PBS Evolution: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea

1. Why was Darwin’s idea so dangerous? What belief was he working against?


2. Darwin believed in something called the “tree of life”. Explain what this meant. What was the trunk? Where would humans be on this tree?


3. Why were the finches that Darwin collected so important in his discovery? Where did he believe they all came from? How did he plan on applying this to all life on earth?



4. What modifications did the mantis discovered in the rainforest have? How would this be considered an advantage for this mantis, as compared to a normal praying mantis?


5. What conditions could cause hummingbirds to change their beak size? At what point are the hummingbirds considered to be different species? How does the DNA between the different types of hummingbirds compare?


6. What is the purpose of humans breeding for different types of dogs? Why wouldn’t many of the smaller breeds that exist now have been created by nature? What in nature would determine the traits different types of dogs have?


7. Frogs and insects lay hundreds of eggs and have hundreds of offspring. If that is the case, why are we not overrun with frogs and insects? How does nature select which offspring will survive?


8. How does evolution relate to the AIDS virus? Why is it, if there are so many drugs against the AIDS virus available, that most of them become ineffective? How does the virus come back every time? What happens when a patient stops taking AIDS drugs for a period of time?


9. There was a great debate when Darwin published his book covering his theory, called “The Origin of Species.” The most famous exchange occurred between Darwin’s student, Huxley, and the Archbishop. Why was there such a debate?
