PDF Annotations, Highlights and Markups

Two main gestures that you should use to work with annotations -quick single tap, andtap & hold. Depending on where you tap (on a text, on an existing annotation, or on a free space on a page), different popup menus will be presented to you.

In addition to the popup menus, you can use theSide Menuthat appears when you tap the center of the reading space. Tap the "push pin" button at the top of the Side Menu to force the Side Menu to be always on-screen for a heavy annotating job, then close it by tapping the X when you're done.

Toeditordeletean existing annotation,tapit briefly, ortap and holdit for a while. Two special cases to note: text note popups and highlights/markups. When you tap a text note, a default action (opening a note) is invoked right away. To access more options (deletion, color adjustment, etc.), tap and hold it for a while. On the contrary, when you tap and hold a highlight/markup, you activate a default action - text selection, which is more natural for an underlying text. To access special options for a highlight (deletion, color adjustment, etc.), you have to tap it briefly.

Just memorize the following very simple rule: one of two gestures (quick taportap & hold) should always work. If one of them doesn't, try another.

Besides self-explanatory text buttons, there are graphical buttons on the annotations menu:

Side Menu Commands

/ Popup note / / Highlight / / Line
/ Typewriter / / Underline / / Arrow
/ Add bookmark / / Squiggly underline / / Rectangle
/ Lookup (Dictionary,
Google, Wikipedia) / / Strikeout / / Oval
/ Text insertion mark / / Freehand drawing
/ Text replacement mark / / Eraser (for freehand drawings)

Note: Use the LINE tool for PDF images of textbook

Flattening annotations

"Flattening" is the process of embedding PDF annotations into the main PDF page body, making them a part of a normal graphical page content. You may want to do this for the following reasons:

·  simple PDF viewers (like the one used in standard iPhone/iPad's Mail and Safari apps) aren't always capable of showing PDF annotations. PDF annotations is an advanced feature, and those simple viewers show only the basic PDF page content. Flattening annotations solves this problem, making annotations visible in all PDF-capable apps, including very simple ones.

·  sometimes you may want to prevent your annotations from being edited by someone else. Flattening makes annotations non-editable, because they're not annotations anymore. They become simple drawings, the same as all other basic drawings on a PDF page.

Flattening option will be offered to you every time you're trying to email a single PDF file or send it to another app via the "Open In..." button. It is also available as a separateFlatten Copycommand when viewing a PDF file.

GoodReader takes a smart approach to file flattening. It gives your recipient a chance to"unflatten"a file upon receiving (this can only be done in GoodReader app, other apps can't unflatten what was flattened by GoodReader). But this option must be explicitly enabled in GoodReader's settings (on a device that was used for flattening). The default setting isnotto allow unflattening, to prevent your annotations from being edited by someone else. Please also note that if a recipient somehow edits a flattened file before unflattening it (by adding new annotations, for instance), the ability to unflatten previous annotations is lost.

Annotating in GoodReader

1. Open PDF image of textbook in GoodReader

2. Tap in the center of the image for the menu strip

3. Select annotation tool and color:

·  Circle

·  Rectangle

·  Underline

·  Arrow

4. Tap on location in the PDF for the annotation

5. Drag and reshape as needed

6. Tap it again and click OPEN to create the Annotation Note

Text Feature / Tool / Note (Annotation)
Characterization / Circle –
Blue / Add Note – 1-2 sentences about character description, feelings, thoughts, motivation, etc.
Setting / Rectangle – Green / Add Note – 1-2 sentences revealing how the setting impacts the character or event.
Literary Device / Underline - Yellow / Add Note - 1-2 sentences to identify and interpret devices, such as
Simile, Metaphor, Imagery, Personification, Symbolism
Theme / Arrow –
Red / Add Note – 1-2 connections, reactions, and/or interpretations of theme
Questions / Bookmark / Bookmark places in the text that helped you answer the chapter questions