Penderry Provider Planning Forum No 8
23 June 2014
South Penlan Community Centre
VB Write up
Twenty four participants took part in this 8th meetingwhich includednine new faces. All were welcomed and given a quick introduction to the programme. They introduced themselves briefly to each other before the usual round of forming groups, getting stuck into lunch preparation, taking the opportunity to learn more about what others do and finding potential working links.
Lunch was followed by a check on ‘deals going down’ and on progress made on‘deals that went down’ at the last meeting.
The Cohort group had already managed to find a few minutes to catch up and agree on next steps and decided to join the wider discussion on Foresighting and The Wales We Want.
Foresighting and The Wales We Want
Debbie Jones for Communities First, Chris Small from the Sustainable Development Team at the City and County of Swansea and Victoria Bancroft from Cynefin updated everyone:
Following the Foresighting workshop that many members attended in March, the Sustainable Development Team was keen to progress this work to find out the views of residents in the area. In a meeting with Communities First and Cynefin, it was agreed that the training in itself was not designed to be cascaded by those organisations to residents and that other ways of consulting people could be explored. Social media was already being heavily used in the area and it was agreed to explore this. Much of the foresighting agenda Dr Alan Netherwood had introduced fitted closely with The Wales We Want’s Big Conversation (Peter Davies, Commissioner for Sustainability started this to inform Welsh Government about people’s thoughts on the Future Generations Bill and to inform longer term planning). Social media was being highly promoted as a method of joining in with it and it seemed a sensible way to gather comment for both purposes.
Cynnal Cymru and Community Regeneration at the City and County of Swansea joined in a further discussion about the feasibility of this apporach. It was agreed that social media such as facebook and pinterest could be used to ask people what they like, want to safeguard for the future and what they want to change about the area. Two of Communities First workers would look at translating some of the future facts and questions presented in the Wales We Want champions’ section of the website on various themes (e.g. education, health, community safety, climate change, transport, food etc) so that they were suitable to generate local social media conversations. A local facebook group/website run by someone who had grown up in the area was considered the most suitable medium, for its high hit rates/followers and content; approaches were made for a meeting to explore opportunities to add the ‘future’ to the site which currently looked at the area’s ‘past and present’. A meeting had been organised with Communities First and Cynefin for later in the week to see if this was a possibility. If possible then the work could be piloted during early July. As for timescales; the City and County did not have a specific timescale for Foresighting but The Wales We Want conversations would need to be carried out by December 2014 for reporting.
The City and County was keen to approach providers at this meeting who had already been involved in Foresighting to find out if this approach was suitable: Comments included that approaching providers was welcomed – the more the better, that older people in the community were less likely to use social media and without the use of other methods of engaging them their voices could remain unheard and for many it was felt that a variety of methods (other than simply social media) would be needed, that there was concern that future planning could detract from current needand that a further update on progress would be needed at the next meeting.
VB asked all providers to consider signing up as champions for The Wales We Want through its website. The intention was that people would hold events/workshops etc within their own organisations and feed these in via the website. Signing up as champions enabled people to download information and materials from the website and to develop sessions which could be run with their groups of residents. See This work would complement that carried out by Communities First via social media and give local residents an opportunity to join in. Cynnal Cymru could be invited to the next meeting.
Next Meeting
A very short discussion was held about future meetings; it was felt that regularity and timing of meetings was suitable. That at the next meeting an update to Foresighting and The Wales We Want would take place and discussion time would be given to future dates and venues – all participants were asked to consider hosting future meetings and it was agreed that no meeting would be held in August.
The next meeting was agreed for Mon 28 July (12.00 – 2.00 pm), kindly hosted by Canon Padraig Gallagher at St Teilo’s Church, Cheriton Ave, Portmead.
Deals Going Down (12)- Sustainable Swansea starting digital photography sessions for Green mapping at Penlan Library very soon.
- AfC, LLL, Employment Training & Penplas Family Centre to meet to develop a joint approach
- LIFT project is present in Blaenymaes Primary School on Thursday mornings
- LIFT project planning to be in Portmead Primary School Friday mornings – meeting Jessica to arrange
- Byron shared positive impact of LIFT project intervention with a member of one of his groups
- Communities First and Blaenymaes Primary School are running a family learning project on Thursdays
- Communities First and AfC are running a training programme on second hand smoking to cascade
- Gwalia is running a fun day for tenants on 22 July at the LC2, they are offering transport (contact Amanda tel: 488011 in advance to book) from 104 Broughton Ave. Attractions include the pirate ship, a healthy living theme. All requested to promote.
- Communities First asked for volunteers to help set up the polytunnel at Clwyd Community Primary School on Thursday morning
- Lifelong Learning is starting child psychology courses at Tesco Community Space room starting 5 July
- Swansea Community Farm is hosting the Glyn Vivian Roadshow on 5 July 10.00 am – 3.00 pm
- Penlan library is now working with Spark to organise the Summer Reading Challenge
Outstanding/scheduled Deals Update (39)
Black – first set of deals recorded 25 Nov 2013
Blue – 27 January 2014
Orange – 3 March 2014
Green - 31 March 2014
Purple – 28 April 2014
Maroon – 19 May 2014
Navy – 23 June 2014
- Penllegare Valley Woods would like to arrange a litter pick towards the end of the summer, VB to pass on J R Groundforce’s contact details, lots of suggestions emerged on ways to tackle this detailed above. NOT YET
- Parenting team will meet Tesco to discuss its ‘Farm to Fork’ education project and the potential for using it with adults NOT YET
- Play Right will meet with Tesco to discuss using its community space room as a neutral venue for its Penlan parents’ group. NOT YET
- LIFT and AfC will meet to discuss LIFT project criteria and the opportunities for client referral NOT YET
- LIFT and Play Right will meet to consider potential referrals NOT YET but in hand
- LIFT will supply Play Right with its events timetable NOT YET but in hand
- LIFT and Gwalia will meet to consider potential venues, signposting and clients NOT YET
- LIFT will meet with Penllegare Valley Woods to discuss volunteering opportunities NOT YET
- LIFT will meet with SPARK to discuss opportunities for child care provision NOT YET but meeting arranged
- Penllegare Valley Woods and Communities First will meet to discuss environmental initiatives and growing NOT YET
- Spark and Penllegare Valley Woods will gather local parents to identify Blaenymaes’ unofficial way into the woods, possibly to better mark it (see above for further discussionthat developed) NOT YET, roping in Gwalia
- Play Right asked others to publicise its Pirate Ship which will be in Llangwm, 3rd week of August ON SCHEDULE
- Penlan library is keen to explore possibilities to run bedtime story sessions at Blaenymaes and Portmead Community Centre not present to update (VB spoken to Jodie who has raised idea with line manager) Penlan library is now working with Spark to organise Bedtime Stories
- Penlan library will explore partnership projects with Family First’s parenting team (Dads’ worker)neither present to update
- J R Groundforce’s Whitsun litter pick (already reported) will be of the Ravineon schedule
- J R Groundforce is planning to work with Gwalia to organise litter picksas part of Tidy Town bid
- J R Groundforce will deliver poppy seeds to SPARK Blaenymaes got seeds, plan to plant them next week
- J R Groundforce is planning a families outing to Oakwood in August on schedule
- J R Groundforce is looking to organise litter picks over a large area – requested by CCS district housing no further update
- Jobcentreplus offered to assist J R Groundforce develop a website neither present to update
- LIFT project will meet to explore joint work opportunities with Play rightto be arranged
- LIFT project will meet to explore joint work opportunities with Swansea Integrated Children’s Centreto be arranged
- Play Right will discuss volunteering opportunities with Penllegare Valley Woodsto be arranged
- Jobcentreplus will explore volunteering opportunities with Penllegare Valley Woodsnot present to update
- Laura from the Family InformationService will distribute leaflets about the service through all Communities First points of contact.Not present to report on progress
- Spark will look at contacts which work with Swansea prison and forward any details to Councillor Morris. NOT YET
- Hannah from the CIC will also share contact details with Cllr Morris.NOT YET
- Spark and JR Groundforce to co-ordinate litter picks over (Easter – already reported and) Whitsun. ON SCHEDULE
- Forest school to run a taster session for the ‘Only men and kids allowed’ group at Blaenymaes Primary School (neither present) Neither present Neither presentNo update
- Penplas Family Centre staff arranged to visit the youth centre and in turn, youth workers agreed to gather information and resources for the family centre NOT YET – agreeing date
- The Community Co-ordinator agreed to publicise information about ‘Transform you Patch’ for GwaliaNo update as not present not presentnot present
- Blaenymaes Primary School plan to visit Swansea Community Farm to pick up gardening tips (not present) neither present to report backnot presentneither present
- Communities First were asked to link with Clwyd Primary School to provide IT classes for parents at the school while children were looked after in after school club NOT YET – but a homework club is being run at Penlan Library, another is being set up by Communities First at Cadle Primary school and work is focussed with schools on Family signatures at the moment.NOT YET
- The BPP Development Trust is awaiting a report on Arts education provision. If they receive a positive response they will contact Play Right to help find people to run courses NO – report not yet received NOT YET - no developments, will contact Theatr Fforwm CymruNOT YET
- Spark, J R Groundforce and Play Right are planning a project to tackle waste reduction through crafts and activities NOT YET - still working towards this but Play Right has other priorities at the momentLikely to take place during the summer
- Penplas Family Centre will arrange a visit to Penlan Library NOT YET – Jodie meeting Leanne regarding ‘Itchy fingers’ funding of £300 to launch a mini library facility at the Family Centre which will then include a follow on introductory session to Penlan Libraryneither present to report on progressNOT YET tba
- The Youth Club arranged with Gwalia that younger members would create a memorial for Nia at it’s Transform your patch’ space NO – work on site just completed, Claire Thomas – young people’s service to contact Vicky Watts – Gwalia NOT YET – further funding required to complete thisneither present
- Penlan Library and JR Groundforce are going to work together on a project to mark the centenary of World War One. It incorporates learning about the significance of the poppy, through a range of craft and other educational activities followed in May by poppy planting in the library’s grounds. Next Monday, Parks dept is at the Botanical Gardens giving away seeds.To be arranged.ON SCHEDULE meeting set up for coming Weds, library has already held sessions planting in pots due to weather
- Penllegare Valley Woods is just starting to look into a health campaign and discussing this. Further discussion in the room added the link that Lee Trundle is attending an event organised by Penlan Library at Clwyd Community Primary on 18 March.No further update as not presentNo update
Previous Deals – completed (30)
Black – first set of deals recorded 25 Nov 2013
Blue – 27 January 2014
Orange – 3 March 2014
Green - 31 March 2014
Purple – 28 April 2014
Maroon – 19 May 2014
Navy – 23 June 2014
- Penlan library will explore partnership projects with Sustainable Swanseanot present to update (VB informed that Sustainable Swansea visited library previous week) Library has agreed to host sustainable living display boards from early June (probably for a month) and place relevant books in a display to complement it.
- SPARK asked others to publicise/refer to its 8 week ‘Weightwise’ course starting on the 2 June (1 hour course with ½ hour support sessions to follow) YES
- As part of Adult Learners’ Week Communities First asked others to publicise its ‘fun-packed all-day taster session’ at the ARC on 12 June YES, done
- Penllegare Valley Woods will supply communities first with leaflets about its Potting sale YES, done
- Penllegare Valley Woods will provide Potting sale leaflet to Tesco for its community notice board YES, done
- VB to circulate details of Tesco’s Community Space Room Open Day YES, done
- Communities First and Tesco will meet to discuss possibilities for using the community space room for adult learning YES – possibly for enrolment days
- AfC will meet Tesco to discuss possibilities for using the community space room for its activities YES, done
- Communities First to attend Parenting team’s early intervention group at Portmead School to promote adult learning opportunities on thefirst Weds in JuneYES
- Film, ‘Project Wild Thing’ on re-engaging children with nature at the Waterfront Museum, 6.00 pm, all welcome Took place, a no from this group attended, PVW now bought a copy of the film and will arrange a showing
- LIFT project will meet to explore joint work opportunities with Jobcentreplus weekly meeting established
- JR Groundforce has worked with Clwyd School which has purchased additional litter picking equipment. YES
- VB informed PR of a Fly Tipping Wales meeting YES VB attended
- Dad's group and Communities First will arrange for Debbie to visit and discuss additional education opportunities in the community - Weds 9th April YES, next step is to visit the ARC and sign up for any courses that individuals are interested in.
- JR Groundforce is organising an Easter litter pick and a trip to Folly Farm both on schedule, money for trip securedYES
- Penlan Library will email Laura Rose (who is developing an information website for the area) with the programme of events for adults, children and families at the library not yet – to be followed upYES done
- Communities First to supply directory of organisations to Family Information service to build website NOT YET to be followed upYES done
- Theatr Fforwm Cymru to supply details of courses available before end of March – to be circulated by VBYES Done
- A ‘meet the worker’ event is taking place on 2 April at Clwyd Community Primary School organised by Fiona Jones of Jobcentreplus which could be carried out at other schools in future. Children made lists of jobs they would like to do and people in those jobs are brought into the event. The jobs listed were interesting and very well thought through on scheduleYES done
- JR Groundforce & Clwyd Primary – organising a litter pick YES – and another organised for February plus one with Spark and another with Blaenymaes Primary school
- Penlan Library offered all groups an open invitation to use the facility as a drop in/meeting/computer space (not present) YES – Clwyd Community Primary, Babi a fi group, Penplas Family Centre, Community First group at the Farm providing cawl for St David’s day coffee morning
- Clwyd Primary School arranging to visit Swansea Community Farm YES – visit arranged in March
- Play Right were offered statistics to make their case to support a current funding bid (not present) YES - completed and stats available to others
- Forest school and Spark agreed to co-ordinate their February half term provision to avoid clashes and to use Gwalia’s ‘patch’ YES – but provision is taking place at Penllegare Valley Woods rather than Gwalia’s patch
- Gwalia issued an invitation to all to use the ‘Patch’ In constant use, Weather an issue. Continuing to encourage organisations to plan usage
- Penlan Library will help out organising crafts at the Integrated Children’s Centre’s Christmas Party YES(and Andrew Chapman will be Santa NO?)
- Swansea Community Farm announced that today’s soup had been prepared by its Mum’s group (trying to extend his to parent’s group) and that it runs training courses on both cooking and growing YES – fully booked until end of March
- Communities First announced that it had recently been asked to look at foresighting – long term planning which could influence some of the ideas within this group – for future meetings? YES – training scheduled for 24 March
- Sun 15 Dec 4.30 pm, Padraig announced that there would be a lantern parade (long established tradition) in Blaenymaes but that they were short of organisers & volunteers. Approx 5 individuals pledged support in various ways (all known to Padraig so not listed), Jodi agreed to publicise it through the library to those who had missed Penlan’s recently. YES – Spark & St Teilo’s
- Spark, JR Groundforce and Penplas Family Centre took a trip to the Pantomime.