Penn Bowl 007: Bonus Questions by Vanderbilt C

1. [Social Science (Psychology)] Everybody is afraid of something but how well do you know scientific names for common fears? On a 5-10-15 basis, a common fear will be named and you will have to supply the scientific name.

For 5: Fear of strangers Xenophobia

For 10: Fear of death Thanatophobia

For 15: Fear of non-poisonous snakes Ophidiophobia

2. [Pop Culture (Sports)] With all of the selling out going on in the 90’s, sporting venues have been in on the action too. I’ll name a stadium or arena’s original name and for five points each, tell me the corporate names that they now bear.

  1. Riverfront StadiumCinergy Field
  2. Joe Robbie StadiumPro Player Stadium
  3. Hoosier DomeRCA Dome
  4. Tampa StadiumHoulihan’s Stadium
  5. The SpectrumCorestates Spectrum
  6. Jack Murphy StadiumQualcomm Stadium

3. [Science (Biology)] Name the hormone, ten points apiece:

1)This hormone causes a net transfer of calcium from the bones to the bloodstream, and opposes the action of calcitonin. Ans: parathyroid hormone or parathormone

2)This highly evolutionarily conserved hormone inhibits the release of insulin and glucagon by the pancreas and certain pituitary hormones. Ans: growth-hormone release-inhibiting hormone or somatostatin

3)This mineralocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal glands causes the kidney to excrete potassium and conserve sodium, in order to prevent a harmful sodium deficiency. Ans: Aldosterone

4. [Misc] Given a pair of United States Senators, identify the state they represent for the stated number of points.

(5) Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts Ans: Kansas

(5) Charles Robb and John Warner Ans: Virginia

(10) Jeff Bingaman and Pete Domenici Ans: New Mexico

(10) Robert Byrd and John D. Rockefeller IV Ans: West Virginia

5. [Science] We all know that you know all 88 constellations in the sky but do you know your stars? A constellation will be named and for ten points each, identify the brightest star in that constellation.

1)Lyra Ans: Vega

2)Orion Ans: Betelgeuse

3)Scorpius Ans: Antares

6. [History (20th Century)] 1942 was an important year for battles in the Pacific. For ten points apiece, given the date(s) of a battle, name the battle.

1. November 12-15 Ans: The battle of Guadalcanal

2. May 7-8 Ans: The battle of the Coral Sea

3. June 4 Ans: The battle of Midway Island

7. [Fine Art (Painting)] For ten points apiece, given a list of paintings, identify the artist.

1. House by the Railroad, Early Sunday Morning, Nighthawks Ans: Edward Hopper

2. Olympia, A bar at the Folies-Bergere, Le Dejeuner sur

l’herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) Ans: Edouard Monet

  1. The Naked Maja, The Clothed Maja, Agony in the Garden,

Saturn Devouring One of his Sons Ans: Francisco de Goya

8. [Religion (Judeo-Christian)] Many people know that the 12 sons of Jacob are the basis of the 12 tribes of Israel, but how much do you know about the sons themselves?

For 5 points each, name the 2 sons of Jacob and Rachel

Joseph and Benjamin

For 10 points, name the oldest of Jacob’s sons


For an additional 10 points, which son’s descendants became Israel’s tribe of priests?


9. [History (20th Century)] Name this historical figure 30-20-10

30: Born in 1894 in Alexandria, Egypt, this son of a German merchant was the only prisoner at Spandau prison in Berlin from 1966 until his death in 1987.

20: He joined the Nazi party in 1920, quickly becoming Hitler’s friend. He even took down and edited much of Hitler’s dictation for Mein Kampf.

10: On May 10, 1941, he secretly flew to Great Britain with peace proposals. His actions were rejected by both Britain and Hitler.

Rudolf Hess

10. [Pop Culture (Sports)] I’ll name a year and a professional sporting league. For five points apiece, name the two teams that were expansion teams that year.

  1. NBA-1968: Milwaukee Bucks and Phoenix Suns
  2. NHL-1970: Buffalo Sabres and Vancouver Canucks
  3. NFL-1976: Seattle Seahawks and Tampa Bay Bucanneers

11. [Literature] Let’s see how well you know the winners of the Pulitzer Prizes for fiction. Given the year and a work, name the author for ten points apiece.

1) 1980, The Executioner’s Song Ans: Norman Mailer

2) 1963, The Reivers Ans: William Faulkner

3) 1939, The Yearling Ans: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

12. [Science (Chemistry)] There are several chemical properties that follow strong trends based on the position of an element in the periodic table. Let’s see how well you know these trends, and the exceptions to them. Which element has the highest value for each property

1)First Ionization Potential Ans: Helium

2)Electronegativity Ans: Oxygen

3)Atomic Volume Ans: Cesium

13. [Fine Art (Architecture)] Greek architecture has made an imprint on Roman and American design but can you distinguish the types of columns that were used in Greek architecture? Given a description, identify the type of column for ten points each.

A)Used often in Athens, this order of column is known for being slender and is highly ornamented at the top; usually with a scroll-like design


B)Used in Rome, this order of column is noted for the acanthus leaves that shoot off of the top.


C)Originating on the Greek mainland, this order appears to be heavy and the flutes meet in sharp ridges.


14. [Religion (Non-Western)] On a 30-20-10 basis, name the religion,

30: According to the believers, this religion is eternal and has been revealed through the successive ages of

the world by the Tirthankaras

20: This religion divides the world into two categories: jiva, the soul or living substance, and ajiva, the non-soul or inanimate substance.

10: Founded by Mahavira, the religion centers on the great religious figures called jinas.


15. [History (20th Century)] Identify the year from events, 30-20-10

30: The Selective Service Act is signed into law, The World Health Organization and the Organization of

American States are founded, the controversial “Kinsey Report” is released

20: Alger Hiss is indicted for perjury, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the teaching of religion in public

schools is unconstitutional, Burma gains independence from Great Britain

10: The U.N. General Assembly adopts the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, McDonalds’ opens

it’s first restaurant and Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated in New Delhi, India


16. [Religion (Mythology)] Now it’s time to enter the world of Greek mythology. For ten points apiece, name these characters of Greek mytholgy after a brief description.

1)This man was king of Ioclus who deprived Jason’s father Aeson of his rightful throne and sent Jason after the Golden fleece


2)A satyr and companion of Dionysus, he was released by King Midas when he was caught sleeping in

a vineyard. In gratitude, Dionysus granted the king his famous wish.


3)This many-headed dragon, which watched over the garden of the Hesperides was killed by Heracles in

order to obtain the golden apples.


17. [Social Science (Law)] 1997 was a landmark year for Supreme Court cases with Clinton vs. Jones and Reno vs. ACLU but given a brief description, can you identify these other important cases based on a description?

For 5 points: This 1819 decision ruled that it was legal under the Constitution to charter the Bank of the

United States because it was “necessary and proper” for responsibilities under the


McCulloch vs. Maryland

For 10points: This 1961 case ruled that any evidence collected in violation of the 4th amendment must be

thrown out of any state or federal trial

Mapp vs. Ohio

For 15 points: This 1990 case ruled that a person could refuse life-sustaining treatment with the exception

of comatose patients. They needed to show “clear and convincing” evidence to the state

that they had not wanted treatment.

Cruzan vs. Missouri

18. [Science (Physics)] Given a definition of a term from physics, identify the term on a 5-10-15 basis.

For 5 points: An object’s resistance to a change in velocity.


For 10 points: The spreading of light into a spectrum of colors.


For 15 points: A unit of magnetic field strength, equivalent to 10-4 tesla.


  1. [Geography (Physical)] Given the continent, name the highest peak, for ten points apiece:

South America: Aconcagua


Antarctica:Vinson Massif

  1. [History] Name the French king named Charles, for ten points each:

Ruled southern France while England’s Henry VI ruled the north: Charles VII

Nicknamed “The Bald” he ruled the Holy Roman Empire until the Treaty of Verdun when his domain was reduced to mainly France: Charles II

The last of the Capetian dynasty: Charles IV

  1. [Fine Art (Music)] Name the Russian composer from works, 30-20-10:

30: Opera, Le Coq d’Or

20: Tsar Saltan

10: Scheherezade

Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov

  1. [Pop Culture] For ten points an answer, let’s see how much you know about the various Scooby Doo series:

This was Shaggy’s actual name: Norville Rogers

This was Scooby Doo’s brave but dimwitted cousin, predating the odius Scrappy: Scooby Dum

This actor played the continuing character Mr. Van Ghoul in The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo: Vincent Price

  1. [Literature] 30-20-10 name the author from works.

The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism

Man and Superman


George Bernard Shaw

  1. [Fine Art (Music)] Name the Haydn symphony given it’s number.

#101Ans: “The Clock”

#104Ans: “London”

#94Ans: “Surprise”

  1. [Geography (Political)] If we were to do airstrikes against Libya again, there are six countries that would probably be on CNN for adjoining everyon’e favorite terrorist sponsoring country of the 1980s. Name these six countries that border Libya, 5 pts each.

Ans: Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Niger, Algeria, and Tunisia

  1. [Fine Art (Architecture)/Misc] Name the famous structure, given a brief description, for ten points each.

This Doric temple was designed by Ictinus and Kallicrates, with sculpture headed by Phidias.Ans: the Parthenon

This octagonal church was designed by Odo of Metz in the Carolingian style, and was completed in 805 AD. Ans: Palatine Chapel of Charlemange at Aachen

Although it was originally completed in 1120, it had to be heavily rebuilt after WWII, during which time Marc Chagall created the color Chagall Blue while matching colors for the stained glass windows. Ans: Chartres Cathedral

  1. [Current Events] Name the Israeli ex-cabinet minister, 30-20-10.

He was head of the Geshed faction in the Knesset, which pulled its support for Netanyahu.

He was Netanyahu’s Foreign Minister and a leading proponent of US-backed peace plans in Netanyahu’s government.

He turned in his resignation January 6 1998 over a disute about funds for his impoverished constituents, seriously weakening Netanyahu’s coalition.

David Levy

  1. [Literature] Given an author’s legal name, give their psuedonym for ten points each.

Solomon J. RabinowitzAns: Sholom Aleichem

Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basualto Ans: Pablo Neruda

Amandine Aurore Lucile Dupin, Baronne Dudevant

Ans: George Sand

  1. [Current Events] In January of 1998, it was announced that the Washington Monument was would be undergoing a $9.4

million dollar renovation. Answer the following about the tall obelisk for ten points each’

1)Within 20 feet in either direction, how tall is the monument?

555 feet (accept 535 to 575 feet)

2)In what year was the Washington Monument completed?


3)What is the exact date that the monument is set to be rededicated?

July 4th, 2000

  1. [Literature (Ancient)] Sophocles wrote three plays about the lame-footed king of Thebes. For a quick ten points for each answer, name each of the plays in the cycle.

Oedipus Rex, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonnus