/Minimizing the Challenges Associated with an Academic IACUC Program - State College, Pennsylvania
/Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University and Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH
/Monday, October 31 and Tuesday, November 1, 2005
/Monday 7:30 am – 5:00 pm and Tuesday 8:00 – 12:00
/Nittany Lion Inn, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, State College, PA
For additional program information, please visit:
Attention IACUC Professionals - On Monday, October 31 and Tuesday November 1, 2005, The Pennsylvania State University, The Ohio State University and the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare will present“Minimizing the Challenges Associated with an Academic IACUC Program”. Over one hundred and twenty-five representatives from academic institutions completed a survey designed to identify IACUC programmatic issues. The survey revealed that many challenges encountered in operating an academic IACUC program are consistent from university to university. The conference will focus on those issues identified from the survey and seek to develop sound resolutions.
“Minimizing the Challenges Associated with an Academic IACUC Program” is a professional development opportunity that will be facilitated by faculty renowned for their expertise in developing animal care and use programs. The program has been designed to provide attendees with opportunities to learn from IACUC experts and colleagues. Those in attendance will receive answers to specific questions as well as recommendations for solving common programmatic problems. On Day 1, each didactic session will commence with a topic overview and brief commentary from AAALAC, OLAW and/or USDA representatives. Didactic sessions will conclude with open discussion and a period of question and answers.
On Day 2, attendees will have the opportunity to select from five break-out sessions that best meet the needs of their institution. Participants will engage in open dialogues that are facilitated by program faculty members and/or other individuals with relevant expertise.
While this interactive conference is targeted at front line IACUC administrators, it will also benefit compliance officers, IACUC chairs, educators, veterinarians and others interested in IACUC operations.
Monday, October 31, 2005
7:30 – 8:30Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:15 – 8:30Introductions
8:30 – 9:15Electronic Review and Management of IACUC Protocols/Files (Didactic)
9:15 – 9:45Electronic IACUC’s – Scenario and Q&A
9:45 – 10:30Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements (Didactic)
10:30 – 10:45Break
10:45 – 11:15Records – Scenario and Q&A
11:15 – 12:00Occupational Health and Safety Programs (OHSP) (Didactic)
12:00 – 12:30OHSP – Scenario and Q&A
12:30 – 1:30Lunch
1:30 – 2:15Post Approval Monitoring Programs (PAM) (Didactic)
2:15 – 3:00PAM - Scenario and Q&A
3:00 – 3:15Break
3:15 – 4:00Training Programs (Didactic)
4:00 – 4:30Training - Scenario and Q&A
4:30 – 5:00Panel Q&A
Tuesday, November 1, 2005 * You will be able to attend 4 of the 5 following sessions
Protocol and Grant Congruence
8:00 - 8:50 and 9:00 - 9:45
Conducting Program Evaluations
8:00 - 8:50 and 9:00 - 9:45
Break9:45 – 10:00
Evaluating the effectiveness of you IACUC
10:00 – 10:50 and 11:00 – 11:30
Designated Review vs. Full Committee Review
10:00 – 10:50 and 11:00 – 11:30
Effective communication between the IO, AV, PI’s and administrators
10:00 – 10:50 and 11:00 – 11:30
Summary and Wrap up11:30 – 12:30
For questions related to program content:
Please contact: William Greer or Erica Kresovich at PennStateUniversity’s Office for Research Protections, (814)-865-1775.
University Policies
Access--PennState encourages individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing special accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact the conference planner 814-863-5100 at least two weeks prior to the conference.
The Nittany Lion Inn
200 West Park Avenue
State College, PA16803-3598
Phone: 800-233-7505 or (814) 865-8500
Fax: (814) 865-8501
DIRECTIONS from the University ParkAirport to the Nittany Lion Inn:
Turn Left out of the University ParkAirport onto Fox Hill Road. Fox Hill Road becomes Fox Hollow Road; follow for about 1.5 miles. At the stoplight opposite Beaver Stadium, turn Right onto Park Avenue. After approximately 1.4 miles, turn Left onto Fischer Rd. and into the Nittany Lion Inn. At the stop sign, turn Left and park in the parking deck immediately on your right.
REGISTRATION AND REGISTRATION FEE - The registration form at the end of this announcement must be completed and returned to:
Conferences and Institutes Registration
The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
Box 108
State CollegePA 16804-0108
Fax: 814-863-5175
Fax registrations must be accompanied by credit card payment information. You can also register by phone with your credit card by calling 800-PSU-TODAY (778-8632).
The entire registration fee must accompany the registration form. Minimum and maximum enrollments have been established.
Early Registration: $295 participant postmarked by September 1, 2005.
Late Registration: $345 participant postmarked after October 1, 2005.
Cancellations submitted in writing prior to October 1, 2005 are necessary for reimbursement of the registration fee minus a $25.00 administration fee. After October 1, 2005, only half of the registration fee will be refunded. Cancellations after October 15, 2005 will not be refunded.
Registration fee includes attendance at all sessions, continental breakfast, refreshment breaks, lunch, course syllabus and hard copy materials, and other amenities involved in creating a rewarding learning experience.
A limited number of rooms are available at a conference rate of $99 per night (single occupancy). Reservations must be completed prior to October 15, 2005. Garage self-parking is available on a first-come first-serve basis and will be validated by the hotel upon checkout. Hotel guests will receive a permit for the duration of their stay to be displayed in their vehicle. Please mention “Minimizing the Challenges Associated with an Academic IACUC Program” and reference the Reservation Identification Number, IAC1030 when making reservations.
The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity reserves the right to cancel all programs and return all fees. Liability is limited to the course fee. PennsylvaniaStateUniversity will not be responsible for any losses incurred by registrants including, but not limited to, airline cancellation charges or hotel deposits. The program agenda is subject to change without notice.
Participation of women, racial/ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities, and other individuals, who have been traditionally underrepresented in science, is encouraged.
REGISTRATION FORMMinimizing the Challenges of Managing an Academic IACUC Program
October 31 – November 1, 2005
State College, PA
Return to PennState by October 15, 2005. Please print in ink or type. This form may be duplicated for additional registrations. You can also register by phone at 800-PSU-TODAY (778-8632).
Important--To ensure a timely registration, please include complete information.
Last nameFirst nameMiddle initial
Social Security no.* or PennState ID no.*Title
[__] Male [__] Female______
E-mailDate of birth
Company or organization
Business address (no. and street or box no.)
City StateZIP codeCountry
Business phone Business fax
Are you a PennState alumna/alumnus? [__] Yes [__] No
Registration Fee:
[__] $295 Early Registration Fee - registration form and payment received by September 15, 2005.
[__] $345 Registration Fee - registration form and payment received after September 15, 2005.
NOTE: Cancellations submitted in writing prior to October 1, 2005 will receive a refund less a $25 administrative fee. Cancellations between October 1, 2005 and October 15, 2005 will receive a refund of half of the fee paid. Cancellations received after October 15, 2005 are not eligible for reimbursement although a substitute may be send.
An additional charge of $30 will be added to all walk-in registrations.
*The Social Security number (SSN) you provide for enrollment purposes, or when requesting specific services, will be used by the University to verify your identity for official record keeping and reporting. If you choose not to supply your SSN, certain services--such as transcripts, enrollment verification, tax reporting, and financial aid--may not be available to you, and Penn State cannot guarantee a complete academic record for you. Your SSN will be stored in a central system and used only as a primary source to identify you within the PennState system; the Penn State ID will be used as the primary identifier.
Your payment, in full, must accompany your registration form. Fax or telephone registrations must be accompanied by credit card payment information. The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity's federal ID number is 24-6000376.
[__] Enclosed is a check or money order for the amount indicated, signed and payable to PennState.
[__] Enclosed is a purchase order (made payable to PennState) or letter of authorization from my employer or sponsoring organization.
[__] Charge the fee(s) I have checked to my credit card:
[__] American Express[__] Discover
[__] MasterCard[__] VISA (including University purchasing card)
Cardholder's name (please print)
Cardholder's signature
Charge no.Exp. date (mo./yr.)
Cardholder's e-mail
(Credit card charges cannot be processed without signature and expiration date.)
Send To
Conferences and Institutes Registration
The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
Box 108
State College PA 16804-0108
Phone: 800-PSU-TODAY (778-8632).
Fax: 814-863-5175