Derry City and Strabane District Council Social Partner Application Form
Background to PEACE IV
The PEACE IV Programme is a unique cross-border initiative of the European Union which has been designed to support peace and reconciliation in the border Region of Ireland and Northern Ireland
The Peace IV Programme will build upon the experience of previous programmes by tackling the remaining challenges that exist in building positive relationships and developing shared spaces. The programme places a strong emphasis on promoting cross-community relations and understanding to create a more cohesive society. There is an allocation of €7.8m to be delivered focusing on 3 themes:-
· Children and young People
· Shared Spaces and Services
· Building Positive Relations
A PEACE IV Partnership will be established to oversee the delivery of the plan which will be made up of equal representation of Elected Representatives, Statutory Agencies and Social Partners. Membership on the Partnership Board will be required from September 2016 to December 2021.
Social Partner Specification
Derry City and Strabane District Council which to recruit Social Partners to serve on the PEACE IV Partnership (2016-2020). The Partnership will be responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of the Local Action Plan which includes assessment of funding bids/proposals. This is a voluntary appointment with only travel and minor costs reimbursed. The time commitment will include monthly board meetings as well as participating in sub-committees or assessment panels. This may increase during busy assessment periods. Board members will also be required to represent the Partnership at project launches or events. It is unlikely that your monthly time commitment will exceed an average of 4-5 hours per month. It’s a basic requirement that members of the Partnership should either live in or have a signification interest in the DCSDC area and seeks to be representative of the groups identified under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act.
Stage 1
Essential / Desirable· Be nominated by an organisation which is a formal constituted group based in the Council area
· Form must be signed by Chair or other Office Bearer (Director, Manager, Chairperson)
· Completion of Monitoring Form and returned in sealed envelope
· Be a Social Partner representative of one of the following sectors:-
Community/voluntary groups, Business, Trade Union, Ethnic Minority, Faith Based Groups, Women, Children, Young People, Elderly etc
· Only one nomination per organisation will be considered
Social Partners, acting as individuals but reflective of the local community should have the expertise on peace and reconciliation and be able to evidence through experience their commitment to tackling real and complex issues, such as racism and sectarianism, as well as working towards reconciliation.
Stage 2
Essential / Desirable· Be over the age of 18 years of age
· Capacity to commit to attend a minimum of 8 meetings per annum
· Have relevant knowledge, skills and experience gained through professional and/or community and voluntary undertakings, which are directly applicable to the PEACE IV Programme
· Have a generic understanding of good relations, and particular issues around ex-combatants, interface areas, ex-political prisoners, youth, victims and survivors
· Knowledge, skills and experience of peace and reconciliation/addressing sectarianism and racism within northern Ireland
· Experience of partnership working, involving a range of partners and of multi-agency partnership Boards
· Be committed to actively promoting and participating in all aspects of the PEACE IV programme and encourage uptake from all sides of the community
· Adhere to the Partnership’s Code of Conduct / · Knowledge, skills and experience in:-
Assessment of funding bids, needs of assessment; project design and delivery; and monitoring and evaluation
Candidates should have a knowledge and understanding of the principles of corporate governance
Any additional information provided cannot be considered.
Applicant Details:
Applicant Details1 / Name
2 / Home Address
3 / Home Telephone Number / Work Telephone number
4 / Mobile Number / Email Address
5 / What Social Partners Sector(s) do you represent? Eg Community/Voluntary, Young People, Ethnic Minority, Women etc
6 / Name of Nominating Body
7 / Is the Organisation constituted?
8 / Chairperson of Nominating Body
9 / Can you provide examples of your experience and skills in a Peacebuilding Capacity, meeting challenges such as racism and sectarianism in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area and how the concept of reconciliation has aided this work?
10 / Can you give examples of your experience, skills and knowledge which help support Children and Young People, particularly around personal development programmes, confidence building, and entrepreneurship etc.
11 / Can you give examples of your experience, skills and knowledge which have led to greater shared space or shared services?
12 / Can you give examples of your experience, skills and knowledge in the area of Building Positive Relations, between communities, addressing legacy issues etc.
13 / Please give details of any qualifications you think may be relevant to this role?
14 / Please give information about any previous Partnerships you have been involved in?
15 / Please give details of a referee who would be will to discuss your experience particularly in relation to Peacebuilding.
16 / Do you commit to attending a minimum of 8 meetings per year?
Yes No
17 / Do you commit to actively promoting and participating in all aspects of the PEACE IV programme and encourage community participation?
Yes No
I can confirm that all the information provided is true and accurate.
Signed: ______ Date: ______
Completed applications must be signed and returned no later than 4.00 pm on Friday 2nd September to
Mary Claire Kerlin
Derry City and Strabane District Council
98 Strand road
Late applications will not be accepted.
Please complete the monitoring form, place in a separate envelope and return with your application form.
The information you supply on this form will be treated strictly confidential and will be used for monitoring purposes.
18 - 25 / 26 - 40 / 41- 60 / 61 and overAge:
Male Female
Community background:
I am a member of the Protestant community
I am a member of the Roman Catholic community
I am a member of neither the Protestant nor Roman Catholic communities
Ethnic origin:
White Chinese Indian Irish Traveller
Pakistani Bangladeshi Black African Black Caribbean
Black other (please specify) ______
Mixed ethnic group (please specify) ______
Please state:Disability:
Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 a person is considered to have a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.
Do you consider that you meet this definition of disability?
Yes No
Do you have a personal responsibility for the care of a child or children, a person with a disability or a dependant older person?
Yes No