PCO 595.99 Substance Abuse Counseling Syllabus

Spring 2013 ▪ 1 Credit Hour ▪ Section 99 ▪ Online

Instructor:Mark S. Parrish, Ph.D., LPC
Phone #: 770.402.0894 (cell)
Location: N/A
Semester Schedule:4/1/2013 through 5/3/2013 (3 hours per week for 5 weeks)


This course provides an introduction and overview of substance abuse/dependence counseling that includes alcohol, prescription and nonprescription drugs for adolescents and adults. Various theoretical models will be introduced along with the stages and process of change toward recovery. Assessment, interventions, treatment modalities, motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis, effect of trauma on addiction, treatment planning, relapse prevention are included. Additionally, the impact of addiction on families and how addiction manifests itself on adult children will be addressed. Ethical issues in the treatment of substance abuse/dependence and licensure requirements are discussed.


The material in this course is designed to meet the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) curriculum standards for masters and post-masters. The specific masters (CODE) states that students are required to “have curricular experiences designed to develop an area of professional expertise.” The material also meets requirements for Ohio Administrative Code 4757 –area 13 01 (A) (1) (3) (IV) and 4757-13-01 (A) (I) (e) (v) which states that persons seeking training for an LPCC must have graduate coursework in methods, prevention, intervention, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have knowledge and awareness of:

  1. The classifications of substances, their trade and street names; physical and psychological responses, possible effects to usage, overdose and withdrawal: CMHC A.6; CMHC C.4
  2. Theeffects of trauma on potential for addiction: CACREP II.G.3.c
  3. Various theoretical models regarding addiction and the process of change in the treatment and recovery of addiction: CACREP II.G.3.d,g; CMHC D.8
  4. Theprocess of recovery and relapse prevention: CACREP II.G.3.d
  5. Assessment tools to obtain diagnosis and dual diagnosis in substance abuse counseling: CACREP II.G.7.f; CMHC A.6; CMHC G.4; CMHC K.3
  6. Theimpact of addiction on families and suggested approaches to coping with addiction within the family system: CACREP II.G.5.e; CMHC C.4,8
  7. Motivational interviewing and the process of change: CACREP II.G.5.a
  8. Ethical and legal issues that apply to substance abuse counseling: CACREP II.G.1.g,j; CMHC A.6


  • Attendance at all class activities is required. This course will follow the Seminary grading scale.
  • Evaluation of attendance and participation will be based upon the student’s timely response to online activities,participation, evidence of “login” and contribution to the class discussion and online activities.
  • Active participation in the online activities is expected. Students are expected to contribute to the learning process in a thoughtful and meaningful way through expression of thoughts and feelings as well as through responding to other class members and the instructor.


Required Text:

Stevens, P. & Smith, R.L. (2009).Substance abuse counseling: Theory and practice (4thed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Students must also have access to the internet to access various websites including the National Institute on Drug abuse at & the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration website:

Supplemental Readings:

Buelow, G. D. & Buelow, S. A. (1998).Psychotherapy in chemical dependence treatment: A practical and integrative approach. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Doweiko H. E. (2002). Concepts of chemical dependency (5thed). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Fisher, G. L. & Harrison, T.C. (2000). Substance abuse: Information for school counselors, social workers, therapists, and counselors. (2nded). Needham Hts, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Lewis, J. A., Dana, R.Q. & Blevins, G. A. (2002).Substance abuse counseling (3rded). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Miller, G. A. (1999). Learning the language of addiction counseling.Needham Hts, MA: Allynand Bacon.

Methods and Procedures:

This class will utilize online lectures, video, individual assignments, objective testing and online discussion postings.


The professor reserves the right to change or amend any part of the course plan as deemed necessary to offer the best possible educational experience for students. It is the responsibility of each student to decide whether or not he or she can handle the amount of reading and other assignments required for this course.

Policy on Academic Integrity:

Please refer to the Seminary Handbook for complete details of the Seminary policy on academic integrity.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • All assignments must be compatible with Word 2007 format; points will be deducted for failure to submit in this format!
  • No late work will be accepted past the specified due date without prior agreementwith the professor. This will only occur, due to extreme circumstances, such as prolonged illness or family emergency.
  • The papers should be of graduate level quality, typed, double spaced, using a standard 12-point font and APA style. The length of the papers should comply with the assignment descriptions. The papers will be evaluated based on fulfillment of the assignment, clarity of presentation, thoughtfulness of the analysis, and correct format and grammar. The papers should follow assignment guidelines.
  • Exams will be multiple choice and/or short answer. Students are expected to demonstrate mastery of the presented material.

Description of Assignments

  • Chapter Exams (4 @ 25 points each = 100 points): Each chapter exam will include material covered in the assigned text readings and the online presentations for each chapter as described in the “Assignments & Due Dates, Class Schedule”.(Course objectives 1-8)
  • Final Concept Paper (100 points): Based on material covered this semester, students will select one concept of interest and write a discussion/reflection paper which addresses the topic’s relevance in providing counseling services to clients who suffer from the disease of addiction. The paper should include components (related to the topic)as outlined in the text chapters, lecture presentations, “discussion board” postings, and outside research of current events and scholarly journals.(Course objectives 1-8)
  • The paper must clearly demonstrate evidence of: (1) research, (2) rationale and (3) reflection as these three components relate to the “concept” selected for the focus of the paper.
  • The paper must be:
  • no more than 3 pages double-spaced (excluding title page, abstract, reference page, etc.);
  • consistent with the format outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Ed.) including title page, abstract, running head, double-spaced, citations, reference page, etc.;
  • submitted in Moodle as a MS Word (.doc or .docx…NOT a .pdf) attachment; and
  • submittedno later than the date and time noted in the “Class Schedule” (page 4). Late assignments will be assessed a 10% reduction in the earned grade for each day late.
  • Attendance (evidenced by “login” records) (10 @ 10 points each): Login records will determine active online participation (attendance) by the student. Number of “logins” and “adequate” time spent online will determine the assessment of points for “attendance”.
  • Weekly Discussion Postings (5 @ 20 points each = 100 points): Topics to be determined by instructor. Late assignments will be assessed a 10% reduction in the earned grade for each day late.(Course objectives 1-8)

Grade Values for PCO 595.99:

  • Chapter Exams (4 @ 25 points each)100 points
  • Final Concept Paper100 points
  • Attendance (evidenced by “login” records) (10 @ 10 points each)100 points
  • Introduction & Weekly Discussion Postings (5 @ 20 points each)100 points

Total points:400 points


Class Schedule – PCO 595

Module# / Topic / Reading Required (Stevens & Stevens) / Online Presentation / Assignments (#) Due
Submit All Assignments in Moodle
Period: 4/1/13 – 4/7/13
1.1.a /
  • Introduction; review of syllabus and course requirements
/ View Module 1.1.a FIRST …
Course Introduction Presentation – /
  • Mod 1.1.a. Introduce Yourself! Discussion Posting from “Course Introduction” Presentation(Due 4/5/12)

1.1 /
  • Introduction to Substance Abuse Role of the counselor(Objective 2)
/ Text: Ch. 1
Module Presentation
1.2 /
  • Drugs and their effects(Objectives 1, 2)
/ Text: Ch. 2
Module Presentation
1.3 /
  • Models of Addiction(Objectives 3, 6)
/ Text: Ch.3
Module Presentation /
  • Weekly Discussion Posting #1 (Due 4/7/12)(Objectives 1, 2, 3, 6)

Period: 4/8/13 – 4/14/13
2.1 /
  • Assessment and Diagnosis(Objectives 2, 5)
/ Text: Ch.4
Module Presentation /
  • Chapter Quiz 1: Chapters 1, 2 & 3 (Due 4/9/12)(Objectives 1, 2, 3, 6)

2.2 /
  • Treatment and Treatment Planning(Objectives 3, 4, 6, 7)
/ Text: Ch. 5
Module Presentation
2.3 /
  • Individual and Group Treatment (Objectives 3, 4, 6, 7)
/ Text: Ch.’s 6 & 7
Module Presentation /
  • Weekly Discussion Posting #2 (Due 4/14/12)(Objectives 2-7)

4/15/13 – 4/21/13
3.1 /
  • Family Treatment(Objectives 3, 4, 6, 7)
/ Text: Ch. 8
Module Presentation /
  • Chapter Quiz 2: Chapters 4, 5, 6 & 7 (Due 4/16/12)(Objectives 2-7)

3.2 /
  • Relapse Prevention
  • 12 Step and Self Help Groups(Objectives 3, 4)
/ Text: Ch. 9
Module Presentation
3.3 /
  • Weekly Discussion Posting #3 (Due 4/21/12)(Objectives 3, 4, 6, 7)

Period: 4/22/13 – 4/28/13
4.1 /
  • Working with Diverse Cultures (Objectives 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8)
/ Text: Stevens & Smith
Module Presentation /
  • Chapter Quiz 3: Chapters 8, & 9 (Due 4/23/12)(Objectives 3, 4, 6, 7)

4.2 /
  • Ethical/Legal Issues (Objectives 8)
/ Text: Ch.13
Module Presentation /
  • Weekly Discussion Posting #4 (Due 4/28/12)(Objectives 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8)

Period: 4/29/13 – 5/3/13
5.1 /
  • Work on Final Concept Paper(Objectives 1-8)
  • Chapter Quiz 4: Chapters 11& 13 (Due 4/30/12)(Objectives 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8)

5.2 /
  • Weekly Discussion Posting #5 (Due 5/3/12)(Objectives 1-8)

5.3 /
  • Final Concept Paper (Due 5/3/12)(Objectives 1-8)