theofficers and members of the previously affiliated society of the action of the Board of Directors and the consequent cessation of their membership in this association.
Section 1 General Principles
(a)Membership in this Association is open to those persons who are interested in the purpose of this Association, who are willing to subscribe to the Constitution and By-Laws, and who are otherwise qualified under the provisions of these by-laws.
(b)Members of this Association at the time of adoption of these by-laws shall continue their membership without reference to the requirements for new membership.
(c)Only a member in good standing as defined in these by-laws shall be entitled to vote, to hold office or to otherwise enjoy the privileges of this Association.
(d)This Association may exclude, suspend, or expel a member as prescribed by law.
Section 2 Classes
The members of this Association shall consist of Active, Associate, Honorary and Student as hereinafter defined.
Section 3 Active Members
(a) Application for Active Membership shall be made directly to this Association.
(b) Active membership in this association may be conferred by the Board of Directors on those paraoptometrics working in an optometric office in Pennsylvania who are sponsored for membership by a Pennsylvania optometrist who maintains an active membership in the Pennsylvania Optometric Association.
(c) Active members shall provide a signed application and/or proof of employment with paid dues yearly.
(d) Active members in good standing shall each be entitled to one (1) vote in sessions of the General Membership.
(e) Active members shall pay dues in accordance with these by-laws.
(f) Active members shall have the privilege of the floor in sessions of the General Membership.
(g) Active members may hold elective office in this Association.
Section 4 Associate Members
(a)Application for Associate Membership shall be made directly to this Association.
(b)Associate Membership may be conferred by the Board of Directors on:
(1)individuals who are employees of an accredited ophthalmic educational institution; or
(2)individuals who are engaged in an occupation which serves the profession of optometry directly or indirectly;
(3)individuals who are paraoptometrics who are temporarily unemployed;
(4)individuals who are spouses of Doctors of Optometry who are members of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association;
(5)individuals who are no longer employed in the optometric field but wish to remain in the General Membership.
(c)Associate membership requires sponsorship by an active member of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association or an Active member of this Association.
(d)Associate members shall pay annual dues in accordance with these by-laws.
(e)Associate members shall have the privilege of the floor in the sessions of the General Membership.
(f)Associate members may not vote in sessions of the General Membership nor hold elective office in this Association.
Section 5 Honorary Membership
(a)Honorary membership may be conferred by the General Membership upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, to those individuals who have rendered some meritorious service to this Association or to optometry.
(b) Honorary members shall not pay dues to this Association.
(c)Honorary members shall have the privilege of the floor in the sessions of the General Membership.
(d)Honorary members may not vote in sessions of the General Membership nor hold elective office in this association.
Section 6 Student Membership
(a)Application for student membership shall be made directly to this Association.
(b)Student membership may be conferred by the Board of Directors onto those individuals attending any accredited Optometric Technician Program.
(c)Student members shall pay dues in accordance with these by-laws.
(d)Student members shall have the privilege of the floor in the session of the General Membership.
(e)Student members in good standing shall collectively be entitled to (1) vote in sessions of the General Membership.
(f)Student members may not hold elective office in this Association.
Section 1 Composition
The General Membership shall be composed of:
(a)Active members
(b)Associate members
(c)Honorary members
(d)Student members
Section 2 Sessions
(a)The sessions of the General Membership shall occur in conjunction with the annual meetings of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association.
(b)The President shall call all other meetings upon the written request of:
(1) three members of the Board of Directors, or
(2) three affiliated local societies.
(c)The President and Secretary of each affiliated society shall receive written notice at least ten (10) days prior to any General Membership meeting.
Section 3 Power and Duties
The General Membership shall have the following powers and duties:
(a)establish, by Resolution, the policies of the Association;
(b)elect and remove the members of, and fill vacancies on, the Board of Directors in the manner prescribed in these by-laws;
(c)adopt an annual budget for the next calendar year during the annual Session of the General Membership;
(d)pass all recommendations for incurring expenses other than those provided in the budget.
Section 4 Resolutions
An active member, an affiliated local society or the Board of Directors may propose resolutions.
Section 5 Quorum
One fifth (20%) of the active members in good standing registered at the meeting must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any session of the General Membership, except that a quorum shall not be less than twelve (12).
Section 6 Committees and Personnel
(a)The General Membership shall have, but not limited to:
(1)a Budget Committee appointed by the President at the beginning of the Administrative year, which shall review and make recommendations for the purposed budget to the Board of Directors no later than March of each year. The Budget Committee shall present during the annual session of the General Membership a final report to the General Membership.
(2)a Nomination Committee, appointed by the President at the beginning of the year shall present to the General Membership during the annual Session of the General Membership the names of the members proposed for election as officers of the Association.
(3)a Continuing Education Committee, appointed by the President at the beginning of the year, which shall be under the direct supervision of the Vice-President of Continuing Education. The Continuing Education Committee shall maintain record of continuing education credits accrued by members of this Association.
(4)a Credentials Committee, appointed by the President at the beginning of the administrative year, which shall, based on members in good standing; establish eligibility to attend sessions of the General Membership.
(b)At least two members shall be appointed, by the President, prior to any Session of the General Membership, as Sergeants-at-Arms who shall:
(1)Verify the eligibility of individuals who are not members of this Association to attend Sessions of the General Membership.
(2)Serve the chair in maintaining order and decorum during Sessions of the General Membership.
(c)One person shall be appointed by the President, prior to any Session of the General Membership, as Parliamentarian to advise the Chair on parliamentary procedure according to Robert's Rules of order, when called upon to do so by the chair.
Section 1 Composition
The Board of Directors is a continuing body consisting of the current President, President-Elect, Vice-President of Continuing Education, Vice-President of Communications, Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate Past President and a representative from the Pennsylvania Optometric Association Board of Directors (ex-officio).
Section 2 Meetings
(a)A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held:
(1)three times yearly: winter, the annual Session with the General Membership, and autumn;
(2)at the call of the President or the written request of three members of the Board of Directors.
(b)The president shall designate the site of any Board of Directors meeting.
Section 3 Powers and Duties
The Board of Directors shall have the following powers and duties:
(a)Be responsible for the management of the business and affairs of this Association in accordance with general policy and within the budget established by the General Membership.
(b)Exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association between Sessions of the General Membership.
(c)Establish a policy for reimbursement for officers and members for expenses incurred when on business for this Association, which shall be paid from the Association funds.
(d)Make reports and/or recommendations to the General Membership at each of its meetings on the business finances or policies of this Association.
(e)Designate a person or persons other than the Secretary/Treasurer who may, in emergencies, sign checks on behalf of this Association.
(f)The Board of Directors will review the dues of an active member and of an Associate member of the Association annually.
Section 4 Voting
(a)Each member of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) vote.
(b)Except as provided in Robert's Rules of Order, a simple majority of votes cast shall decide any issue.
Section 5 Quorum
At least one half (50%) of the Board of Directors must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.
Section 1 Elections
(a)The nominating and Evaluating Committees shall designate nominees for the offices of President-Elect, Vice-President of Continuing Education, Vice-President of Communications, and Secretary/Treasurer and shall report to the General Membership.
(b)Nominations for the offices of President-Elect, Vice-President of Continuing Education, Vice-President of Communications, and Secretary/Treasurer may be made from the floor.
(c)Elections shall be by a majority of votes cast at an annual Session of the General membership. Balloting shall continue until a candidate for each office receives a majority.
(d)In the event the President seeks re-election:
(1)The President-Elect may remain in that office during the President's second term.
(2)The President-Elect may stand for election to the office of President. If the President-Elect fails to be elected President, the President-Elect shall remain in the office of President-Elect for the one term and there shall be no vote taken for the office of President-Elect.
Section 2 Terms of Office
(a)The term of office for all officers shall be one year commencing January 1 after the election.
(b)The President may be re-elected for one term. A member serving as President may not be elected to the office of President-Elect.
(c)The President-Elect shall remain in that office until the office of President becomes vacant, at which time the President-Elect shall ascend without further election to the office of President.
(d)The Vice-Presidents and Secretary/Treasurer may be re-elected to no more than two (2) successive terms.
(e)All Officers who were elected prior to the adoption of these by-laws shall continue to hold such positions for the duration of the terms for which they were elected.
Section 3 Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy in the office of:
(a)Immediate Past President, the most recent available Immediate Past President shall fill the unexpired term.
(b)President, the President-Elect shall fill the unexpired term. This shall be in addition to the President-Elect's own term and shall not prevent the re-election for another one-year term as provided in the by-laws. In the event that the office of the President-Elect is vacant, the most recent available Past President shall assume the duties of the President until an election can be held.
(c)President-Elect, the office shall remain vacant until an election can be held
(d)Vice-president of Continuing Education, Vice-President of Communications or Secretary/Treasurer; the vacancy may be filled by the Board of Directors and any officer so chosen may serve until the next election.
Section 4 Duties of the President
The president shall:
(a)Preside over all meetings of this Association or designate a board member to do so.
(b)Make all appointments unless otherwise provided in these by-laws.
(c)Fill all vacancies unless otherwise provided in these by-laws.
(d)Be an ex-officio member to all committees.
(e)Certify to all official acts of this Association.
(f)Sign and issue charters according to these by-laws.
(g)Establish a Table of Organization for the Administrative Year.
(h)Represent the Association at all POA Board meetings and functions or designate a board member to do so.
(i)Establish and file a report with the POA office for all PPA Board meetings.
(j)Establish an Association Wrap-up report after every Board meeting.
(k)Perform any other duties that are customary to the office of President. .
Section 5 Duties of the President-Elect
The President-Elect shall:
(a)Perform any duties assigned by the President or by the General membership.
(b)Assume the duties of the president in the event of the failure or inability of the President to perform the duties of the President.
Section 6 Duties of the Vice-President of Continuing Education
The Vice-President of Continuing Education shall perform all duties by the President or by the General Membership.
Section 7 Duties of the Vice-President of Communications
The Vice-President of Communications shall perform all duties assigned by the President or by the General Membership.
Section 8 Duties of the Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President shall perform all duties assigned by the President or by the General Membership.
Section 9 Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
(a)Perform all duties assigned by the President or by the General Membership.
(b)Be custodian of funds, legal and fiscal documents and securities received in the name of this Association and sign all properly drawn checks for each item of Association expense.
(c)Present a written, detailed financial report to the General Membership and Board of Directors during the annual Session of the General Membership.
(d)Collect and deposit all monies and dues for this Association.
(e)File the Association’s appropriate annual tax return
(f)Be bonded by a surety company for a sum to be determined by the Board of Directors, the premium for which shall be paid by the Association.
(g)Keep a complete and correct list of all members.
(h)Record and distribute minutes of all meetings of this Association.
(i)Perform any other duties that are customary to the office of the Secretary/Treasurer.