Name: ______School: ______
PeaK-ICT Teachers as Class Leaders in Schools
To help provide the necessary data for our PeaK-ICT Cluster Milestone Report 2 for 2009, please complete the following survey.
"The NZ Curriculum sets the direction for teaching and learning in schools. It is a framework rather than a detailed plan".
1. Has your school unpacked the revised NZ Curriculum, Values and Key Competencies and incorporated these as part of teaching and learning?
Tick ONE
o Yes
o No
2. Has your school implemented strategies that lead to improved outcomes for Maori students involving approaches outlined in Ka Hikitia?
Tick ONE
o Yes
o No
3. Can you articulate with understanding the links between your school vision and the PeaK-ICT Cluster vision of learning?
Tick ONEo Yes
o No
4. What is your understanding of a powerful professional learning cluster structure?
“ICT in itself will have no positive effect on student achievement unless pedagogy is also adapted” – Andy Hargreaves, L@S, 2009”.
5. What professional development readings have you read recently and how has the information impacted and/or challenged the way you teach?
6. How often do you refer to or use the PeaK-ICT wikispace for professional readings and/or the seeking of information?
o Once a week
o Once a month
o Not at all
o Other ______
7. What would you like to have available or see more of on the PeaK-ICT wikispace?
8. What in-school visits as 1:1 consultations have you experienced?
9. How have you transferred this learning back into the classroom with and alongside your students?
10. With reference to your school’s ICT development plan and your own teaching, thinking and learning professional development, what are your next learning steps?
11. What is your understanding of reflective practice and how are you capturing this information?
12. Which areas do you now feel you have experienced considerable movement within your teaching practice?
o Student ownership of learning
o ICT integration into learning
o Students identify where they are in the learning process and where they go next
o Scaffolding of student learning eg: thinking skills
o Home, school and student partnership in learning
o Other (Explain) ______
“Young people will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners” – The New Zealand Curriculum.
13. Do students have a common understanding of what thinking and learning might look like within your class?
o Yes
o No
Inquiry involves rich, real and relevant learning contexts which develop skills to support lifelong learning and knowledge”.
14. Please rate the level of understanding and practice of Inquiry.....
Confused / Limited / Developing / Infusedfor you?
for your students?
15. Does your classroom/teacher planning include the practice of Inquiry?
o Yes
o No
If the answer is YES, please elaborate
16. What classroom evidence of Inquiry have your implemented and/or collected? Include any school/class weblinks.
17. Does your classroom/teacher planning include the use of ICT in learning areas across the NZ curriculum with an emphasis on literacy?
o Yes
o No
If the answer is YES, please explain
“Thinking requires effort and needs to be practised regularly. It is more effective if it is scaffolded by an appropriate tool or strategy and sustained by a climate of acceptance and acknowledgement”- Angie Simmons.
18. What common language or tools are you using to support thinking and learning within your class?
Bloom’s / SOLO / Tony Ryan’s Keys / De Bono’s Hats / Graphic Organisers / Learning Jounrals / Rubrics / Online Discussion / Blogs / Wikis / PodcastingThinking strategies
Reflective practice for you
Reflective practice for your students
“ICT is considered the powerful set of resources that will be utilised along the way to underpin the delivery of content, processes and thinking strategies”.
19. What ICT is having the greatest IMPACT within your class?
o Publishing
o Powerpoint
o Digital Photography
o Internet Search
o Blogs
o Wikis
o Skype – Video Conferencing
o Podcasting
o Voicethread
o Online games
o Other (please specify) ______
20. What is your understanding of evidential data and how might you be capturing this information?
Collaborative learning activities engage students in socially mediated learning and give them opportunities to learn through others – Angie Simmons, 2008.
21. How is ICT developing a collaborative learning community for your students?
PeaK-ICT will become more than an acronym and manifest itself through collaborative partnerships that empower and actively involve all Kawerau learners utilising ICT” – PeaK-ICT, 2008.
22. What ways are YOU using ICT to collaborate and share....
Newsletters / Staff Meetings / Parent Meetings / Parent Interviews / Student Led Conferences / Open Days / After School Workshops / Team Celebrations / School Assemblies / School Website / Class Blogs or WikisWith students?
With teachers?
Within your school?
With other cluster teachers?
Across the cluster?
With your wider community?
Thankyou for taking the time to complete this surveyJ