This manhole was very dirty when it was opened. It is very rusty in general. The outer splice case is starting to show signs of corrosion. The water level is low and it isn’t apparent where the rust and dirty water is entering the manhole.
The small innerducts in the manhole were resealed. The coil was raised higher on the manhole racks and resecured above the water level. The coil also has a very rusty appearance. The mud was cleaned from the bottom of the manhole, as well as, the sump-hole. All BRAN signage is in place and there was no debris in the manhole. Please see the attached pictures.
This manhole was dry upon opening and in good condition. The BRAN splice case is secure and the BRAN signage is in place. The cable tags are on.
The dirt was removed as well as some debris and insects. The innerducts were resealed and the tie wraps were trimmed. Please see the attached pictures.
MANOLE #N03W03-5
This manhole is in terrible shape. There has been a new cable placed-which wraps the manholes lid. The racks, steps, and signage have been ignored. The BRAN splice is secure on the steps above the waterline. At the time of entry, the traffic was too heavy to try and straighten out the mess.
The coil wrapping the manhole lid was placed deeper into the hole. This problem should be fixed because, as of now, it would be difficult to gain entry into the vault for emergency repairs, maintenance, etc. Entry into the manhole will require “No Parking Signs” to be placed on the north side of 33rd street and early morning entry since the traffic in this area seems very heavy. Please see the attached pictures.
MANHOLE #N03W06-13
This manhole is in good condition. The BRAN signage and cable tags are in place. The coils seemed to be in disarray.
The coils were redone. Trace wires were coiled neatly. There should possibly be a towel bar installed in this manhole, since there is no ladder and the entrance is well above a workers head. At this time, there is a milk-crate in the bottom of the manhole to stand on. Please see attached pictures.
MANHOLE #N03W06-27
This manhole is in good condition. The BRAN signage and cable tags are in place.
As with the ICG POP #2 it would be a good idea to install a towel bar since there is no ladder in this vault. Workers have a tendency to step on a splice case if there is no easy way out of the vault. Please see attached pictures.
This handhole is in good condition as far as the splice case and cable tags go. The problem still exists from last year; that is, the vault is damaged on one of the corners. The lid isn’t fitting properly because of the damage. The damage doesn’t appear to be causing an immediate hazard, but leakage could occur in the future.
The debris was removed in and around the handhole. Small innerducts were resealed. Please see attached pictures.
This handhole is in good condition. The BRAN signage and cable tags are in place. The coils are secure. If there has been any work in this handhole since the splice was installed, the signs and racking process have been adhered to.
The spider webs were removed and the debris on the ledge of the vault was swept away. It looks like prairie dogs have tunneled near the west corner of the vault, but there doesn’t seem to be any damage to the vault itself. Please see attached pictures.
This handhole was found to be in good shape. The BRAN splice case is secure and cable tags are in place. The fiber marker still needs to be repaired.
The spider webs were removed and the debris was swept from the vault ledge. All ducts were resealed. Please see attached pictures.