Peer Ministry Leadership Application 2017 - 2018

Peer Ministry is a Christian Leadership program that allows Fairfield Prep students to use their talents and help their peers grow in faith, specifically through the retreat and service programs. It is an opportunity to develop skills like sharing your faith through prayer and reflection, leading small and large group discussions, presenting witness talks, serving at mass as a liturgical minister, and welcoming others.

Being a part of the Peer Ministry team will provide training that will help you grow in your faith and live it out in school, your place of worship, at home, and everywhere you go!

The Peer Ministry is not just something else to do during the year; it is a commitment that will require your time and your best efforts. You will need to be punctual, you will need to communicate with both the Campus Ministry team and your fellow peer ministry leaders effectively.

Being a part of the Peer Ministry team should be fun and it should be rewarding, but it should also be challenging. The community here at Fairfield Prep desperately needs our upperclassmen to step up and take action amongst themselves, so if you feel that you are being called to a position of ministry, and if you feel moved, return this application to the Campus Ministry Office.

So what exactly am I getting myself into?

To be a Peer Minister is to ...

“Live a life worthy of the call you have been given”

Ephesians 4:1

- You will be asked to be a servant leader in our school community by putting the needs of others before your own.

- You will be asked to develop, sustain, and build up your faith life.

- You will be asked to commit to maintaining a daily prayer life.

- You will be asked to be a positive role model in the Fairfield Prep community.
*No one on disciplinary or academic probation can serve as a leader. Peer ministers are held to higher standards and expectations because of their leadership status.

Still Interested?! Fill out the information below:

Name: ______

Class Year: ______

School: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Home Phone: ______

E-Mail address: ______

Parent Email address: ______

What will I be asked specifically to do? That is up to you!

What are you interested in? (Check all that apply)

______Freshman Retreat Leader (open to rising juniors and seniors) March 8-9, 2018.

______Urban Plunge Leader (must have participated in an Urban Plunge)

______Kairos Leader (must have participated in a Kairos)

______Sophomore Retreat Leader (open to rising juniors and seniors)

______Christian Leadership Retreat (students nominated by faculty/staff) June 13-14, 2017

______Student Liturgical Ministers (serving at our school liturgies; open to all grade levels; Campus Ministry will provide training for you)

*Based on your interests in the above activities you will be contacted directly by the Campus Ministry staff regarding the specifics of each of these programs. Please understand that with each of these programs there are ongoing formation meetings that will occur. For example, Kairos requires a minimum of 5 planning sessions prior to the retreat you will be leading. *Note- Student Liturgical Ministers meet weekly as part of our Campus Ministry student team on Mondays after school.

*Please type your responses to these reflection questions. Attach additional sheets as necessary.

How would you define leadership/Christian leadership?

Why are you are interested in serving as a Peer Leader in our retreat and service program? What will be some of the challenges in serving as a leader?

Describe some of the gifts and talents that you would be able to offer the Campus Ministry program.

Please list any after school conflicts that you are aware of at this time including service, part-time job and sports (there is an understanding this may change between now and the beginning of the 2017-18 school year however it is important to communicate this to the Campus Ministry staff):

______I have reflected on this application and discerned that I am ready to make a commitment to being a peer leader.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Section

As the parent of a Peer Minister, I have read over this application and have given my approval and encouragement to my son, ______, to participate in the Peer Ministry program conducted by the Campus Ministry staff.

I will do my best to ensure that he is able to attend and participate in events and also, to advocate for and encourage my son throughout the summer and school year to not over extend themselves.

Signature: ______Date: ______

**Please return application by Friday, May 19, 2017