Peer Case Teleconference

Monthly Timelines

Peer Case Teleconferences (PCC’s) are usually held on the THIRD Wednesday of mostmonths at 4:00 PM CST/5:00 PM EST. (See PCC Schedule for dates). The following Timeline applies in a month with a scheduled PCC:

Week 1


  • Administrative Assistant (AA) or PCC Co-chair forwards PCC Case Presentation Form (BLANK) to scheduled Presenter via email (see PCC Unit Sign-up Sheet), requesting form to be completed and returned to AA and Co-chairs by Monday of Week 2.

NOTE: PCC Co-chairs are responsible for corresponding with Unit Leader Co-chairs to establish and update PCC Schedule and PCC Sign-up Sheet.

Week 2


  • AA and PCC Co-chairs receive COMPLETED PCC Case Presentation Form from scheduled PCC Presenter via email. (AA forwards to Co-chairs, if necessary). Scheduled Moderator reviews Case Presentation Form for appropriateness and contacts PCC Presenter if there are any issues or changes to be made (if necessary).
  • Scheduled PCC Moderator approves FINAL Version of PCC Case Presentation and forwards to AA via email.
  • AA sends out INITIAL Eblast to MW Chapter Members RE: upcoming PCC with deadline for registration being THIS Friday at 5:00 PM. Information in Eblast includes PCC Presenter and Unit represented, Ethical Dilemma for Case Presentation, Moderator for PCC as well as how to register for PCC.

NOTE: Participants are instructed to respond to Eblast/Administrative Assistant via email to include name, unit/location, telephone number and email contact information.


  • AA sends out FINALEblast to MW Chapter Members RE: Upcoming PCC including deadline for PCC sign-up is today at 5:00 PM.

Week 3

NLT Monday at 5:00 PM CST

  • AA emails all registered PCC participants and PCC co-chairs information for upcoming Wednesday PCC. This includes a ‘cover’ email with call-in information and attachments to include scheduled PCC Attendees, PCC Case Presentation Form (completed), PCC Attendee Agenda, PCC Etiquette for Participants and LINK to current ALCA Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice (in body of email).

NLT Wednesday 12:00 Noon CST

  • AA emails updated PCC Participant List to PCC Moderator (if necessary based on late registrants).


  • Moderator holds monthly PCC with scheduled Presenter. Registered PCC Participants call into designated Peer Case Conference Call Line.

NLT Friday 5:00 PM CST

  • Moderator sends email to AA withPCC Participant List Attendees that fully participated in PCC highlighted/noted.
  • Moderator sends email to Ethics Committee Chair summarizing PCC’s Ethical Dilemma and Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice that were referenced on PCC.

NOTE: Above emails can be combined into one email to both parties.

Week 4

NLT Wednesday 12:00 Noon CST

  • AA emails PCC Certificate/Proof of Participation Form to qualifying PCC Attendees, Presenter and Moderator.

NOTE: If the PCC is NOT held on the THIRD Wednesday of the Month, the above Timeline will be altered accordingly based on the date/week of the month the PCC is scheduled.