Penketh Primary School Long Term Planning Year Six 2017/18 Miss Katie Rowland

Half Term One / Half Term Two / Half Term Three / Half Term Four / Half Term Five / Half Term Six
Writing / Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo
Diary, description, suspense extract, newspaper report, recount and description
Fox by Margaret Wild
Writing in Role
Matchbox Diaryby Paul Fleischman
Character description, setting description (room view) / The Journey by Francesca Sanna
Poetry,writing in role, persuasive letter, book/ booklet/leaflet,
collection of short stories,
class newspaper,
documentary script,
argument and
emotive letter / Varmints (part one) by Helen Ward
Creating a descriptive piece about characters and events, persuasive poster, writing in role as a character, note taking, written argument, newspaper article, poetry, write a commentary letter. script writing and story writing / Wonder byR J Palacio
Factual information leaflets
Notes for discussion and role play
Scripts for documentary
Maxims and precepts
Newspaper article
Diary entries
Handwriting / Formation of letters and speed / Develop handwriting styles of note taking, final version / Develop unjoined style (labelling a diagram, algebra, writing an email)
No Nonsense / Statutory word lists
Words ending in –able, -ably, -ible and ibly
Words ending in –able and –ible
Words ending in –ter / Statutory word lists
Homophones ce/she & personal spelling lists
Homophones ce/she & personal spelling lists
Endings that sound like –cious or –tious
Endings that sound like –cious or –tious Homophones ce/she & personal spelling lists
Personal spelling lists
And spelling learning from this half term / Words with –ough letter string
Strategies for learning words
Words ending –cial and –tial
Proofreading someone else’s writing
Strategies for learning words
Generating words from prefixes / Strategies for learning words
Statutory word lists
Generating words from prefixes and roots
Statutory word lists / Strategies for learning words-rare GPCs
Strategies at the point of writing
Strategies at the point of writing
Words ending –ant –once and –ancy
Proof reading own writing
Root words and meaning
Words ending in –ent, -ence and –ency
Singapore Maths
Maths No Problem / Place Value
Four operations
Word problemsAssessment Week / Negative numbers
Fractions / Decimals
Measurement / Algebra
Graphs and averages / Geometry
Area and perimeter
Position and direction
Revision / Application and problem solving
Science / Light and Shadows
(The eye) / Electricity
(Investigating circuits) / Forces, including gravity / Classification
(Including micro-organisms) / Evolution and Adaptation / Health and Lifestyles
(Including circulatory sysyem)
Geography / A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 Wars through Time (and impact of WWI and II on Warrington)… A local history study
Stockport Air Raid Shelter
War memorial fieldwork
Design a war memorial for the end of WWI. Look at a local map – where would be the best place to put a memorial? / Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on South America, concentrating on environmental regions, key physical & human characteristics, countries, and major cities- Use maps atlases globes & digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
Identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle
physical geography: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts.
Describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water / Use the eight points of a compass, six-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the UK
Understand geographical similarities &
differences through study of human/physical geography of a region of UK: (residential or local geographical region in depth): identify human &physical characteristics, key topographical features, land-use patterns; understand how these changed over time
Describe & understand key aspects of physical geography.
Use 8 points of a compass, 6-fig. grid refs, symbols, key (including use of O.S.maps) to build their knowledge of the UK
Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present human/physical features at the coast using range of methods e.g sketch maps, plans, graphs, digital technologies.
RE / “What should our attitudes be on our journey?” AT1: Learning about journeys in Islam – attitudes of Muslims.
AT2: How can we adapt these attitudes to our journeys?
Islam / “What is worth celebrating?” (Christmas)
AT1: Why Christians celebrate Christmas – which parts are important to them?
AT2: What is important to us? How can we celebrate this? Christianity / “What can we learn from the New Testament?” Bible Explorer.
Christianity and Judaism / Sikhism “What is commitment?” AT1 - Sikhs
AT2 – Own lives Sikhism / “What happens when we die?” Multi-Faith and nonfaith / “What type of person do I want to be?” AT1 – about how they live their lives At2- learning from these religions Buddhism/Hinduism
SEAL / Healthy Lifestyles
Body Image
New Beginnings / Anti-bullying
Getting on and falling out / Love is love
Going for goals / Financial security
Child Protection/Keeping safe
Good to be me / Body changes and growth
Relationships / Multi-cultural similarities and differences. Tolerance and acceptance.
British Values / British Values
Rule of Law
Democracy / British Values
Mutual respect / British Values
Individual Liberty
PREVENT / KS2-A Rich Tapestry / KS2-A United Kingdom: The Power of Unity / KS2- P4C Everyone has a right
PE / Ball skills: Netball
Dance / Ball skills: Netball
Dance / Ball skills: Netball
Gymnastics / Ball skills: Netball
Gymnastics / Ball skills: Netball
Cricket / Ball skills: Netball
Art/DT / Cauliflower Cards / Art Week Afternoons / Use annotated sketches, cross-section diagrams & computer-aided design / Analyse & evaluate existing products and improve own work
Use mechanical & electrical systems in own products, including programming / Enterprise Project-Use research& criteria to develop products which are fit for purpose and aimed at specific groups
Cook savoury dishes for a healthy & varied die
Computing / -Design & write programs to solve problems-Use sequences, repetition, inputs, variables and outputs in programs - Detect & correct errors in programs / -Understand uses of networks for collaboration & communication -Be discerning in evaluating digital content
Music / Harvest
Develop an understanding of the history of music, including great musicians & composers / Christmas Carol Performance
Perform with control & expression solo & in ensembles - Improvise & compose using dimensions of music / -Listen to detail and recall aurally - Use & understand basics of staff notation / Summer production
Kate Kennedy / Describe our area: refer to suburb/sights /facilities/ features. Describe Barcelona and compare it. City guide. / 3 weeks: Christmas card to pen pal.
3 weeks: Christmas carol in Spanish
Re-write 12 days of Christmas in Spanish / Conversation linked to shopping/ buying.
What would you like?
I would like…. How many? How much is that? / Conversation in a restaurant. Book a table; be able to order a range from a Spanish menu. Restaurant review in Spanish. / Transport – an airport. Conversation based on what you’d do at an airport. / Travel brochures –booking activities, hotel room, directions to the beach etc.
Special events / Harvest Foodbank
First Aid in a Day
Cauliflower Cards
Historical Dress up day
Parents Evening:
Educational VsitStockport AirRaid Shelters / Assessment Week
Christmas Choir service
Christmas Trip / ARTS Week
Afternoons / World Book Day
National Science Week
Whole School Science Day
Eco Week
Parents Evening
Educational Visit Philharmonic and Anglican Cathedral / St George’s Day: April 23
SATS Week / SPORTS WEEK Afternoons
KS2 Sports Day
Summer Fayre