PEACE LOVE HEALING AND RESPECT from all of us to us….

Hey guys and gals….well we have sure been trying to be our merry selves and then some voices are criticizing our being. We don’t realize it, but they just hover there thinking critical thoughts….heck of a thing. Well good news…now we know what it is…Do unto others. They are criticizing someone’s way of existing…what else are they criticizing….young children who just arrived here on the planet, maybe even people struggling to have food and shelter. Wow. We realize now that when people insult simple kind people and those in need, they are insulting their own maker. GOD. That’s in a scripture somewhere. Quite a thing. To those who need the actual scripture. Love ya 

How about, love is patient and king and we will leave it at that.

For those wondering what the discussion was like (not dialogue because that would have more convergent-) A discussion is like “percussion” similar to a drum where it bounces back and forth. So we are just different. We care about others and like people who are from all life.

By the way, just a note to the folks wondering about my brother B the surfing business man (by the way he is our #1 call bass player so he is a musician too-God bless). He loves that rap stuff also. The real truth is that he is a beach rat, just like me, doing things and then back to the beach. So anything else is all forced attempted life “adjustment” that our terrifically creative movie folks so clearly share so often. No body is public property. Geez louise. Truth is that we think some of the folks should pay him enough money to pay bills, take care of his main squeeze, gas to get the beach and cash for surf wax. The rest as they say is gravy. We do our best (planting seeds of hope and the rest is gravy 

A very special thank you to our lovely computer wizards who have been tracking all of the people tracking my brothers and sisters, who know that some people are out of line for trying to control our friends. We all need each other and that’s that.

Foreign X change, so we all in and ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL. RESPECT.

Nobody likes to be a public spectacle. Especially when the person doesn’t know about all the junk and opinions that ain’t so nice. What a joke. Honestly not worth giving “VALUE” to. That cliché that is overused and under purposeful. Why are there less jobs? Because bringing “VALUE”? often includes massive layoffs. God bless. Well, we value people for being people so there. One love.

O.k., so another thing. Man oh man. Some folks really HAVE to make an issue.

What is it? They ask. All do respect. “ISSUE” Translation is “It’s you” as far as I know.

It’s you that’s important, and share that with someone else, and then that’s the point.

Tah dah. Lots of love. Peace.

So the twin thing is simple too. Everybody has to have a miracle. It gives people something to believe in. So just think about it as a letting someone feel good about something. No need to criticize. That’s what people are talking about. A miracle. It’s all love, and should all respect that and chill. And people are important with money or not. It’s the world mass psychology that creates those emotional convictions about what is important. People are brainwashed about things and over time, a frown takes over. No more. Special, just for who we are and don’t forget it.

Just chill, take care and be respectful and loving to your neighbor. That’s the best advice.

Up in the air, people get upset sometimes because of disagreements, so we say “well that’s sufficient death threats for y’all, can we get back to being o.k. and brothers and sisters?” Bring peace, there is already so much trouble in the world. Pray for those in need.

Peace love and healing.

Also (and this doesn’t really apply to folks helping speak for those of us who are not movie makers or rock stars or anything, we love you thanks for your kindness).

The folks who show up, project a criticism and then go back to report, man oh man, it really bothers us. God bless. Are you here or there? We are a community of souls that are wishing the world well. It’s very simple. We are all connected and all valuable.

“We got paid” We are the apple of God’s eye. Amen. Baruch ha Shem (that means “praise be he” in Hebrew). 

Oh and if some of us say a little rap once in a while. Don’t mind us and our little New York accents. That’s CHILL PEACE TEAM CAMP KREW to you. 

Oh and some of us play basketball too. How bout that brothers and sisters?

All shapes and sizes, skin colors and personalities. What a grrrrrrrreat thing 

As my brother said, don’t worry about keeping it real y’all, just “keep it you” 

We are just a bunch of funky hippees. Don’t mind us. Or headbanger boogie people, or aqua boogie scuba divers, ha, ha,ha, whatever it is just be you and kind to others. That’s what makes you cool. Try to remember that gangsta rappers have had a different life, and carry their own personality. Be glad that respect is a priority, and wish everyone well.

We are all big shots in our own little way. The truth is that people have been criticizing all these years because they were seeking acceptance, and to be “cool” like the passionate rappers. Just be yourself and add some kindess. We all will appreciate your best with that one. We love ya bub. Special just for who we are (all of us) and lets not forget that.

We have noticed that Hollywood folk tend to make a big deal about things. Man oh man. No kidding. Well guys and gals, we would appreciate a bit more care for people, and less of the tabloid vibes. Lots of love. Thank you from Everlasting peace.

Faith has an attitude of letting go. Let go and let GOD. For real. We will just keep on planting seeds of hope and GOD will take care of the rest 

By the way, the return of Christ is through the body of Christ which is the PEOPLE.

To the biblical scholars, excuse me if I am missing something.

So no, ONE person is doing anything. But miracles have happened that we can use as inspiration for our art. Amen. Human reminders of miracles are hope. Like the twin thing

Also, if anyone ever says they are going to send you money or a gift in the air. Don’t believe it. I had to find out that, it’s not about that. It’s about feeling better. That’s the gift of respect and kindness that everyone shares. So we are all important. Good then.

Lots of love from all of us to us.

Till next time. Everlasting Peace signing on, n, on, into the universe chilling together. Peace.