Name: ______
Ideas and Content (x2)
Advanced Proficient(4)25-23 / Proficient(3)
22-20 / Partially Proficient(2)
19-18 / Unsatisfactory(1-0)
- Thesis is precise, original, and takes a position on the topic with supporting details
- Author thoroughly integrates specific, thoughtful examples and evidence that directly relate to the position
- Analysis of evidence draws conclusions that make legitimate, thought-provoking connections
- Legitimacy of evidence is appropriately introduced and cited through varied means (signal phrase, citations and/or introductions).
- Thesis takes a position on the topic
- Main ideas are clearly developed. Examples and evidence are sufficient and integrated but may not directly relate to the author’s position
- Analysis of evidence draws conclusions and makes legitimate connections
- Legitimacy of evidence is appropriately introduced and cited through varied means (signal phrases, citations and/or introductions) with only a few minor errors.
- Thesis statement lacks clarity and focus
- Body paragraphs state ideas but lack relevant examples and/or evidence related to the author’s position. No integration of evidence.
- Analysis attempted or minimal, off-topic, stereotypical, questionable weak conclusion
- Legitimacy of evidence is attempted through partial citations and/or signal phrases.
- Thesis statement is too general or missing
- Ideas are limited or unclear, reader must guess at main ideas. Little or no connection to thesis or integration of evidence.
- Minimal or no support, insufficient details, no conclusions drawn
- Legitimacy of evidence has not yet been proven.
Organization (x2)
Advanced Proficient (4)25-23 / Proficient (3)
22-20 / Partially Proficient (2)
19-18 / Unsatisfactory (1-0)
- A strong and engaging introduction presents the thesis
- Ideas flow seamlessly; placement of details enhances the strength of the argument after strong topic sentences linked to the thesis
- The writing is enhanced by smooth, effective and varied transitions
- The author’s use of paragraphs is intentional and precise
- A thought provoking conclusion demonstrates depth of analysis and understanding about the thesis
- A strong introduction presents the thesis
- Ideas flow with appropriate details which support the argument; topic sentences tie ideas together
- Transitions move the reader through the piece
- Knows how to use paragraphs effectively
- Conclusion demonstrates some depth of analysis
- Introduction might be too obvious or simplistic or lacking in focus
- Attempts at sequencing, but ideas/details are misplaced, confusing, or repetitive often due to weak topic sentences.
- Transitions between sentences, paragraphs, quotes are ineffective
- Does use paragraphs but not as effectively as they could be used
- Conclusion might be obvious or repetitive or lacking depth
- Introduction is underdeveloped or missing
- Lacks effective sequencing – repetitive, confusing, misplaced details and missing topic sentences
- Lacks transitions, problems with pacing and flow.
- Does not use paragraphs effectively
- Conclusion is underdeveloped or missing
Writing Style (x2; includes Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions)
Advanced Proficient (4)25-23 / Proficient (3)
22-20 / Partially Proficient (2)
19-18 / Unsatisfactory (1-0)
- Originality, honesty, conviction, and excitement bring topic to life
- Author demonstrates mastery of the formal, academic voice: third person, no contractions or abbreviations, etc.
- The author has tailored the piece for the intended audience—reader is fully engaged
- Writing shows originality, liveliness
- Author employs the academic voice with few errors
- The author’s awareness of audience is present—reader can sense the writer behind the words
- Writing lacks originality and conviction
- Frequent errors in academic voice.
- Limited sense that the paper was written for a particular audience
- Writing seems lifeless, dull, or empty
- Writing is informal or mechanical sounding
- Lack of audience awareness; writing does not involve the reader
Word Choice
- Accurate and purposefully chosen words give energy and life to the piece
- Author’s choice of words reflects profound understanding of both topic and audience
- Words chosen are accurate and purposeful
- Author’s choice of words reflects adequate understanding of both topic and audience
- Words are ordinary: slang, clichés, colloquialisms employed
- Author’s inability to use appropriate words limits reader’s understanding of the topic
- Words are general, imprecise, and fail to communicate clearly
- Author relies on an extremely limited range of words
Sentence Fluency
- Variation in sentence structure, length, and beginnings add interest to the piece
- Dialogue, quotes and/or evidence are smoothly integrated
- Sounds natural and fluent when read aloud—flows smoothly
- Some variation in sentence structure, length and beginnings
- Dialogue, quotes and/or evidence are integrated
- Reader can move easily through the piece
- Limited variation in sentence structure, length and beginnings detracts from overall effect
- Dialogue, quotes and/or evidence may be roughly integrated
- The writing often sounds choppy or rambling when read aloud
- Sentence patterns are simplistic, repetitive, unclear, run-ons, or fragments
- Dialogue, quotes and/or evidence are not integrated
- Text does not invite smooth oral reading – choppy and confusing
- Correct grammar and usage
- Correct punctuation/capitalization
- Correct spelling
- Little need for editing
- Minor errors in grammar
- A few punctuation/capitalization errors
- Spelling is usually correct, may be some typos
- Need for minor editing
- Errors in grammar and usage distract the reader
- End punctuation correct, interior punctuation often incorrect; glaring capitalization errors
- Spelling errors distract the reader
- Substantial need for editing
- Errors in grammar confuse the reader, shows limited skill
- Punctuation and capitalization appears random, haphazard, omitted, incorrect
- Spelling errors are prevalent and glaring
- Need for extensive editing
MLA Format and Works Cited (x1)
Advanced Proficient (4)10-9 / Proficient (3)
8 / Partially Proficient (2)
7 / Unsatisfactory (1-0)
- MLA format is followed throughout paper.
- Accurate citation format, including punctuation and content
- Works Cited page is formatted correctly and all parenthetical citations match entries.
- MLA format is followed most of the time.
- Citation format includes only one or two minor errors.
- Works Cited page is mostly correct and parenthetical citations generally match the entries.
- MLA format is attempted but flawed in several spots.
- Citation format includes multiple errors.
- Works Cited page and citations have several errors.
- No attempt made to use MLA format
- Citation format is inaccurate or no citations provided.
- Works Cited pages and citations are formatted incorrectly or are missing.