TMEM106btm1a x TMEM106btm1aGenotyping Protocol
Protocol requires two separate PCR reactions and can distinguish between TMEM106btm1a homozygous, heterozygous, and wild-type animals. Reaction #2 can identify TMEM106btm1a homozygous animals, but cannot distinguish between the TMEM106btm1a heterozygous and wild-type animals.
PCR Reaction #1:
Reagent / Volume/rxn (ul)ddH2O / 37.7
10X PCR Buffer (Takara) / 5.0
2.5mM dNTPS (Takara) / 3.5
50 M TeTX For (ie, lacZ) / 0.2
50 M TeTX Rev (ie, lacZ) / 0.2
50 M oIMR7338 For Control / 0.1
50 M oIMR7339 Rev Control / 0.1
Taq Polymerase (Takara) / 0.25
Tail DNA / 3
PCR Program, Eppendorf Pro (Called TeTX under genotyping header)
- 94C for 2 minutes
- A. 94C for 20 seconds
B. 60C for 20 seconds
C. 72C for 1 minute
D. 40 Cycles A-C
3. 72C for 2 minutes
4. Hold at 4C
Primer Sequences:
TeTX (recognizes lacZ) For: TAT TGG CTT CAT CCA CCA CA
TeTX (recognizes lacZ) Rev: CGG ATT GAA AAT GGT CTG CT
oIMR7338 For Control (recognizes interleukin-2): CTA GGC CAC AGA ATT GAA AGA TCT
oIMR7339 Rev Control (recognizes interleukin-2): GTA GGT GGA AAT TCT AGC ATC ATC C
Expected Products: Transgenic LacZ
Transgenic animals should exhibit a 238 bp band.
Expected Products: Internal Control
All animals, transgenic and wild-type, should exhibit the 324 bp band, indicating successful amplification of the tail DNA.
Gel Percentage: 2% Agarose Gel (run at 200 V for 20 mins in 1x SB buffer)
Jackson Laboratory PCR for LacZ
NCBI Genebank file of mouse IL-2
The Jackson Laboratory Standard PCR Protocol for Mapttm1(EGFP)Kit/J
PCR Reaction #2:
Reagent / Volume/rxn (ul)ddH2O / 33.6
10X PCR Buffer / 5.0
25mM MgCl2 / 1.5
5mM dNTPs / 1.5
50M Primer 36 / 0.5
50M Primer 38 / 0.5
50M MAPT #1 / 0.2
50M MAPT #2 / 0.2
Taq Polymerase / 1
Tail DNA / 3
PCR Program (called Flpe PCR in SimpliAmp)
- 94C for 5 minutes
- A. 94C for 30 seconds
B. 56 C for 1 minute
C. 72C for 1 minute
D. Repeat 2A-C for 35 cycles
3. 72C for 5 min
4. Hold at 4C
Primer Sequences
Gel Percentage: 2% Agarose Gel (run at 200 V for 20 min in 1x SB buffer)
Expected Products: Animals containing the wildtype allele should exhibit a band at 601 bp, while animals with the tm1a allele should not exhibit a band.
Expected Products: Internal Control
All animals, transgenic and wild-type, should exhibit the 187 bp band, indicating successful amplification of the tail DNA.
The Jackson Laboratory Standard PCR Protocol for Mapttm1(EGFP)Kit/J
Overall Expected Results:
Genotype / Rxn #1 / Rxn #2TMEM106bWT/WT / - / +
TMEM106bWT/tm1a / + / +
TMEM106btm1a/tm1a / + / -
Animals positive (+) for rxn #1 exhibits a band at 238 bp. Animals positive (+) for rxn #2 exhibits a band at 601.