Friday, March 7, 2014 - 12:30
Near start of afternoon staff development time, Michael Gross and Katie Welle (seniors from our Student PBIS Advisory Team) would like to help us roll out the token reward system to our staff.
Points to highlight include:
Students: “We’ve been working on some sort of a reward system for over a year. We wanted this to be authentic, high school appropriate, and easy! So here’s the plan.”
Who? Every adult in the building
What? Hands out tokens to reward positive behavior (minimum of 5 each day)
When? Whenever you see a student behaving appropriately - for some students we have to look quick to catch them exhibiting positive behavior - mentioning which part of FACT they have just done well
Where? In your classrooms, hallways, lunch room, etc
Why? Reinforcing positive behavior has the power to adjust the culture of the school. Research demonstrates that a decrease in behavior referrals leads to more time in the classroom and improved academic performance.
How? Tri 3 Week 1 Plan
● 1st hour
○ 10 minute intervals, students come down to PAC by grade
○ “It’s not an ideal way to start the trimester, but it’s the way it’s got to be.” Katie Welle
○ We re-teach FACT in the PAC and you reinforce it all day long.
● Week 1: The Plan
○ Students receive an orange token for exhibiting positive behavior.
○ Students bring token to the media center and put it in their grade’s container.
○ Grade with most tokens is announced at 12:35 on Friday. “Congratulations, [insert class]. You are the FIRST class to win our token challenge. We’ll see you down in the Commons at 1:30 today for a delicious thank-you-for-exhibiting-positive-behavior treat!”
○ Winning grade goes to Commons at 1:30 that same day to receive their ice cream treat!
● Week 2: Same idea, 4 groups, divided by last name
● Week 3: Same idea, 4 groups, divided by birthday
Monday, March 10, 2014 - 1st hour
8:15: Freshmen excused to PAC
8:25: Sophomores excused to PAC. Freshmen return to class.
8:35: Juniors excused to PAC. Sophomores return to class.
8:45: Seniors excused to PAC. Juniors return to class.
8:55: Seniors return to class.
FACT has just been reviewed for every student and staff just needs to reinforce it throughout the day/week/month/year!
SCRIPT PLAN for Katie & Michael
Scenario - with signs (Potvin)
1. Student sits at desk with pile of books and suddenly shoves them on floor.
2. Another student stops by and helps pick up books.
3. Student receives a token for showing “consideration” or “taking care of our school”
Other notes for Katie and Michael (per our conversation on Tuesday afternoon)...
WHY do this?
Better environment; a more positive environment
Do the right thing
People matter
High school can wear people down
So let’s change the culture
Let’s get prepared for moving on
Let’s learn how to deal with negative people in a positive way
When you get a token make sure it ends up in the right container in the media center.
The only way this is of value to you is if it ends up in the “jug”
Prizes will be awarded to the group that wins each week during the month of March
March 14 - grade
March 21 - last names
March 28 - birthdays