PE and Sports Premium at Sandye Place Academy 2013- 2014


One of the main strengths of the PE Department at the Academy is the progress and achievement made by pupils from entry to exit. In 2012-2013 pupils made excellent progress within many aspects of the PE curriculum, however there were two key areas for improvement and intervention.

Firstly, some pupils were not making expected progress in gymnastics compared to other curriculum areas. More specifically, pupils were given little opportunity to develop and refine different flight techniques and skills (which is required at Key Stage 2 & 3). A pupil survey in September 2013 indicated that pupils did not enjoy Gymnastics (KS2 = 74%) (KS3 = 65%). The department put these result down to the minimal gymnastics equipment available resulting in a lack of challenge. This was also evident when looking at extracurricular clubs as there was a low uptake in the number of pupils attending the gymnastics club forcing the department to cancel it.

In the first year the department used a large quantity (60%) of the Sport Premium Funding to improve the quality and provision of curriculum and extra-curricular gymnastics. Every academic year data will be tracked and evaluated on such things as progress made in PE Gymnastics lessons, greater enjoyment presented by pupils and greater participation rates in gymnastic clubs



The department since 2013/14 have been entering data on SIMS instead of a standard PE Sheet which was originally used. This has allowed for easier access and encourages effective data analysis of sports. However due to this change in data entry, the department is unable to compare with previous gymnastic attainment data.

The department however, have been very pleased with the APS scores from 2013 - 2017 for gymnastics. Our KS2 pupils have been able to make substantial progress in their acquisition of skills and knowledge due to the purchase of new gymnastics equipment. Students are now able to access the curriculum at all attainment levels, allowing for instant progress and higher attainment due to the introduction of floor and flight work.

A ks2 PE pupil survey was conducted in 2014 asking them whether they think their performance had improved due to the equipment purchased by the PE department. A very conclusive 91% of 200 responses felt that their performance had improved. In the same survey pupils were asked whether they knew their own personal areas for improvement in gymnastics and how to improve. A further 90% of pupil’s survey responded that they did.

Percentage of enjoyment in gymnastics according to the PE survey completed by KS2 pupils every academic year

The bar chart indicates a significant rise in enjoyment in gymnastics year on year which proves that the focus on gymnastics and the spend on equipment has had an positive impact on the pupils.

Number of pupils attending gymnastic extra-curricular club each year since Sports Premium budget spend

Due to the gymnastic purchases made by the PE department a gymnastics club was delivered to both Key Stage 2 and 3 pupils in 2014/2015. The bar chart above shows the large number of ks2 pupils that attend the club each year whether it was to every session or some sessions during that particular term. The results indicate that the club is extremely popular as it exceeded maximum uptake in 2014/15. However numbers have decreased in 2015/2016, due to transferring the teaching of skills using flight, which were initially taught in club, into lessons. This has definitely affected numbers, and was something the department was expecting. Numbers are in fact still very high and we are extremely pleased with the participation rates of this club overall.

The second area for development was Assessment for Learning within the PE department. The department felt there were limited resources and some pupils were not fully aware of their attainment levels and how they need to improve - crucial for making progress. A booklet was discussed to last the duration of key stage 2 to develop understanding and show progression of their learning in all curriculum areas. The department also have low Year 5 baseline entry data each year and felt that this was of some concern. The booklet could also be used in the lower schools to generate a smoother transition from primary to middle school in PE. It would also give the staff a better indication of what they can achieve and what they have covered.

We used a quantity (25%) of the Sports Premium Fund to improve the pupils’ understanding of their attainment and the areas in which they need to improve to achieve a high level. This will be evaluated and monitored through pupil voice and staff observations and pupil progress from entry to exit data.


A further (15%) of the Sports Premium budget was spent on various equipment in order to strengthen the PE Department in other curriculum areas.

PE and Sports Premium at Sandye Place Academy 2014/2015


This academic year Sandye Place Academy have spent a large proportion (75%) of the PE & Sports Premium budget on summer games sports.

According to pupil voice, cricket showed to be one of the least favourite sports delivered at Sandye Place. Attainment in lessons and participation rates in cricket extra-curricular club were also low. Therefore with this in mind the objective was to increase the access to cricket both inside and outside of school by improving our facilities. Money has been spent on constructing 3 all-weather cricket lanes to improve the acquisition of batting, bowling and fielding skills.

By constructing the 3 new lanes we anticipate that pupils will be more motivated and interested in the sport if provided with more opportunity and greater quality of learning through PE lessons and practice. We hope that data from 2016 (Summer 1 and 2) will indicate a rise in attainment, participation and enjoyment.

Another area of focus that the department wanted to develop this year was athletics. The school had remnants of old dilapidated facilities on the playing fields which we wanted to restore. This academic year the department spent a large sum of the money on the restoration of the Triple Jump Pit and Long Jump Pit. We also brought a new High Jump facility which again will allow pupils a greater access to the athletics curriculum.

Please see below further advancements of this.


Data showing Attainment Point Scores for Cricket for pupils as they move up the school.

Year / Year 5
Boys / Year 6 Boys / Year 7 Boys / Year 8 boys
Point Score / 24 / 27 / 30 / 33
2013/14 / 23.1 / 26.1
2014/15 / 23.5 / 26.7 / 29.3
2015/16 / 22.9 / 26.9 / 30.4 / 32.9

Results show that pupils are making 3 to 4 points progress year on year showing exceptional progress made from entry to exit.

Percentage of Enjoyment for Cricket and Athletics according to the PE Survey completed by the pupils in key stage 2 every year

Data showing Attainment Point Scores for Athletics from 2013-2016 as pupils move up the school

National Average Point Score / 24 / 27 / 30 / 33
Year / Year 5 / Year 6 / Year 7 / Year 8
2013/14 / 23.2 / 25.6
2014/15 / 23.4. / 27 / 29.3
2015/16 / 22.9 / 26.9 / 30.3 / 33.3

Results show that pupils are making 3 to 4 points progress year on year showing exceptional progress made from entry to exit.

In addition to this, due to recent changes in the National PE Curriculum in 2014, the PE department have spent some 25% of the PE Premium funding on ensuring that we are following and working alongside the National Guidelines of Physical Education through purchasing outdoor adventurous equipment.

Currently the PE department only delivers problem solving, communication and leadership at Key Stage 2. Over a two year period we hoped to be able to deliver Outdoor adventurous activities (OAA) alongside orienteering to further develop our pupils in their PE curriculum time and through extracurricular and enrichment opportunities.

With the help of Shuttleworth College we have devised a challenging and stimulating scheme of work where certain activities will have to be built in and constructed on the Academy’s playing fields. Resources and equipment for this kind of scheme have also been purchased. We believe that by executing this new element to the curriculum, our pupils at Sandye Place Academy will have access to a wider enrichment of physical activity and therefore be able to experience taking risks and working effectively in teams.

PE and Sports Premium at Sandye Place Academy 2015-2016


One of the main objectives for the allocation of the sports grant for this Academic year was to ensure that all developments and ventures started from the start of 2013 through to 2016 were running successfully and further supported to ensure that longevity in these areas would take place. The department also wanted to ensure there was sustainability in all curriculum areas, for the foreseeable future, given that such grants were not available in the future and schools/departments are seeing their financial budgets further cut.

An additional proposal and development of 2015-2016 was to target our more vulnerable groups and low attaining pupils in PE, where 10% of the budget was utilized to aid this venture.

This year the department trialled a new club called the Sports Social Club. For our less motivated and vulnerable pupils within the school, we looked to create opportunity to inspire them about sport, reinforce basic skills, improve social skills and ensure that each child was enjoying physical activity. The ultimate aim was to increase participation rates in lessons and in additional clubs in the future. We identified 50 pupils; most of them lacked self-esteem or confidence and struggled to participate fully in lessons on a regular basis resulting in their attainment being low. The uptake was very successful with 70% of the 50 invited attending.

Further to the programme pupils were rewarded for completing all 6 week sessions by being invited to a local swimming centre to further motivate them to want to be successful in sport/physical activity. Of the 35 pupils enrolled on the program 24 successfully completed the course. Furthermore, 20 of the 24 pupils are now more regularly participating in their PE lessons as a result. These particular pupils will be tracked and monitored as we move further into the new academic year.

As mentioned above, we have purchased a broad array of gymnastics equipment to ensure that pupils had full access to the gymnastics floor and flight curriculum. This year we wanted improve our programme of study by developing our resources, schemes of work and the integration of badges 1-6to fully embed and consolidate our curriculum. We now have a clear and concise bank of resources which are used to develop pupils’ floor and flight routines. The curriculum is based around pupils 'going for specific goals' that are suited to their current working ability through mapped out stages/badges. The programme has now been fully embedded and extremely successful, with pupils stating that they enjoy gymnastics because of the clear targets they are given at the start and the rewards/badges they receive upon completion. The modified gymnastics programme of study utilised 5% of the total this year.

Cricket has also been a major focus, leading to the department spending (75% 2014/15) of the Sports Premium Budget on constructing 3 cricket lanes. Our objective is to increase access to cricket both inside and outside of school by improving our facilities. We have seen an increase in 30% pupil uptake in the school’s cricket club and have now also made effective links with Sandy Cricket Club as they are able to use our facilities for training both adults and children.

During our Healthy Schools Days, pupils were given specialised cricket coaching by Sandy Cricket Club. The Chairmen and some of their cricket coaches also presented inspirational assemblies to motivate our pupils and to encourage them to attend. Now 5 of our pupils are linked to the local cricket club and are attending on a permanent basis (5%).

A further (20%) of the Sports Premium budget was spent on various equipment in order to strengthen the PE Department in other curriculum areas. The remaining funding has been carried over to the following year.

PE and Sports Premium at Sandye Place Academy 2016 -2017


One of the main objectives for the allocation of the Sports Premium Budget for this Academic year was to ensure that all developments and ventures started from the start of 2013 through to 2016 were running successfully and further supported to ensure that longevity in these areas would take place. The department also wanted to ensure there was sustainability in all curriculum areas, for the foreseeable future, given that such grants were not available in the future and schools/departments are seeing their financial budgets further cut.

This year pupils are participating in more physical Activity than in the last 10 years at the Academy. This is because, not only does each key stage 2 child get 12 weeks of Dance as part of their curriculum but they also receive Physical Education lessons twice per week and are given opportunities to participate in extra enrichment physical activities for up to 2 sessions per week in as part our new Enrichment Programme of Study. However increased participation rates and practical lessons on the curriculum timetable have resulted in reduced space for key stage 2 pupils to get changed to and from these sessions.