Penn State University, Berks Campus

Student Government Association

Minutes October 29, 2014

Call to Order


President/ VP Address

Devin-Welcome Outdoors club and JAM. Record matching 54 organizations. Club Reporting forms due today. Tickets for Saturday game on sale end 5pm today. Transportation is provided. Changes to Alcohol Policy. Students Advisory Committee report- current policy is ineffective. Campuses should have right to decide-“home rule.” Greek Life task force- tomorrow afternoon to make Greek life possible at commonwealth campuses. 65,000 budget down to 59,000 – closer to 50,000 allotted. Added statement for limits on other things-The following guidelines and limitations will be used by SGBC in the event that the requesting organization does not request its semester allocation limit of 5,000$. If one related limit is not used, the limit of another category may be used towards the allocation. Does this sound good for everyone- it is now in the current document. Students to get involved in SAF board. Student Facility Fee Committee members. Any students that would like to get more involved- email blast will be sent out. Committee breakouts start next week, all members need to sign up with one committee-requirement. Lastly- student enrollment 2,839 students-second highest ever. Expected to be at 3,000 within 5 years.

Joey Chletsos- Let Quidditch rep join

Scarlett Equestrian Club - second

No opposed/abstentions

Andy- Short survey. Please be honest, it is anonymous. Committee breakouts next week- academic, governmental, community service, environmental, environmental, student life and IT technology. When calling motion to adjourn, please stay in seats until finished.

Approval of the Minutes

No oppositions/abstentions

Approval of the Agenda

No oppositions/ abstentions

Joey Chletsos- so move

Avengers Sean- second

Old Business

None today

New Business

Devin- Budget Committee Constitution and Handbook- “Where as” description as to why we are looking to pass this. Ratify the budget constitution. “Be it further resolved” when we have the budgets approved. We will approve second week of spring semester and in April we will approve Fall Budgets. All of these are on Angel page- we need to table for one week.

Matt Honors- move to table


Devin- Motion passes to revisit at next meeting. Recommendation of Student Facilities at Berks- Students organizations increased dramatically. We need to use our existing space in Perkins to accommodate some of our needs. We would like some offices, event space, hangout spots, etc.

JAM John- good idea

ASME Matt- so move to pass recommendation

Mike Ski&Board- so second

No discussion/ oppositions/ abstentions

Devin- AD Hoc committee on social media. Special interest committees, relevant topics-Yik Yak, etc. Committee to set up for a week or two to come up with some ideas to combat these social media problems. Will not start unless there are students willing to help.

Ciara BWS- Are we only going to look at the threatening ones?

Devin- What other schools are doing about it, etc.

Matt Honors- Only active for short period of time?

Devin- One or two meetings max. Any interests? Hold off on that for now. Recommendation on electronic scanners- we don’t have any working right now. We use 53,000$ a year on toning and paper. Digitize things more- investigate purchasing new scanners.

Roberto Psych Club- are they free?

Devin- This is purely to digitize things.

John JAM- Printing is unlimited and free. The copying machine should also be free.

Joey Chletsos- motion for CSF to join

Scarlett- so second

No opposed/abstentions

Devin- Good idea or bad idea?

Roberto- Good idea to look into scanners- professors have books on reserve. We can digitize the books for ourselves.

Devin-Librarian rule not to copy more than 10% of a book.

Joey-so move to approve recommendation

Matt Honors- second

No opposed/abstentions

Reports from Committee Chairs

Jess Community Service- Camp Out for Hunger Committee Sunday 11/2 to get donations for can drive. 9am in BCC lot. Community Service forms need to be turned into Britney by 10/31.

Ryan Academic- Faculty Senate- Talk of change for Gen Ed requirements. Make into a minor, etc.

Joey- University Park last week- did not evaluate current Gen Ed system. Average student GPA drops when moving to University Park. Academic holds limits- parking holds, etc. By 2024- 25,000 in world campus. Showing results of SRTEs- controversy. No prediction for tuition next year.

Lindsey Governmental- FAB meeting Monday Nov 3 Lions Den during common hour.

SWE Christine- Change in requirements for Gen Eds or change in class?

Ryan- Change in structure of requirements.

Joey- Trashing Gen Eds and doing minor classes or certificates.

Roberto- Ratings for advisors?

Ryan- Next weekend we will get more news. Could take up to a year, but we will try to get that as soon as possible. Gen Eds- students should take courses they want and not ones they need to take.

Joey- This is not finalized.

Ryan- Recommend skimming through to have a greater discussion.

Lilliya Public Relations- Purple Glove Dance- sign ups extended to Friday. Dance to support all cancers- bring awareness. . Please get involved. Can be no later than the 14th of November.

Savannah Chamber Choir- do we provide our own gloves?

Lilliya- No, I have them.

Open Forum

No comments

Club Events

LUC- Monday Nov 3rd fundraiser 16$ for Scholarship Reading High.

Ice Hockey- Lehigh game Saturday night 1$ with student ID

THON Elizabeth- 9:15 meeting tonight

Ilyssa CAB- Stuff a plush 9pm in MPR

Matt ASME- Guest to discuss career Gaige 121 Friday common hour Nov 7

Kevin Entrepreneurship Club- Berks Campus mag- looking for writers and photographers

Campus Life Reports

Kelly Ann- Events right now and there is a lot of purchasing. Very dangerous to wait until last minute because the purchase card may not be available. PAL Thanksgiving dinner with Boys and Girls Club. Berks Cares- Nov 20 4-6pm. Alternative Spring break- coming back, will be in Pittsburg. Introduce to new cultural experience. 2 info meetings Nov 10 and 12 Gaige 121 Perkins room 3 common hour.

Closing Remarks

Devin- Questions of reporting forms- I’ll be here until at least 2pm. Committee questions-ask staff. Requirement of organization to have these breakouts. Proxy rep let Andy know.

Andy- Turn surveys in.


Wes Volleyball- so move

Mike Ski&Board- so second

No discussion/ opposed/ abstentions