La Casa De Mis Sueños
For this project you will describe your dream home. To accomplish this task you will create a multimedia presentation using Windows Moviemaker, Power Point or another similar product. This movie or slideshow can be in one of many different formats including but not limited to video, animation or power point.
Planning, originality and the use of Spanish are key components of this project and should be carefully considered during the initial development of the final product. For videos, you will be responsible for narrating your project. For power point presentations you will include written descriptions and no audio will be necessary.
The project should include all of the following components:
- 15-20 slides that include graphics and written detailed descriptions
- 50-60 complete sentences total
- Use present tense, future tense, conditional tense and present subjunctive
- Location of the house
- Current market value of the home (may require research)
- Description of 8-10 rooms
- Description of 3-4 furniture elements
- Description of 2-3 household appliances
You must consider the vocabulary and structures you need to address these topics. Help for the grammatical structures can be found in the grammar textbook as well as on the internet or from other sources available in the classroom.
Due date: On or before Monday, October 10th -Late work will be granted up to half credit.
RUBRIC: 100 points
Excellent / Good / Needs WorkUses extensive & creative vocab.
Word choice is accurate and appropriate for the context. Not
Repetitive w/ vocab. Some new
Vocab. incorporated. / Uses adequate vocabulary for context. Little or no new vocab.
Incorporated. Some repetition or
inaccuracies w/ word choice. First
language may influence communication at times. / Uses inadequate vocabulary.
Repetitive or incorrect use of words. First language inhibits communication throughout.
Excellent / Good / Needs WorkContains few, if any, spelling &/or
punctuation errors. Consistently
uses appropriate grammar. Errors are
minimal or do not interfere w/ meaning / Spelling and /or punctuation errors
may occasionally interfere with
comprehension. Generally uses
adequate grammar. Errors may be
frequent or interfere w/ meaning. / Spelling and/or punctuation errors
are common & interfere with read-
er’s comprehension. Uses only
basic grammar or grammar use is
inadequate. Errors make the
reading incomprehensible.