Peer Health Educator Application 2017-2018
Dear Applicant,
Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a Peer Health Educator (PHE). The Office of Health, Alcohol, and Drug Educationoffers the Peer Health Educator program to provide students with healthy lifestyle management tools through outreach programs, presentations, and campus-wide events. Peer Health Educators present on a number of topics including sexual health, healthy relationships, alcohol and other drug prevention, stress management, nutrition, body image, sleep, and general wellness.
Peer Health Educators are a group of diverse and dynamic Ball State University undergraduate student leaders who have a passion for health promotion and wellness. Peer Health Educators gain valuable experience by designing, coordinating, and conducting a variety of health promotion and wellness programs to fellow students.
To become a Peer Health Educator, applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher, a desire to help other students, ability to prepare and present health promotion information, and be a positive role model. Applicants must submit an application and resume by Thursday, November 9thby 5 pm. Applications may be submitted through email () or dropped off at the Office of Health, Alcohol, and Drug Education in Health Center Rm 201. All applications MUST BE typed. No handwritten applications will be reviewed.
If selected for an interview, the applicant will be interviewed by the Health Educator and the Peer Health Educators. Once an applicant has been chosen, the applicant must attend a one-credit course HSC 498-Peer Health Educator Training. Training course date and time are to be determined based on the accepted applicants’ schedules. For more information or questions contact Elizabeth Peeler at or 765-285-3773.
Best of Luck,
Elizabeth D. Peeler, MSPH, CHES
Health Educator
Peer Health Educator Application 2017-2018
All applications and resumes must be received by Thursday, November 9th at 5 pm email (), or dropped off at the Office of Health, Alcohol, and Drug Education in Health Center Rm 201. All applications and resumes MUST BE typed. No handwritten applications will be reviewed. For more information or any questions contact Elizabeth Peeler at or 765-285-3773.
First Name:______
Last Name:______
Gender: □ Female □Male □Other
Preferred Pronouns: □he □his □him
□she □her □hers
□zie □zim □zir
□__ □__ □__
Local Address:______
Zip Code:______
Cell Phone Number:______
BSU Email Address:______
Minor (if applicable):______
Classification: □ Freshman □Sophomore □ Junior □ Senior □ Other:______
Cumulative GPA (High School GPA if a Freshman):______
Anticipated Graduation Date (month/year):______
How Did You Find Out About Peer Health Educators?
□Website □ Email
□Friend□ Advisor/Mentor
□Activity Fair□ Professor
□Flyers□ Other:______
What interests you in becoming a Peer Health Educator? (check all that apply)
□Skill Building
□Event Planning
□Professional Development
□Interest in Health & Wellness
Please select your area of interest within health and wellness (check all that apply)
□Physical Activity/Exercise
□Sexual health
□Body Image
□Interpersonal Violence Prevention
□Stress Management
□Alcohol and Other Drugs
Application Questions
- What made you want to apply to be a Peer Health Educator?
- What do you expect to gain from the experience of being a Peer Health Educator?
- Please list any skills, strengths, experiences, and/or qualities which you believe qualify you to be a Peer Health Educator.
- Please list other activities or organizations which you will be involved with outside of Peer Health Educators this year, along with anticipated time commitments per week.
- If you could change one thing about Ball State University what would it be and why?