Pecan Grove Plantation Property Owners’ Association, Inc.
Minutes of General Meeting
January 18, 2017
Call to order:
The meeting was called to order by President J. Ashmore.
Present: J. Ashmore (JA), F. Jarrett (FJ), F. Ross (FR), C. Minchew (CM), P. Gibson (PG), K. Jarrett (KJ), and J. Waltz (JW).
Minutes (JA):
Minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved.
Financial (FR):
The 2016 expenditures were within the budget expectations. Maintenance fee collections are at 99%.
Deed Restrictions (FJ):
There were 16 violations & 12 were resolved leaving 4 under investigation.
Esplanades (FR):
The few days of sub-freezing weather adversely affected our esplanades. Ft. Bend Commercial Cutters’ work crews have removed the damaged plants and will replant new flowers as soon as weather permits.
Contract Deputy (CM):
There were 2 - 911 calls, 3 burglaries, 0 criminal mischief, 0 suspicious persons/vehicles, 34 citizen contacts, 69 property checks, 218 traffic citations, 84 house watches, and 4 arrests. Motorcycle Officers Citations: 53 speeding, 29 stop signs, 6 school zones, 2 parking.
Architectural Control (JA):
There were requests and approvals for 3 new roofs, new pool/tree removal, new roof/paint siding, add deck, extend patio, replace deck/fence, add iron fence, add wood structure to side and back yards.
Community Affairs (PG):
Thank you to the various groups of people in the neighborhood involved in re-decorating the front and back of each of our 400 Christmas wreaths.
For the third year in a row, ESPN voted Pecan Grove #1 for home light decorating.
Our Christmas Decorating Contest was great again. All winners have received their prizes.
Saturday, April 8, 2017, is the date for our annual Easter Egg Hunt.
PGVFD Larry Dana reported that for all of 2016 there were 795 calls received for service. 25 were for fires, 506 EMS, 22 hazardous conditions, 100 service calls, 72 good intentions, 68 false alarms, 2 mutual aid.
PGMUD President Chad Howard updated us on the status of various drainage projects.
The contractor working on Plantation 7 says, weather permitting, it should be done by mid-February. Thanks to Director Steve Crow, 83 trees are being planted on Mason Road.
Old Business (JA):
Executive Session:
No Executive Session was called.
New Business (JA):
Discussion was held with the audience regarding recent changes to the Contract Deputy Program.
Questions from the Floor (JA):
There were no questions presented from the floor.
Adjournment (JA):
The meeting was adjourned at 8:34pm.
Submitted by: ______
Cheryl Minchew
Secretary, PGPOA